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Why is Facebook getting rid of the gaming app?

Why is Facebook getting rid of the gaming app?

In October 2022, Facebook announced that it will be shutting down its dedicated Facebook Gaming app on October 28th. This came as a surprise to many in the gaming community who have come to rely on the app for streaming and watching live gameplay. The Facebook Gaming app first launched in 2018 as a hub for gaming content including streams, gaming groups, and gaming-related videos. So why has Facebook decided to get rid of its gaming app just four years after launch? There are a few key reasons behind this move.

Declining Downloads and Usage

One of the main factors is that usage and downloads of the Facebook Gaming app have been declining. Facebook reported that the app has been downloaded fewer than 5 million times on Google Play Store. While 5 million sounds like a lot, it’s a tiny fraction of Facebook’s total user base of 2.8 billion. For comparison, YouTube has over 1 billion downloads on Google Play Store.

So the Facebook Gaming app simply wasn’t getting much traction. Facebook confirmed that most people are watching gaming content directly within the main Facebook app instead of downloading a separate app just for gaming.

Strong Competition

The market for live streaming gaming content is extremely competitive. In addition to YouTube, there are established players like Twitch that dominate the space. Twitch pioneered game streaming and has over 140 million monthly active users. Other big tech players like Microsoft also got into gaming live streams with a dedicated Xbox app. It was difficult for Facebook Gaming to gain a foothold against this stiff competition.

Shift in Priorities

Facebook is shifting its focus and priorities to other areas like metaverse and short-form video. Developing these new technologies requires resources and talent. Shutting down the gaming app allows Facebook to direct more funds and staff to work on projects they view as more important to the company’s future. The gaming app was likely seen as non-core to Facebook’s business.

Impact on Gamers and Streamers

While the Facebook Gaming app did not have a huge user base, its shutdown will impact some gamers and streamers. Here are some of the main impacts:

Loss of Exclusive Streaming Features

The Facebook Gaming app offered some unique features not found on other platforms. This includes an “Go Live” feature that allowed streamers to live stream directly from their phones without any extra equipment or software. For mobile gamers who wanted to live stream gameplay directly from their device, this was a handy built-in option.

There was also an app-exclusive “Play with Streamer” feature that let viewers join the streamer’s game in real-time. These features will no longer be available once the app shuts down.

Loss of Investment in Content

Some gamers and streamers have invested time and money into creating gaming content specifically for Facebook Gaming. The shutdown means they will lose this existing audience and have to rebuild their follower base on other platforms.

Fewer Options for Streamers

While there are still numerous platforms for game streaming, the loss of Facebook Gaming does slightly reduce options and competition in the market. Streamers now have one less potential place to build an audience.

What Will Happen to Facebook Gaming Content?

An important question is what will happen to all the existing gaming content on Facebook Gaming once the app shuts down. Facebook has provided details on how they will transition gaming content over to Facebook proper:

Gaming Videos Transitioning to Facebook Watch

Recorded gameplay videos and live replays that were previously available on the Gaming app will migrate over to Facebook Watch. Watch is Facebook’s built-in hub for viewing videos so gaming content will simply exist alongside other video content there.

Gaming Groups Moving to Facebook

The many gaming-related Groups that formed within the Gaming app will all transition over to Facebook’s main Groups infrastructure. This ensures that communities around specific games or streamers will remain intact.

Gaming Streams Integrated into Facebook Live

Live streaming of games is being incorporated directly into Facebook Live. There will be a specific Gaming section within Facebook Live where streams can be viewed. Features like “Go Live” will still work – they are just being integrated into the main Facebook app rather than a separate app.

So in summary, most gaming content will still exist within the core Facebook experience. It will just no longer be siloed in a standalone app.

What Platforms are Alternatives for Gamers and Streamers?

For gamers and streamers impacted by this Facebook Gaming shutdown, there are plenty of alternative platforms to turn to:


As mentioned earlier, Twitch is the dominant force in game streaming. It has a massive community built around gaming content and most streamers already maintain a presence there alongside Facebook. Twitch provides similar features like mobile streaming and integrations with YouTube.

YouTube Gaming

YouTube has invested heavily in gaming-related features. YouTube Gaming lets you live stream games and also upload recorded videos. YouTube has the advantage of tapping into the site’s massive existing user base.

Microsoft Xbox Cloud Gaming

Xbox Cloud Gaming enables users to stream games directly from the cloud. While focused on game streaming, it does also offer options to stream gameplay.


Caffeine is a newer platform focused solely on social gaming and streams. It has features like real-time chats and channels organized around specific streamers and games.


Trovo Live is another emerging platform catering to gamers and the ability to live stream gameplay. It offers interactive features and partnerships with major game studios.

So while Facebook Gaming is shutting down, gamers and streamers have several quality live streaming platforms to choose from as an alternative.

The Future of Gaming Content on Facebook

While no longer having a dedicated gaming app, Facebook will continue supporting gaming content as part of its broader video strategy:

Cloud Gaming Integration

Facebook recently announced a partnership with Microsoft to integrate Xbox Cloud Gaming into Facebook Gaming. While light on details, this would allow users to jump into cloud-based game streaming directly on Facebook.

Investment in Video Features

Zuckerberg has said Facebook will focus more on short-form, TikTok-style videos. New video products and creative tools could support gaming creators in producing different types of video content.

Horizon and Metaverse Platforms

Facebook’s metaverse concept will likely involve gaming in virtual worlds. Features that enable social interaction and gameplay within these 3D spaces can provide a new avenue for gaming content.

So Facebook will likely continue exploring options to integrate gaming content into its various apps, metaverse platforms, and video capabilities. But the days of a dedicated gaming app are over.

Key Takeaways

Here are some key points on Facebook’s decision to remove the Gaming app:

– Usage and downloads of the Facebook Gaming app were low compared to competitors like Twitch and YouTube. Facebook cited declining interest as a reason to discontinue it.

– Facebook wants to shift resources and focus to other strategic initiatives like metaverse and short-form video products. The gaming app was no longer seen as important.

– Some useful streaming features will be lost, but core gaming content like videos and streams will migrate over to Facebook’s main app.

– Plenty of strong alternatives exist for gamers and streamers like Twitch, YouTube Gaming, and Xbox Cloud Gaming.

– Gaming will still have a place on Facebook through partnerships, metaverse integrations, and new video capabilities. But not via a standalone app.


While it is disappointing for gamers who used the Facebook Gaming app, the writing was on the wall given the app’s lack of growth and Facebook’s changing priorities. The app clearly did not gain enough traction to justify continued investment.

Facebook will funnel more resources into emerging areas like metaverse, short-form video, and cloud gaming integration. These initiatives have more potential in Facebook’s view. Existing gaming content will be preserved by migrating streams, videos, and groups into Facebook’s broader ecosystem.

Gamers and streamers will still have plenty of platforms like Twitch, YouTube, and Xbox to turn to for streaming gaming content. And Facebook will continue supporting gaming in new ways even without a dedicated gaming app. Given the trends, Facebook’s decision makes sense for the company’s future – even if it disappoints some hardcore gaming fans today.