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Why is Facebook Dating removed from my profile?

Why is Facebook Dating removed from my profile?

Facebook Dating is a feature within the Facebook app that allows users to match with potential romantic partners. If you’ve noticed that the Facebook Dating section has disappeared from your profile, there are a few possible reasons why this may have occurred.

You hid your profile from Facebook Dating

The most likely reason that Facebook Dating disappeared is because you hid your profile. Within the Facebook Dating settings, there is an option to “Take a Break” which will hide your profile from being seen by others using Facebook Dating. This prevents your profile from being shown to potential matches, but it does not delete your Facebook Dating profile.

To make your profile visible again, simply go back into the Facebook Dating settings and select “Undo Take a Break”. This will make your profile public again so others can see it when browsing or matching.

How to undo “Take a Break”

  1. Open the Facebook app and tap on the menu icon in the top right
  2. Scroll down and tap on “Facebook Dating”
  3. Tap on the settings icon in the top right
  4. Tap on “Take a Break”
  5. Tap on “Undo Take a Break” to make your profile public again

Your Facebook account was temporarily disabled

If your entire Facebook account is temporarily disabled, either by you or by Facebook, then Facebook Dating will also be disabled during that time. Your profile and matches will be hidden until the account suspension is reversed.

Potential reasons for a temporarily disabled Facebook account include:

  • You voluntarily disabled your own account
  • You violated Facebook’s terms of service and received a temporary ban
  • Your account was reported for suspicious activity
  • You exceeded Facebook’s daily limit for messages, posts, or connections

Once your Facebook account is re-enabled, Facebook Dating will become available again as well. Be sure to check that you do not have any outstanding violations or restrictions on your account.

How to re-enable a disabled Facebook account

  1. Log into Facebook and confirm the account status
  2. Read any notifications explaining why the account was disabled
  3. If it was voluntary, re-enable the account in settings
  4. If banned, appeal the ban and wait for Facebook’s response
  5. Check the account periodically to see when it is re-enabled

Your Facebook Dating profile was deleted

It’s also possible that your Facebook Dating profile was specifically removed or deleted, while your standard Facebook profile remains active. Reasons this could occur include:

  • You intentionally deleted your Facebook Dating profile
  • Your Dating profile was reported and removed by Facebook
  • A Facebook glitch or bug caused the profile to disappear

If you willingly removed your own Facebook Dating profile, you can recreate it by going back into the Facebook Dating section and setting up your profile again. However, any previous matches or messages will be lost.

If your Dating profile was deleted by Facebook, you will have to appeal the decision and clarify why you should be allowed to recreate your Dating profile. Ensure you did not violate any terms of service.

How to recreate a deleted Facebook Dating profile

  1. Open the Facebook Dating section
  2. Click “Create Profile”
  3. Build your profile following the prompts
  4. Select your preferences and complete your profile
  5. Click done and your new Dating profile will be active

You don’t meet the eligibility requirements

Facebook has certain requirements that must be met in order to access Facebook Dating. It’s possible your access was revoked because you no longer meet the eligibility standards. Some of the requirements include:

  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • Your Facebook account must be over 2 weeks old
  • Your profile must have a history of following Facebook’s policies
  • You cannot have violated certain Facebook rules in the past

If you believe you still meet the eligibility criteria for Facebook Dating, you can request a review of your status. However, access is ultimately at the discretion of Facebook based on your account history and adherence to policies.

Eligibility Requirement Description
Minimum Age Must be at least 18 years old
Account Longevity Account must be over 2 weeks old
Account History No major violations or bans in the past
Profile Completeness Must have valid profile information

How to request a review of Facebook Dating eligibility

  1. Go to the Facebook Dating section and click “Review Eligibility”
  2. Select the reason you believe your access was revoked
  3. Explain why you meet the Facebook Dating requirements
  4. Provide any evidence or details to support your case
  5. Submit your review request to Facebook for consideration

Facebook Dating isn’t available in your region

Facebook Dating has a limited release and is only available in certain countries and regions at this time. If you previously had access to Facebook Dating, but it now appears unavailable, this may indicate that Facebook rolled it back in your area.

Here are the regions where Facebook Dating is currently available:

  • North America
  • South America
  • Southeast Asia
  • Europe
  • Australia

If you travel or relocate to one of these regions, you should regain access to Facebook Dating. Otherwise, you will have to wait until Facebook expands availability to your location.

Currently supported Facebook Dating regions

Region Countries
North America US, Canada, Mexico
South America Brazil, Peru, Chile, Colombia
Southeast Asia Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Singapore
Europe UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy
Australia Australia only

Your relationship status changed

Facebook Dating profiles are directly integrated with your standard Facebook profile information. One of the details it pulls is your relationship status as either “Single”, “In a Relationship”, or “Married”.

If you change your relationship status to anything other than “Single”, your Dating profile will automatically be hidden from view. This prevents people in relationships from being shown to others as potential matches.

To make your Dating profile visible again, simply change your relationship status back to “Single” and confirm you want your Dating profile to be activated. This will resume showing your profile to other singles.

How to change your Facebook relationship status

  1. Go to your Facebook profile page
  2. Click “Edit Profile” to access your biographical info
  3. Click on your current relationship status
  4. Select “Single” from the dropdown menu
  5. Save changes to your profile

You don’t have the latest version of Facebook

Facebook Dating is only available on the most recent versions of the Facebook mobile app. If your Facebook app is severely outdated, the Dating section may be missing until you update.

Ensure you have installed the latest version of Facebook from your device’s app store. On Android, you must be running at least version 162. On iOS, you need at least version 331.

Once updated to the newest Facebook app, check to see if the Dating profile and matches have returned. Upgrading your app may be the simple fix you need.

How to update the Facebook app

  1. On your phone, open the App Store (iOS) or Play Store (Android)
  2. Search for “Facebook”
  3. Pull down to refresh and check for available updates
  4. If update available, tap “Update” to install newest version
  5. Open Facebook app once update is complete

You were banned from Facebook Dating

In some cases, it’s possible to be banned from using Facebook Dating specifically, even if your Facebook account remains active. Reasons for getting banned from Facebook Dating include:

  • Violating Facebook Dating’s community standards
  • Abusing the reporting or matching features
  • Spamming or harassing other users
  • Creating a fake or misleading dating profile

If you receive a notification that you have been banned from Facebook Dating, you will have to appeal the decision directly to Facebook. Explain why you should be given another chance and address any policy violations.

However, repeat or severe offenses may result in a permanent ban from the dating feature with no option to appeal. Use Dating responsibly or risk losing access.

Facebook Dating rules to avoid a ban

  • Don’t insult, shame, or lie about matches
  • No graphic sexual requests or content
  • Do not harass people who reject you
  • No sending unsolicited nude photos
  • Don’t share contact info outside of Dating chat

You restricted app tracking on iOS

On Apple iOS devices, turning on the App Tracking Transparency feature will limit Facebook Dating’s ability to access your information. This is due to how Facebook Dating leverages data from your Facebook profile and connections.

If App Tracking Transparency is enabled, you may need to manually go into your device settings and create an exception for Facebook to restore full access to Dating.

On your iOS device, navigate to Settings > Privacy > Tracking > turn Allow Tracking switch to ON under Facebook. This grants Facebook permission to track activity across other apps and services.

How to allow app tracking for Facebook on iOS

  1. Open your iPhone Settings app
  2. Tap on “Privacy”
  3. Tap on “Tracking”
  4. Locate “Facebook” and enable “Allow Tracking”
  5. Restart the Facebook app

Your Facebook account was hacked

If your Facebook account gets hacked or compromised, the hacker may delete or disable features like Facebook Dating. This is especially likely if the hacker is using your account to send spam or harass other users.

Regain control of your account as quickly as possible and improve your security settings. Enable two-factor authentication, change your password, and monitor your account history carefully for suspicious activity.

Once you’ve secured the account, check to see if Facebook Dating or other settings were changed by the hacker. Restore any changed preferences back to your defaults.

How to secure a hacked Facebook account

  1. Change your password immediately
  2. Remove any unfamiliar linked accounts
  3. Enable two-factor authentication
  4. Check privacy settings for changes
  5. Scan notifications for unauthorized activity


Facebook Dating disappearing unexpectedly can certainly be frustrating. But in most cases, it is a reversible issue and can be fixed in a few steps. The most common solutions are updating your Facebook app, adjusting your relationship status, un-hiding your dating profile, or checking your account’s standing for restrictions.

However, if your dating profile was permanently deleted or banned, you will need to go through a more lengthy appeal process with Facebook to potentially have it reinstated. Be sure to follow all policies and terms of service whenever using Facebook Dating to maintain access to the feature.

With a combination of troubleshooting steps and patience, you should be able to get Facebook Dating back up and running. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Facebook support if you need assistance resolving any ongoing issues reinstating your dating profile and settings.