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Why is Facebook donate button not working?

Why is Facebook donate button not working?

The Facebook donate button allows people to easily donate or collect funds for causes directly through Facebook. However, sometimes the donate button may not work properly. There are a few common reasons why the Facebook donate button may not be working.

The donate button is not set up correctly

One of the most common reasons the Facebook donate button is not working is because it was not set up correctly. There are a few key things that need to be done when setting up the donate button:

  • The cause needs to be registered as a nonprofit on Facebook
  • The nonprofit Facebook page needs to be verified
  • The donate button needs to be added and configured through Facebook Pay

If any of these steps are missed or done incorrectly, it can prevent the donate button from working properly. Double checking that the nonprofit page and donate button are set up according to Facebook’s guidelines can help resolve issues.

Technical or payment issues

Sometimes there may be technical issues, problems with the payment provider integration, or errors in the payment processing that could cause the donate button to fail. A few specific issues that could occur include:

  • Integration problems between Facebook Pay and the nonprofit’s payment provider
  • Errors in credit card processing or transactions getting declined
  • Donation payments not going through correctly
  • Other technical bugs or glitches with the donate button functionality

If the donate button was working previously, but suddenly stops working due to technical reasons, trying the following troubleshooting tips may help identify and resolve the problem:

  • Check for any error messages when trying to donate
  • Contact the payment provider to see if they are experiencing any issues
  • Try donating with a different credit card or payment method
  • Contact Facebook support for help troubleshooting

The nonprofit page is restricted or unavailable

In some cases, the Facebook page that has the donate button may be restricted, unavailable, or even deleted altogether. This can obviously prevent the donate button from functioning properly. Some specific things that could restrict access include:

  • The page is unpublished or switched to private
  • The page is restricted in certain locations or for certain age groups
  • The page was deleted or merged with another page
  • The page is temporarily unavailable due to Facebook restrictions

Checking that the nonprofit Facebook page is publicly available and published correctly can help identify access issues. Switching the page back to public or removing any restrictions could allow the donate button to work again.

Campaigns or donations are paused or inactive

If a specific donate campaign is paused, ended, or made inactive, the donate button will stop working even if it still appears on the page. Nonprofits can control whether donate campaigns are active or inactive at any time. If they intentionally paused a campaign, it would prevent any new donations through that button.

Additionally, if the nonprofit reached their donation goal and manually stopped accepting new donations, that would also prevent the button from working properly. Checking on the status of any donation campaigns associated with the donate button can confirm if they are active and accepting donations.

Using an unofficial donate button or plugin

Facebook has specific requirements around using the official Facebook donate button and integrating it with Facebook Pay. If an unofficial 3rd party donate button or plugin is added to a Facebook page instead, it may not function correctly.

Unofficial donate buttons or plugins have not been approved by Facebook, so they often run into issues. To avoid problems, it’s best to use the official Facebook donate button that can be configured directly through the Facebook nonprofit tools.

Donate button configuration changes

If the nonprofit makes any changes to the donate button configuration, it could inadvertently cause the button to stop working properly. For example:

  • Changing the payment provider or donation destination
  • Altering the campaign, cause or messaging associated with the button
  • Enabling or disabling the button without thoroughly testing
  • Switching Facebook Pay currency or country settings

It’s a good idea to double check the donate button setup and make incremental changes, testing the button each step of the way. Don’t assume it will still work if major changes are made to the configuration.

Outdated app or page platform

In rare cases, using an outdated version of Facebook’s app or page platform can disrupt integration with newer features like the donate button. Facebook occasionally releases updated versions of its app, pages manager, or payment systems.

If the nonprofit is relying on an outdated version that is no longer supported, it can sometimes create issues with the donate button functionality until the app or platform is updated. Keeping apps and platforms updated to the latest versions can avoid this uncommon issue.

How to troubleshoot Facebook donate button issues

If your Facebook donate button is not working, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and identify potential issues:

  1. Try donating yourself to see if any error messages appear
  2. Check that the cause is registered as a nonprofit and the page is verified
  3. Confirm the Facebook page, app, and manager are up-to-date
  4. Review the donate button configuration and campaign status
  5. Test with different payments methods and credit cards
  6. Contact the payment provider to see if they show failed transactions
  7. Check for technical issues and contact Facebook support if needed

Methodically verifying the proper setup, configuration, and technical functionality can help determine why the Facebook donate button is not working in a specific situation. If the issue persists, you may need to contact Facebook support for additional help troubleshooting and correcting the problem.

How to fix Facebook donate button not working issues

Once you’ve identified the specific reason the Facebook donate button is not working, here are some tips for fixing the most common issues:

  • If set up incorrectly, delete and re-add the button following Facebook’s guidelines
  • For technical issues, work with Facebook support and your payment provider to resolve
  • Publish the page and remove any restrictions or limits if unavailable
  • Make sure donation campaigns are active and accepting donations
  • Only use the official Facebook donate button, not unofficial plugins
  • Rollback recent donate button configuration changes
  • Update to the latest version of Facebook app and platform if outdated

Correcting any setup mistakes, configuration issues, technical problems or access restrictions can typically get a non-working Facebook donate button functioning again. Avoid making multiple changes at once when troubleshooting – make incremental corrections and test thoroughly.

Best practices for setting up a Facebook donate button

Following Facebook’s recommended best practices when first setting up a donate button can help avoid many common issues that cause it to not work properly:

  • Register organization as nonprofit on Facebook
  • Verify your Facebook page
  • Use the official Facebook donate button
  • Link button to active donation campaign
  • Integrate Facebook Pay with payment provider
  • Test donate flow before going live
  • Enable recurring giving options
  • Make donation destination and use clear

Properly configuring and testing the donate button functionality before publishing on your Facebook page is crucial. Always use Facebook’s own tools and donate button – do not rely on 3rd party plugins or buttons.


When the Facebook donate button is not working properly, it is usually due to improper configuration, technical issues, payment problems or platform restrictions. By methodically troubleshooting each potential cause and correcting any identified problems, you can typically get the donate button functioning again.

Following Facebook’s guidelines and best practices when first setting up the button can prevent many problems. But even if issues arise later on, they can be debugged by running through setup, configuration, technical checks, and testing donation flows. With a bit of diligent troubleshooting, an inactive Facebook donate button can be restored and start collecting donations again.