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Why is Facebook dating asking for video verification?

Why is Facebook dating asking for video verification?

Facebook dating, the online dating platform introduced by Facebook in 2018, has become increasingly popular over the past few years. One of the key features that sets Facebook dating apart from other online dating platforms is its emphasis on authenticity and real identity.

To ensure users are who they claim to be, Facebook dating employs a video selfie verification system. Here is an overview of how video verification works on Facebook dating and the reasons why it is required.

What is video selfie verification on Facebook dating?

Video selfie verification is a safety feature used by Facebook dating to confirm users’ identities. It involves users taking a short selfie video which is then analyzed to verify it matches their profile photos.

Here is the video selfie verification process when setting up a dating profile on Facebook:

  • When creating a dating profile, users are prompted to take a video selfie.
  • In the video, users are asked to follow prompts and turn their head in different directions.
  • The video is then analyzed by Facebook’s technology to confirm it matches the photos on the user’s dating profile.
  • If the video matches the photos, the user’s identity is verified.
  • If the video does not match, the user will be asked to try again or their dating profile may not be approved.

The video is not visible to other users on the platform – it is solely for identity verification purposes.

Why does Facebook dating require video selfie verification?

There are a few key reasons why Facebook dating utilizes video selfie verification:

To prevent catfishing and fake profiles

Catfishing, where users create fake online identities using photos of other people, is a major issue plaguing online dating platforms. Video selfies help prevent catfishing by confirming users look like their photos.

To ensure user safety

Knowing users are who they claim to be promotes greater safety. Video verification provides assurance you are talking to a real person, not an imposter or bot account.

To build trust in the dating platform

Video verification promotes trust in the authenticity of profiles. This, in turn, makes users more likely to connect and meet up in real life.

To align with Facebook’s focus on real identity

Using real identities is part of Facebook’s terms of service. Video selfies help enforce their policy of maintaining authentic identities across their platforms.

What happens if video verification fails?

There are a few reasons why video verification may not be approved on Facebook dating:

  • The video selfie does not match the photos on your dating profile.
  • The video quality is too poor for analysis.
  • Technical errors occur during the verification process.

If your video fails to verify, don’t panic! Here are some steps you can take:

  • Check that the photos on your profile are clear and up-to-date.
  • Try taking the video selfie again in good lighting conditions.
  • Contact Facebook support if technical issues persist.
  • Be patient – sometimes there are temporary glitches.

In most cases, users can successfully complete video verification after a few tries. However, if your profile continues to fail verification, Facebook may disable your dating profile.

Tips for passing Facebook dating video verification

To successfully pass Facebook’s video selfie verification, keep these tips in mind:

  • Use a clear, well-lit photo on your dating profile that shows your face.
  • Take the video selfie in the same lighting conditions as your profile photo.
  • Follow the prompts and clearly turn your head during the video.
  • Avoid wearing thick glasses, hats, or other obstructions in the video.
  • Double check the camera is capturing your entire face before recording.

Taking a little time to set up ideal conditions for the video can go a long way towards seamless verification.

Pros and cons of video selfie verification

Here is a quick look at some pros and cons of using video verification for identity confirmation:


  • Enhances user safety by reducing fake accounts
  • Builds trust and reassurance about profile authenticity
  • Aligns with Facebook’s focus on real name policies
  • Deters bad actors from using the platform


  • Some users may be uncomfortable recording selfie videos
  • Could be technically glitchy or fail to verify real users
  • Longer profile set up process compared to other dating apps
  • Potential for discrimination or bias issues in analysis of videos

The future of identity verification in online dating

Looking ahead, more dating apps and online platforms may turn to innovations like video selfies to confirm users’ identities. Here are some possible directions for identity verification technology:

  • More secure facial analysis technology using 3D face maps.
  • Liveness detection to check videos are not pre-recorded.
  • Artificial intelligence to analyze profile information for red flags.
  • Background checks or connecting other social media profiles.
  • Voluntary ID document confirmation for enhanced assurance.

At the same time, concerns around user privacy, consent, and potential discrimination will need to be considered as technology evolves.


Video selfie verification is an important safety feature that distinguishes Facebook dating from other online dating platforms. By requiring users to submit short video clips, Facebook aims to reduce catfishing and fake accounts to build greater trust. Despite some drawbacks, video verification plays a valuable role in protecting the authenticity and integrity of the Facebook dating community.

As online dating continues to gain popularity globally, more sites and apps may follow Facebook’s lead in leveraging technology like artificial intelligence and facial recognition to keep their users safe. However, user privacy and consent should always remain top priorities during implementation.