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Why is Facebook asking me to verify my identity?

Why is Facebook asking me to verify my identity?

Facebook may ask you to verify your identity for a few different reasons. Here are some of the most common ones:

You created a new account

When you create a brand new Facebook account, Facebook will often ask you to verify your identity as part of the sign-up process. This is to help ensure that you are a real person and to prevent fake accounts from being created.

You may be prompted to upload a photo ID, provide your full name, or add your phone number so that Facebook can confirm your identity. Verifying yourself helps Facebook build trust in new users.

You made significant changes to your account

If you make big changes to your existing Facebook account, such as changing your name, date of birth, or profile picture, Facebook may ask you to re-verify your identity.

Facebook wants to check that you are the legitimate owner of the account when major changes are made. This helps keep your account secure.

You have suspicious or unusual activity on your account

If Facebook detects strange behavior on your account, such as an unusual login location or suspicious posts or messages being sent, they may prompt you to provide proof of ID.

This is to help confirm that your account has not been compromised and that you are still in control. Verifying your identity allows Facebook to secure your account if it appears to have been hacked.

When will Facebook ask me to verify my identity?

There are a few key times when Facebook is most likely to ask you to verify who you are:

When you first create your Facebook account

As mentioned above, it is common for Facebook to require new users to upload a photo of their ID or provide other information when signing up for an account. This generally occurs before you can begin fully using Facebook.

If you make big changes to your profile or account details

Making significant edits to your profile, such as changing your name, date of birth, contact information, or profile photo can trigger identity verification. Facebook wants to check it’s still you.

When you log in from a new device or location

If Facebook notices you logging in from a new or unusual place, like a new country or a device you haven’t used before, you may be asked to provide ID. This confirms you authorized the login.

If you make posts or messages that seem suspicious

If Facebook’s automated systems detect potentially unauthorized or dangerous activity from your account, like spam posts or messages, you may be prompted to verify yourself. This can help recover a hacked account.

How does Facebook verify my identity?

Facebook uses a few methods to confirm users’ identities:

Asking you to upload a photo ID

Facebook may ask you to provide a photo of your government ID, such as a driver’s license or passport. This allows them to check the name, photo, and birthdate match your account details.

Requiring you to take a video selfie

Facebook can prompt you to take a video selfie on your phone to match your profile photo. This uses facial recognition technology to verify you are the account owner.

Sending you a confirmation code

Facebook may text or email you a special verification code to enter. This helps prove you have access to your registered phone number or email.

Asking security questions

If your account seems compromised, Facebook may ask you security questions only you should know the answer to, like schools attended or places lived. This confirms your identity as the account holder.

Why do I have to provide my ID to Facebook?

Providing your ID for identity verification purposes helps Facebook for a few reasons:

It keeps your account secure

Making sure only you have access to your account prevents hacking and unauthorized logins. Identity verification locks down your account.

It builds trust in the Facebook community

Ensuring users are who they claim to be creates a safer, more trusted environment on Facebook. Fake accounts are limited.

It helps you recover your account if it’s been hacked

ID verification gives you a way to prove the account is yours if someone else has gained access. This makes accounts easier to recover.

It complies with local laws and regulations

In some countries, laws require social media networks like Facebook to verify users’ names and ages. Providing your ID helps Facebook comply.

Do I have to verify my identity with Facebook?

In most cases, verifying your identity with Facebook when prompted is required if you want to continue using your account normally. However, here are a few points about Facebook identity verification:

You can ignore or skip the initial prompt to verify

When Facebook first asks you to verify, you can often tap “Ask Me Later” or “Skip”. But Facebook will persist in asking you to provide ID.

Not verifying may lead to limited account functionality

If you don’t verify when asked, Facebook may restrict your posts, logins, payments, messages, and other features. Access will be limited.

Continuing to use Facebook without verifying can get your account disabled

If you ignore Facebook’s requests to verify for an extended time, Facebook may eventually disable your account altogether until you provide ID.

Verification is usually mandatory if you want full account access

To enjoy Facebook’s services without restrictions, and avoid the risk of account disablement, you will ultimately have to complete identity verification when prompted.

What information does Facebook need to verify my identity?

Depending on the verification method, Facebook may require:

Your full legal name

As it appears on your official ID document, like your driver’s license or passport.

Your date of birth

So Facebook can confirm your age and that your account details match your ID document.

A photo of your government ID

Usually a scan or photo of your driver’s license, passport, national ID card, or other approved identification with your photo and name.

A photo or video selfie

To match your profile photo using facial recognition and confirm it’s really you.

Your phone number or email address

To send you a confirmation code you’ll need to enter to verify account ownership.

Facebook may ask for a combination of the above to fully verify your identity.

What types of ID can I use to verify my identity on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to verify identities with various forms of government ID, including:

Driver’s license

One of the most common forms of ID people use for Facebook verification. Must show your photo, name, age, and be currently valid.


A passport can also be used to verify your identity. This must show your name, photo, and be currently valid.

National identification card

Some countries issue national ID cards, which often feature a photo, name, birthdate, and ID number that Facebook can use to verify you.

Military ID

Active duty and veteran military IDs like a Common Access Card are valid forms of identification Facebook accepts.

Permanent residency card

For users in the United States, a green card or permanent resident card is considered valid ID for Facebook verification.

Facebook has full details on acceptable IDs in their Help Center.

ID Type Information Required
Driver’s License Photo, Name, Age, Validity
Passport Photo, Name, Validity
National ID Card Photo, Name, Age, ID #
Military ID Photo, Name, ID #
Permanent Resident Card Photo, Name, ID #

What should I do if I’m having trouble verifying my identity on Facebook?

Here are some tips if you are struggling to complete identity verification:

Make sure you are providing the right documentation

Double check Facebook’s list of acceptable IDs and make sure yours is valid and meets the requirements. Expired documents typically cannot be used.

Check that your details match what Facebook has

Verify your name, birthdate, and other account info matches exactly what is listed on your government ID. Any discrepancy could cause issues.

Try different verification methods

If uploading your ID fails, see if taking a video selfie works instead. You may also be able to enter a confirmation code sent to your email or phone number.

Reach out to Facebook support

If you cannot successfully verify your identity through any method Facebook provides, you can contact Facebook support for additional help.

Be patient and keep trying

The verification systems are automated and sometimes fail even with valid IDs. Don’t give up too quickly – persistence is key.


Facebook identity verification aims to protect user accounts and ensure a trustworthy community. While providing your personal information and ID may seem tedious, it helps keep your account secure and recoverable if it is ever compromised. Failing to verify when asked can limit your Facebook experience, so it is best to comply with Facebook’s requests if you want to enjoy full access to their services. With persistence, you should be able to successfully verify your account.