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Why is Facebook Live so laggy?

Why is Facebook Live so laggy?

Facebook Live is a popular live streaming service offered by Facebook that allows users to broadcast live video to their friends and followers on the platform. However, many users have reported issues with lag and buffering when using Facebook Live, especially on mobile devices. There are a few key reasons why Facebook Live streams can be laggy or low quality.

Internet Connection Issues

One of the most common causes of laggy or buffering Facebook Live streams is poor internet connectivity. Live streaming video requires a consistent high-speed internet connection to function properly. If the internet connection being used to broadcast the live stream is slow or unstable, it can lead to frequent buffering, lag, and degraded video quality for viewers.

Mobile internet connections on cell networks are often prone to bandwidth issues that can disrupt live streams. WiFi connections may also experience interference or congestion during peak usage times that affects stream quality. The upload speed of the broadcaster’s internet connection is especially important, as live video requires high bandwidth upload capability to transmit the stream to Facebook’s servers.

Hardware Limitations

The technical capabilities of the streaming device and other hardware factors can impact Facebook Live performance. Streaming live video is resource intensive, requiring a device with a fast processor, sufficient RAM, and good graphics capability for encoding the video stream efficiently. A device with older or weaker hardware may struggle to handle Facebook Live streaming smoothly.

Using the rear/primary camera on a smartphone generally delivers better quality Facebook Live streams compared to the lower resolution front-facing selfie camera. Some budget smartphones with less powerful cameras and image processing can deliver degraded video quality or have trouble with HD streaming.

Facebook Server Issues

Problems with Facebook’s servers can also manifest as lag or interruptions when broadcasting live video streams. Facebook has to process a huge volume of incoming streams from users across the globe. At times of high usage load, their servers may become overwhelmed, leading to buffering or choppy streams for some broadcasters.

High profile events or viral trends where many users go live concurrently can strain Facebook’s systems. To improve reliability, Facebook has invested in expanding its video streaming infrastructure and optimizing its encoding algorithms. But server capacity remains a bottleneck when usage spikes to record heights.

Excessive Broadcast Settings

The video settings and parameters configured on the streaming device can also impact Facebook Live performance. Selecting excessively high broadcast resolutions and frame rates that exceed the device’s capabilities or network bandwidth can lead to lag, choppiness, or quality degradation.

For mobile devices especially, sticking with 720p or 1080p resolution at 30 fps produces good results. Overloading the encoder with settings like 4K resolution and 60 fps frame rate will lead to a poor, laggy experience in most cases.

App Issues

Problems with the Facebook Live broadcasting software and apps can also cause lag. Bugs or glitches in the Facebook iOS and Android apps that affect the live encoding and uplink processes will result in a degraded streaming experience. Apps crashing unexpectedly during a broadcast has been a problem historically.

Updating to the latest version of the Facebook app can potentially resolve software bugs affecting live streams. Yet new bugs regularly emerge with app updates that cause new problems.

Excessive Viewership Numbers

Videos with extremely high viewership can put excessive load on Facebook’s servers, compounding any existing capacity issues. Streams going viral with millions of simultaneous viewers globally can outstrip the available CDN bandwidth and edge cache capacity of Facebook’s systems.

To manage capacity, Facebook may intentionally downgrade the stream quality or apply other throttling measures like introducing lag. This prevents a few super viral streams from crashing the whole live video infrastructure for all users.

Account Restrictions or Bans

If a user’s Facebook account has been restricted from going live or banned from other features, their attempts to broadcast live video will either fail or deliver a highly degraded, laggy stream. Copyright violations, community standards infractions, and related account restrictions can thus sabotage Facebook Live capabilities.

Excessive Concurrent Streams

Each Facebook account has a limit on how many concurrent live streams it can broadcast simultaneously. While the exact limits are not publicized, running too many overlapping streams from one account will degrade quality and introduce lag due to excessive resource demand.

Large media outlets or celebrities may have higher limits to allow running multiple concurrent streams. But for most users, sticking to just 1-2 simultaneous streams avoids overtaxing Facebook’s servers and your connection.

Altitude Issues for Cellular Streams

Users streaming Facebook Live video from high altitude locations, such as mountains, skyscrapers, or airplanes can experience issues due to cellular network limitations. At high altitudes the phone has to transmit at higher power to reach cell towers, which can interfere with the live uplink.

Airplane mode should be enabled when live streaming inside aircraft cabins due to the altitude and insulation impacting signal propagation to ground networks.

Workarounds and Solutions

Here are some potential fixes and workarounds for improving Facebook Live streaming quality and reducing lag:

Use a Strong, Stable Internet Connection

For the best results, connect your streaming device to a strong WiFi network, Ethernet, or use a robust cellular LTE/5G data connection if available. Test your internet speeds to ensure sufficient bandwidth for HD streaming.

Limit Broadcast Resolution and Frame Rate

Streaming at 720p resolution and 30fps frame rate will provide a smooth experience without overtaxing your device and network connection. Avoid 4K or 60fps unless you have an extremely capable hardware and internet speeds exceeding 50 Mbps upload.

Reduce Concurrent Streams

Only run 1 live stream at a time per account. Concurrent streams divide your device and network capacity, degrading quality.

Restart Your Device and Apps

Close and re-launch the Facebook app before starting your live stream to clear any software glitches or memory issues affecting streaming performance.

Update Facebook App and Device Software

Install the latest Facebook app, OS, and firmware updates which may resolve live streaming bugs and provide performance improvements.

Use a Device with Faster Hardware

Upgrade to a newer, more powerful smartphone or use a high-end multicore processor computer with discrete GPU for best results.

Switch to Rear Camera for Cell Phones

The rear/main smartphone camera captures higher resolution footage versus front selfie cams, enabling better quality Facebook Live streams.

Enable Airplane Mode in Flight

When live streaming from an airplane, enable Airplane mode on your device to avoid interference caused by attempting to connect to cellular networks at high altitude.

Avoid Restricted Accounts

Ensure your Facebook account is in good standing without any restrictions on live streaming capabilities applied due to violations.

Retry During Off-Peak Hours

You may have better luck streaming during early mornings or late nights when overall Facebook Live usage and traffic is lower globally.

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some steps to help diagnose and resolve laggy Facebook Live stream issues:

Check Upload Speed

Run a broadband speed test at or to confirm your available upload bandwidth. You need at least 3-5Mbps sustained upload speed for 720p streaming.

Monitor Stream Stats

View the stream video stats overlay and monitor for high frame drops, encoding lag, or stream health warnings. This can pinpoint hardware limitations.

Test Different Locations

Try live streaming from different locations to see if the issue is isolated to one geographic area or network.

Try Alternate Devices

Attempt streaming from another smartphone or streaming encoder box like OBS Studio to help rule out device-specific problems.

Contact Your ISP

If consistently experiencing laggy streams, contact your internet provider to report issues which may require fix on their end.

Preview Before Going Live

Use the preview feature before fully committing to a live stream to check if lag is present.

Lower Bitrate

Adjust encoder settings to use a lower bitrate/bandwidth setting to reduce strain on your connection.

Disable Other Apps

Force quit out of other apps during your live stream to free up device CPU/GPU resources and bandwidth.


In summary, Facebook Live lag and buffering issues typically stem from bandwidth constraints, hardware limitations, software bugs, account restrictions, or Facebook server capacity bottlenecks. While live streaming technology has its challenges, following the troubleshooting tips and solution guidance provided can help minimize problems when broadcasting live on Facebook.

When used with care and some technical diligence, Facebook Live remains a highly effective platform for creators and organizations to engage their audiences in real time. Developing an understanding for the underlying technology and mitigating common video streaming pitfalls enables you to deliver compelling live content to the hundreds of millions of daily Facebook users.