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Why is Facebook Marketplace not working?

Why is Facebook Marketplace not working?

Facebook Marketplace is a feature within Facebook that allows users to buy and sell items locally. It has become widely popular since launching in 2016, with over 1 billion users accessing Marketplace each month. However, despite its popularity, Facebook Marketplace doesn’t always work perfectly. There are several common reasons why you may be experiencing issues with Facebook Marketplace.

You’re having trouble loading Facebook Marketplace

If Facebook Marketplace isn’t loading at all, there are a few things that could be causing the issues:

  • Internet connectivity problems – Make sure you have a stable internet connection. Marketplace requires internet access to load properly. Try disconnecting and reconnecting to WiFi or toggling Airplane mode on and off.
  • The Facebook app needs updating – Open your device’s App Store and check for any available updates to the Facebook app. Installing the latest version can help resolve bugs.
  • Facebook is down – Sometimes Facebook experiences outages that affect services like Marketplace. Check or Downdetector to see if there are known Facebook issues.
  • Too many failed login attempts – If you’ve entered an incorrect password too many times when trying to access Marketplace, Facebook will temporarily block access. Wait a few hours and try again or reset your password.
  • Your account or device settings – Ensure your Facebook account is in good standing and hasn’t been restricted. Also check that Facebook isn’t blocked on your device and that location services are enabled.

If you’re still unable to load Facebook Marketplace after checking connectivity, app version, Facebook status and your account settings, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Force close and restart the Facebook app
  • Restart your phone or device
  • Clear the Facebook app’s cache and data
  • Uninstall and reinstall the Facebook app

These actions will clear out any corrupted files or stuck processes that could be preventing Marketplace from loading properly. Be sure to also check for app updates again after reinstalling.

Your Facebook Marketplace feed is blank

Seeing a completely blank Marketplace feed with no posts is another common technical issue. Here are some potential reasons you’re seeing a blank feed and how to fix it:

  • Location not enabled – Marketplace requires your location to populate a relevant feed. Enable location services for the Facebook app in your device settings.
  • Filters enabled – You may have turned on filters for distance, category or price without realizing it. Tap “Filters” and make sure no filters are selected.
  • Search bug – Sometimes searching Marketplace can cause the feed to appear blank afterward. Return to the Marketplace tab and scroll down to reload posts.
  • App or account issues – As with loading issues, bugs in the app or restrictions on your account could create a blank feed. Try the same troubleshooting steps listed above.

Additionally, keep in mind that Facebook Marketplace prioritizes nearby posts over distant posts. If you live in a more isolated area, your feed may be more sparse. Give it some time and check back later to see if more posts appear from your wider region.

You’re unable to create a new listing

If trying to create a new Marketplace listing results in errors or doesn’t successfully post it, look into these potential roadblocks:

  • Ineligible account – Your Facebook account must be over 18 and have no selling restrictions to create listings. Check your account status.
  • Missing details – Listings require a title, description, at least one photo, category and location. Ensure you filled out all required fields.
  • Prohibited content – Marketplace has policies against prohibited items, misleading info, low-quality photos, etc. Avoid anything policy-violating.
  • Technical difficulties – As always, app glitches, connectivity problems or device issues could interfere with posting. Try the general troubleshooting tips above.

Keep trying to create your listing until it sticks. Sometimes there are temporary technical or policy-related blocks that resolve on their own after a little time. You can also reach out to Facebook support if you’re continuously unable to post a new Marketplace listing.

Your listings disappear from Marketplace

It’s puzzling and frustrating when listings seem to mysteriously disappear from Facebook Marketplace. Some potential reasons this can happen include:

  • You deleted the listing – Double check that you or another admin didn’t remove the listing on accident.
  • The listing was flagged – Facebook may remove listings that users report for policy violations or inappropriate content.
  • It expired or sold – Listings automatically expire after 30 days unless you renew them. Sold items are also removed.
  • You’re viewing the wrong category – Make sure you’re looking at the category you originally posted the listing under.
  • Technical issues – Bugs could also result in a listing being incorrectly removed. Try reposting it.

If your listing was removed by Facebook for a policy violation, you should receive an email explaining the decision and next steps. You can appeal policy-based removals through the Facebook appeals process. For any other cases of disappearing listings, simply repost your listing and double check that it stays live on Marketplace.

You’re unable to reply to buyer messages

Messaging is an integral part of Facebook Marketplace for communicating with interested buyers. But sometimes the messaging function doesn’t work as expected. Some troubleshooting tips include:

  • Use the Facebook app – You can only message buyers directly on Marketplace through the Facebook app, not the desktop website.
  • Check your internet connection – You’ll need an internet connection to send and receive Marketplace messages.
  • Update the app – An outdated Facebook app version could disrupt messaging capabilities.
  • Restart the app – Force close and restart the Facebook app if messages aren’t sending.
  • Wait it out – Give it some time if messages are slow to send. Temporary delays can happen.

Make sure to also check your messages from the notification tab in the Facebook app, as that’s where chat notifications will appear. If other troubleshooting doesn’t resolve your inability to reply to buyer messages, you may need to contact Facebook support for additional assistance.

You keep getting error messages on Marketplace

Error messages, error codes and general glitchiness can make Facebook Marketplace a big headache to deal with. Here are some ways to troubleshoot and resolve Marketplace error messages:

  • Note the exact error message/code – This gives you something specific to research and search for solutions.
  • Try basic troubleshooting – Restarting the app, your device, checking for updates and reinstalling the app can clear many error issues.
  • Search online – Look up the error to see if other users have found solutions, workarounds or explanations for that specific message.
  • Try again later – Transient glitches do happen. Give Marketplace some time and try again in a few hours.
  • Report the issue – Use the “Give Feedback” option in Marketplace to report persistent errors to Facebook.

Certain error codes may indicate specific issues – for example, code 190 means you violated Marketplace policies. Understanding the cause can help troubleshoot the appropriate solution. Persistent Marketplace errors that won’t resolve through basic steps should be reported directly to Facebook for further investigation.

You’re unable to complete your Marketplace purchase

If you can’t complete a transaction after connecting with a seller on Facebook Marketplace, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Use the “Checkout” feature – The integrated checkout option makes purchasing seamless.
  • Agree on a payment method – Arrange cash, online payment, pickup vs. delivery, etc. with the seller beforehand.
  • Confirm shipping/logistics – Nail down the shipping details or meetup plans to prevent delays.
  • Communicate delays – Let the seller know if you need more time to complete the purchase to keep the deal on track.
  • Avoid scams – Don’t provide personal info and use protection when meeting sellers to avoid fraud.

If technical problems are preventing you from using Marketplace Checkout to complete the order, make sure to troubleshoot your Facebook app using the steps outlined earlier in the article.

You keep encountering scams and spam on Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace has unfortunately become a bit of a hotbed for scams, spam and fraudulent listings. However, there are ways to identify and avoid shady Marketplace behavior:

  • Vet new sellers – Only buy from established accounts with good ratings and feedback.
  • Beware red flags – Bad grammar, suspiciously low prices and stock photos are common red flags.
  • Insist on local pickup – Don’t ship to or buy from sellers far away.
  • Never pay remotely – Only complete transactions in-person upon inspecting the item.
  • Trust your instincts – If an offer seems fake, it probably is.

Make sure to also report any scams or spam you encounter on Marketplace to Facebook. The more that get reported, the better job Facebook can do removing disingenuous posts and banning bad actors. Stay vigilant and use common sense when interacting with Marketplace sellers.

You keep encountering inappropriate or illegal content

Facebook Marketplace strives to keep content safe, local and community oriented. However, some bad apples still try to promote illegal, dangerous or unethical products and services.

If you keep seeing inappropriate content, here are some ways to help clean up Marketplace:

  • Report violations – Use the “Report Item” option to notify Facebook of any concerning content.
  • Block users – Prevent seeing future posts from an individual by blocking them.
  • Limit visibility – Adjust your location and distance settings to only view local sellers.
  • Avoid risky categories – Be cautious when browsing categories like housing or pets that scammers target.

Do your part to proactively report any prohibited or dangerous Marketplace content. Facebook’s safety team reviews reports and acts quickly to remove content and users that violate policies.

Facebook Marketplace suddenly disappeared

In some rare cases, the entire Marketplace feature may disappear from Facebook for certain users. This can happen for a few different reasons:

  • Age restriction – You must be at least 18 to access Marketplace. If your Facebook account’s age is under 18, Marketplace gets restricted.
  • Country limitation – Marketplace is not available globally. Certain countries restrict access due to local regulations.
  • Selling ban – Users banned from selling can’t access Marketplace.
  • Glitch – App bugs could make Marketplace temporarily disappear from the menu.

Double check that your account meets the age and location eligibility requirements for Marketplace. If you were banned or restricted from the feature, you should receive a notification explaining the details.

For suspected glitches, try reinstalling the Facebook app and restarting your device to restore full app functionality. Report persistent access issues to Facebook support for troubleshooting assistance to get Marketplace back.

You keep getting notifications for items too far away

Facebook Marketplace will send notifications about newly listed items in your area. However, sometimes these notifications highlight listings too far away to be relevant. To fix this:

  • Adjust location radius – Go to Settings > Location and reduce the notification radius.
  • Set precise location – Enable location tracking for accurate proximity notifications.
  • Turn off notifications – Disable Marketplace notifications entirely in App Settings.
  • Report irrelevant notifications – Choose “Irrelevant to me” when receiving notifications to improve targeting.

Keep in mind notifications are based on the location of the listing, not the seller’s location. Listings from distant sellers will still appear if they’re close to you. Prioritizing local deals takes precedence over targeting only local sellers.

You can’t remove your credit card from Marketplace

If you previously provided a credit card to enable Facebook Pay for Marketplace transactions, you may want to remove it later for security. However, the option to delete a stored card can be hard to find. Here’s how to remove a credit card from Facebook Marketplace:

  1. Open the Facebook app menu and tap “Settings”.
  2. Go to “Facebook Pay Settings”.
  3. Tap “Manage Payment Methods”.
  4. Select the credit card you want to remove.
  5. Tap the trash can “Remove” icon to delete it.

This will dissociate that card from the Facebook Pay system and Marketplace. Make sure to also remove your card from any active Marketplace listings accepting checkout. You can add a different payment method later if needed.

Facebook Marketplace customer support is unhelpful

With over 1 billion monthly users, Facebook Marketplace has an enormous user base to provide support for. However, many users complain that Marketplace customer service is severely lacking and unhelpful.

Some tips for getting better support include:

  • Use in-app support – The “Give Feedback” option connects you directly to Marketplace support.
  • Twitter support – Try reaching out publicly via Twitter to get attention.
  • Find phone support – Facebook does provide phone support in some cases.
  • Submit detailed reports – Provide lots of specifics to help Facebook investigate issues.
  • Keep following up – Don’t give up after one bad experience with support.

Unfortunately even following best practices, Facebook Marketplace customer service has room for improvement. Continuing to provide feedback on support issues can hopefully drive Facebook to invest more in Marketplace user assistance.

Other minor Facebook Marketplace annoyances

Beyond major technical problems, there are a few other minor Facebook Marketplace quirks that can be irritating:

  • Getting spammed by sellers – Listings attract lots of seller interest, some of it spammy.
  • Repetitive recommendations – Marketplace tends to recommend the same items over and over.
  • Miscategorized listings – Items often get posted under the wrong categories.
  • Stale listings – Old sold listings aren’t always removed promptly.
  • Copying other apps – Features copying OfferUp, Craigslist, etc. rather than innovating.
  • No desktop access – Marketplace still lacks a desktop website version.

While not deal-breaking issues, these sorts of annoyances demonstrate areas where Facebook could enhance the Marketplace experience. Providing feedback to Facebook on pain points and feature requests is the best way to advocate for positive changes.


Facebook Marketplace provides an immensely valuable service, facilitating millions of transactions. But it isn’t without flaws – both minor inconveniences and major technical problems affect many users.

Issues loading Marketplace, posting listings, communicating with buyers and completing purchases are common headaches. While troubleshooting steps like app reinstalls and Facebook support requests can help, improvements in Marketplace’s stability and usability are still needed.

Persistent problems threaten Marketplace’s popularity, especially as competitors emerge. However, the massive existing user base provides a strong incentive for Facebook to actively maintain, improve and support Marketplace. Users should continue surfacing pain points and product ideas to aid that process.

With vigilance against scams, savvy troubleshooting and thoughtful feedback to Facebook, Marketplace’s annoyances can be lessened. But ultimately, Facebook must take the lead to refine their flagship marketplace product and deliver the safe, seamless commerce experience that users desire.