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Why is Facebook Messenger showing a notification but no message?

Why is Facebook Messenger showing a notification but no message?

It can be frustrating when Facebook Messenger shows you have a new message notification, but when you open the app there is no new message to be found. This seems to happen frequently for many users. There are a few possible reasons why you may see the notification but not the actual message in the Messenger app.

Possible Reasons for Notification with No Message

Here are some of the common causes of getting a message notification with no message in Messenger:

  • The message was deleted before you saw it – If the sender deleted the message before you opened the Messenger app to view it, it will not be there.
  • It was an accidental notification – Sometimes notifications can appear accidentally due to a glitch. These are false notifications that are not associated with any actual messages.
  • You dismissed the notification – If you swiped away the notification before opening the Messenger app, the message may no longer show as unread.
  • Message filters are enabled – Enabled filters may be deleting certain messages automatically before you view them.
  • Connection issues – Poor internet connection can sometimes lead to delayed message delivery and notification errors.
  • Bug or app error – Bugs in the Messenger app may also cause issues with notifications working properly.

Let’s explore each of these common reasons in more detail.

The Message Was Deleted

One of the most likely reasons you see a notification but no message is because the sender deleted it before you viewed it. With Facebook Messenger, when one person deletes a message from the conversation, it disappears from both sides of the chat. So if you got the notification on your phone but took some time to open Messenger and read it, the other person may have deleted it in the meantime making it vanish.

You can usually tell if this is the case if you see the notification, but when you open Messenger, it takes you to the conversation but skips you ahead with no sign of the missing message. So it seems to have just disappeared after the notification.

Ways to Avoid Missing Deleted Messages

  • Open notifications quickly – Open the Messenger notification as soon as you receive it to view messages before they might get deleted.
  • Use chat heads – Enable chat heads to quickly view new messages without opening the full app.
  • Enable Disappearing Message Warnings – Turn on notifications to alert you when someone deletes a disappearing message you haven’t read.

It Was an Accidental Notification

In some cases, the Messenger notification showing no message after opening the app is simply an error – you got a false notification by mistake. This can happen due to bugs or glitches in the app.

These phantom notifications that are not attached to any real messages seem to happen most often when you are actively using Messenger. You might see it pop up that you have a new message, but nothing new is there when you check.

Accidental notifications usually only happen occasionally as temporary glitches. If you are seeing them constantly, it likely points to a larger technical issue.

Troubleshooting Tips for Accidental Notifications

  • Force quit and reopen the Messenger app
  • Update to the latest version of the Messenger app
  • Restart your phone
  • Check for new app updates in the App Store

You Dismissed the Notification

Another possibility is that you cleared the notification before opening the message itself. If you swipe away a Messenger notification on your phone before viewing the message, it will no longer show as an unread message within the app.

So if you got the notification, dismissed it, and then later opened the Messenger app, that particular message would not be highlighted or appear unread. It would look like just another previously read message.

To avoid this issue in the future, try to open the notification itself or open the app immediately rather than dismissing notifications. Or you can change the notification settings to always show previews of new messages.

Ways to Prevent Dismissed Notifications from Disappearing

  • Open notifications instead of dismissing them
  • Enable message previews in notifications
  • Change notification settings

Message Filters Are Enabled

If you have certain message filters enabled in Messenger, it could also result in notifications for messages that later disappear. Message filters automatically delete messages matching certain criteria.

For example, if you have filters enabled to delete messages from people not in your contacts, or to block messages with certain words, those messages would still trigger a notification briefly before being deleted. So you end up seeing the notification but not the filtered out message.

Try disabling any active filters and see if that prevents the issue of missing messages after notifications.

Managing Message Filters

  • Check for enabled filters under Settings > Message Filters.
  • Turn off any filters to disable automated message deletion.
  • You can also select to just filter messages instead of deleting them.

Connection Issues

Problems with your internet connection can also sometimes lead to delayed message delivery. If your connection drops out or you lose signal temporarily, the notification may arrive on your device, but the message content fails to download until the connection is restored.

So when you see the notification and open Messenger, the latest message might not load and display due to the poor connection. Once your signal or WiFi is working properly again, you should then see the full message.

Fixes for Connection Issues:

  • Check your internet connection
  • Restart your device
  • Disable WiFi and use mobile data instead
  • Move to an area with better signal

Bugs or App Errors

Finally, the issue could also be caused by bugs or technical issues with the Messenger app itself. The app not running smoothly can result in notification problems and messages failing to display properly.

App crashes, performance issues, or notification errors can all prevent the message from appearing correctly after the notification.

If it seems to be an ongoing app error, try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Force close and restart the Messenger app
  • Update Messenger to the latest version
  • Update your device operating system
  • Disable and re-enable Messenger app notifications
  • Clear the app cache and data
  • Uninstall and reinstall the Messenger app
  • Restart your device

How to Tell if You Missed a Message

If you think a notification might have been for a now-missing message, there are a couple ways to possibly confirm it:

  • See if the conversation jumps – Open the Messenger conversation where you got the notification. If you see the conversation skip from one message down to a later one, it likely means a message existed that has since deleted or failed to load.
  • Check the notification log – Your phone keeps a log of all notifications, so you can go back and look for a Messenger notification that no longer has a corresponding message.

This can help confirm that you did originally get an alert for a message that you never saw in the app due to it disappearing.

How to Stop Missing Messages After Notifications

To ensure you never miss a Facebook Messenger message that you received a notification for, here are some tips:

  • Open notifications instantly when received.
  • Disable Messenger notifications you don’t need.
  • Check for any message filters deleting messages without your knowledge.
  • Update to the latest Messenger app version.
  • Restart your device and check your internet connection.
  • Change notification settings to always show message previews.

Following troubleshooting steps for any connection, app, or device issues can also help prevent more phantom notifications. While occasional notification glitches are common, consistent issues likely point to a technical problem that needs to be addressed.

When to Contact Facebook Support

If you continue experiencing Messenger notifications with missing messages, it may be time to contact Facebook support for additional help troubleshooting. Reaching out to Facebook support is recommended if:

  • Issue keeps happening consistently/daily.
  • Happens across multiple devices.
  • Persists after app & device troubleshooting.
  • Disappearing messages contain important information.
  • Causes you to miss out on messages.

Facebook’s Messenger support can look into your specific app behavior, diagnose potential causes, and help resolve the notifications issue. Make sure to provide details like when the problem started, what troubleshooting you’ve tried, frequency it happens, and steps to reproduce the notification error.

Preventing Message Notification Problems

To avoid frustrations with Messenger notifications in general, here are some tips:

  • Customize notifications for unimportant conversations.
  • Disable non-essential notification sounds/vibrations.
  • Frequently check and update your Messenger app version.
  • Don’t dismiss notifications before reading.
  • Check notification log for any you might have missed.
  • Monitor your connection status and turn off WiFi if unstable.

Staying on top of Messenger notifications and troubleshooting promptly can help minimize issues with missing messages. While occasional glitches happen, consistent notification errors likely indicate an underlying issue to address.

Understanding Facebook Messenger Notifications

To fully grasp what may cause a notification to appear without an attached message, it helps to understand generally how Facebook Messenger notifications work:

  • Generated on your device by the Messenger app.
  • Triggered when the app receives new message data from Facebook’s servers.
  • Displayed even if the message content fails to download properly.
  • Can be customized under the app’s Notification Settings.
  • Messages can later be deleted, disappear, or fail to load after initial notification.

So the notification itself is just the initial alert triggered by the app, separate from downloading the full message content. This is why you can get the notification but have the message disappear if something interrupts the content delivery or it’s deleted later.

Types of Facebook Messenger Notifications

Messenger has a few different notification types that can appear:

Notification Type Description
New Message Alerts you to a new incoming message in a chat thread.
Missed Call Notifies you of any missed Messenger video/voice calls.
Message Requests Alerts when non-contacts send you new messages.
Message Delivered Confirms when your outgoing message is delivered.
Message Opened Lets you know when recipient has opened/read the message.

Issues can occur with any of these notification types resulting in no corresponding message being visible upon opening the Messenger app.

Messenger Notification Settings

Under Notification Settings, you can customize Messenger notifications by:

  • Enabling/disabling notification sounds
  • Choosing popup or banner notifications
  • Disabling notifications when phone locked
  • Showing notification previews
  • Changing LED light alerts
  • Selecting vibrate settings

Adjusting these options can help reduce unnecessary notifications and tailor them to your preferences. Disabling low priority alerts can make it easier to recognize and open important notifications.


Getting a Facebook Messenger notification but not seeing the message itself upon opening the app is a common frustration. But in most cases, it is caused by one of several technical issues that can be resolved with troubleshooting and app updates. Knowing the possible reasons – like message deletion, glitches, connection problems or filters – can help identify solutions. Paying close attention to notifications, customizing your settings, and contacting Facebook support if problems persist can help minimize missing messages moving forward.