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Why is Facebook chat not showing up in WordPress?

Why is Facebook chat not showing up in WordPress?

Many WordPress users have encountered the issue where the Facebook chat plugin is not displaying properly on their site. This can be frustrating, as the chat feature is intended to improve engagement with site visitors. In this article, we’ll explore some common reasons why the Facebook chat box may not be appearing as expected in WordPress.

Checking the Plugin Setup

The first thing to check is whether the Facebook chat plugin has been installed and configured correctly in WordPress. Here are some key points to verify:

– Make sure you have installed the official Facebook for WordPress plugin, rather than another third party plugin. The official plugin is maintained by Facebook and Automattic and is the most reliable option.

– Check that the plugin is activated in your WordPress dashboard under “Plugins”. If it’s installed but not activated, the chat won’t work.

– In the plugin settings, make sure you’ve entered the correct Facebook Page ID that you want to connect the chat to. This connects the chat to the right Facebook page.

– Confirm you’ve chosen a theme location for the chat box widget in the plugin settings. This is where the chat box will display on your site pages.

– Be sure you’ve added the Facebook Chat widget to a sidebar or other theme area in the Widgets section. The plugin creates the widget but it still needs to be added to a visible location.

– Make sure all the required API keys and tokens have been entered correctly in the plugin’s API settings. This authorizes the connection.

Site Caching and Performance Plugins

Another common culprit is site caching or performance optimization plugins. Plugins like WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache often conflict with the Facebook chat plugin.

These plugins can cache pages in a way that prevents dynamic elements like chat widgets from working properly. Try temporarily disabling caching and optimization plugins to see if that allows the chat box to display normally. You may then need to adjust plugin settings to exclude the chat from being cached.

Theme Compatibility Issues

In some cases, theme design issues can also cause the chat box to not display properly. Depending on the theme’s CSS styling and structure, it may inadvertently hide or override the styling of the Facebook chat element.

Try previewing your site with a different theme activated to see if that makes the chat visible. If another theme displays it properly, then there is likely a theme conflict with your current theme’s design. You may need theme customization to fix the issue.

Are You Testing on Live Site?

It’s important to note that the Facebook chat widget will only display for site visitors, not while you are logged in and previewing on the live site. This is because it connects to the public Facebook page, not your personal account.

Be sure to open your site in a private browsing window and test it as a normal visitor would. The chat may display just fine for regular site visitors, even if it doesn’t show while logged into your WordPress dashboard.

Trying an Alternate Placement

Sometimes using a different theme location for the chat works around display conflicts. Rather than the sidebar, try placing the chat in the header or footer area and see if it shows up there.

You can also insert the chat directly into page content using the Facebook Chat shortcode [fb_chat]. Test adding this to various pages to find a placement where it works properly.

Troubleshooting Checks in WordPress

Here are some steps to try systematically troubleshooting the Facebook chat issue in WordPress:

Issue Fix
Plugin not installed Search and install official Facebook for WordPress plugin
Plugin installed but not activated Activate Facebook Chat plugin in dashboard
Incorrect Facebook Page ID Double check Page ID matches your Facebook page
No theme location set Choose a theme location in plugin settings
Widget not added Add Facebook Chat widget in theme Widgets area
API keys not configured Enter valid API keys in plugin API settings

– First, check the plugin is installed and activated in your WordPress dashboard. If not, install and activate the official Facebook plugin.

– Next, verify you’ve entered the proper Facebook Page ID in the plugin settings, and that valid API keys have been configured.

– Check that you’ve chosen a theme location and added the widget to the Widgets area.

– See if a caching or optimization plugin is conflicting and try disabling it.

– Switch themes and test if another displays the chat properly.

– Preview the live site in private browsing as a visitor to confirm chat doesn’t show while logged in.

– Try inserting the chat with a shortcode or alternate theme location like the footer.

Common CSS Fixes

If you confirm the plugin setup is all correct, the issue may lie in your theme’s CSS styling. Here are some CSS fixes to try:

– Look for any theme CSS code that may hide or overlap the chat, such as:

.fb-customerchat {
display: none;

– Remove negative z-index values that may push the chat behind other elements:

.fb-customerchat {
z-index: auto;

– Override fixed height on containers that cut off the chat box iframe:

.element-with-fixed-height {
height: auto !important;

– Set visibility back to visible if hidden:

.fb-customerchat {
visibility: visible !important;

– Adjust opacity if the chat appears faded:

.fb-customerchat {
opacity: 1 !important;

You may need to hunt through your theme’s style.css file and customize CSS to override any conflicting rules affecting the chat element.

Using Custom CSS in WordPress

Another option is to add custom CSS specifically for the Facebook chat box using the Additional CSS box in WordPress.

Some examples of CSS rules you could add here:

/* Show chat box */
.fb-customerchat {
display: block !important;

/* Prevent vertical overflow */
#fb-root {
overflow-y: visible;

/* Increase z-index */
.fb-customerchat {
z-index: 999999999;

This may override limiting CSS without editing your theme files directly. Just paste CSS into Additional CSS and test if it makes the chat visible.

Disabling Certain Plugins

As mentioned earlier, some common plugins that optimize or cache sites can prevent the Facebook chat from working properly:

– WP Super Cache
– W3 Total Cache
– SG Optimizer
– Autoptimize

Try the following troubleshooting steps:

1. Temporarily disable optimization and caching plugins.

2. Test if the Facebook chat box now appears.

3. If disabling a plugin fixes the issue, determine if you can exclude the chat script from being optimized in that plugin’s settings.

4. Some plugins have settings to skip optimizing certain JS or HTML. Add exceptions for the chat.

5. Re-enable the optimization plugin and confirm the Facebook chat still displays properly.

6. If needed, switch to alternative performance plugins more compatible with the Facebook plugin.

Examining JavaScript Errors

Another angle is inspecting browser developer tools for any JavaScript errors being caused by theme or plugin conflicts.

To check for errors:

1. Open your WordPress site in Chrome or Firefox.

2. Right click on the page and choose Inspect.

3. Go to the Console tab.

4. Check if any errors are reported related to the Facebook chat script, such as “FB undefined”.

5. Search online for the specific error details to identify potential causes.

6. Test if disabling certain plugins makes the error go away.

7. Update or replace plugins generating conflicts with the Facebook chat JavaScript.

Fixing theme and plugin JavaScript conflicts can resolve the root cause disrupting the chat functionality.

Using an Alternate WordPress Chat Plugin

If you are unable to get the Facebook chat working properly despite troubleshooting, one last option is to switch to an alternate WordPress chat plugin.

While not identical, alternatives like LiveChat and Tidio Chat offer similar live chat widgets:


– Free live chat for WordPress sites
– Create chat agent accounts
– Customizable widget themes
– Chat transcripts and analytics
– Mobile-ready responsive design

Tidio Chat

– Freemium live chat for WordPress
– Unlimited chat agents
– Custom chat box design
– Real-time visitor tracking
– Option for 1:1 video chats

These plugins provide robust live chat services while avoiding the technical complexity of Facebook integration. They may prove easier to manage if the official Facebook plugin cannot be resolved.


Troubleshooting Facebook chat in WordPress can involve tackling configuration issues, conflicting plugins, theme CSS overrides, and JavaScript errors. Carefully go through installation steps, review plugin settings, disable optimizations, inspect code styling, and check for script conflicts. With some diligent testing and tweaking, you should be able to narrow down what is interfering with the chat box widget and come up with an effective fix. Rely on the plugin developer community for guidance. If all else fails, alternative chat plugins can still deliver the core live chat functionality.