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Why is Facebook asking me to enter a confirmation code?

Why is Facebook asking me to enter a confirmation code?

There are a few reasons why Facebook may prompt you to enter a confirmation code when trying to log in or access your account:

Two-Factor Authentication

If you have two-factor authentication enabled for your Facebook account, Facebook will require you to enter a special login code or confirmation code when you try to log in from a new device or browser. This extra security measure helps confirm your identity and prevent unauthorized access to your account.

When two-factor authentication is enabled, Facebook will send a 6-digit security code to your phone via text message or Facebook Messenger when you try to log in. You need to enter this code on the Facebook login screen along with your regular password to access your account. This prevents hackers from accessing your account even if they have your password.

How to Get Your Two-Factor Authentication Code

If you have two-factor authentication turned on for your Facebook account, here are the steps to get your login code when prompted:

  • Open the Facebook app on your mobile device or the Facebook Messenger app.
  • Look for a notification from Facebook with a 6-digit code. This code is usually sent within a minute or two.
  • Enter this 6-digit code on the Facebook login screen along with your password.

If you don’t see the code right away, you can select the “No codes?” link on the Facebook login page and request a new code. This will re-send the code to your phone.

Turning Off Two-Factor Authentication

If you want to turn off two-factor authentication for your Facebook account, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Facebook and go to Settings.
  2. Click on the “Security and Login” tab.
  3. Under “Use Two-Factor Authentication,” click Edit.
  4. Turn off the toggle switch to disable two-factor authentication.
  5. Click Confirm to complete the process.

Unusual Login Location

Facebook may also prompt for a confirmation code if you try logging in from a device or location that is not recognized. For example, if you usually log in from your home computer in New York, but attempt to log in from a device in San Francisco, Facebook may flag this as unusual activity and require extra verification.

This security measure is designed to protect your account in case someone else is attempting to access it. When logging in from an unrecognized device or location, Facebook will send a login code to your primary phone or email on file which you’ll need to enter to gain access.

Confirming Your Identity

To confirm your identity when logging in from an unusual location, follow these steps:

  1. When prompted, select “Get a login code” on the Facebook login screen.
  2. Check your phone or email for the 6-digit confirmation code from Facebook.
  3. Enter the code on the Facebook login page to complete accessing your account.

This confirms to Facebook that you are the legitimate account holder trying to log in. Once confirmed, you’ll be able to access your Facebook account from that device or location until you log out.

Account Security Issue

If Facebook detects any suspicious activity that may indicate a security issue or unauthorized access attempt, they may prompt for a login confirmation code as a precaution. This can happen if someone logs into your Facebook account from an unknown device or IP address.

Some examples of suspicious activity that could trigger a confirmation code prompt include:

  • Multiple failed login attempts
  • Activity from a device that may be infected with malware
  • Login attempts from IP addresses linked to suspicious behavior
  • Changes to account recovery information such as email or phone number

By requiring the confirmation code, Facebook ensures that you are the legitimate account holder before allowing full access to the account. This prevents a hacker or unauthorized user from gaining entry, even if they have your password.

Regaining Secure Access

If prompted for a confirmation code due to suspicious activity, take the following steps:

  1. Select “Get login code” and check your primary email or phone for the code.
  2. Enter the 6-digit code Facebook sent you.
  3. Once verified, immediately change your Facebook password.
  4. Review recent account activity for any unauthorized changes.
  5. Enable two-factor authentication for increased security.

This will help you regain sole access to your account and prevent any further unauthorized activity.

Account Locked

If your Facebook account gets temporarily locked due to too many failed login attempts, you will need to enter a confirmation code to unlock it. The code gets sent to your primary email or phone number on file.

Some reasons your Facebook account may get locked include:

  • Multiple failed attempts to log in with an incorrect password
  • Too many login attempts from an unknown or suspicious location
  • Entering an old password after changing your password

This security measure prevents hackers from endlessly guessing password combinations to break into your account. Requiring a confirmation code verifies your identity and re-establishes secure access.

Unlocking a Temporarily Locked Account

Follow these steps if your Facebook account gets locked:

  1. Click the “Get Login Code” button on the account locked screen.
  2. Retrieve the 6-digit code from your email or phone and enter it.
  3. Once unlocked, consider changing your password for added security.
  4. Enable two-factor authentication to prevent future lockouts.

This will unlock your temporarily locked Facebook account so you can regain access. Just be sure to enter the correct confirmation code sent to you by Facebook.

Account Compromised

In some cases, Facebook may detect that your account security has been compromised and take steps to lock it down. This can happen if it appears your login credentials were stolen through a data breach or phishing scam.

Some signs your Facebook account may have been compromised include:

  • Strange posts or messages being sent from your account
  • Unfamiliar logins from other countries or locations
  • Password being changed without your authorization
  • Friends reporting spam or strange links from your account

To regain control of your account, Facebook will guide you through resetting your password and sending a login confirmation code. This two-step process helps ensure hackers cannot continue misusing your compromised account.

Securing a Compromised Account

If Facebook believes your account has been compromised, take the following steps to secure it:

  1. Enter the 6-digit confirmation code sent by Facebook.
  2. Reset your password to something entirely new.
  3. Review your account’s recent activity for unauthorized changes.
  4. Enable two-factor authentication for increased protection.

You may also want to check if your email or password was part of a known data breach. Using unique passwords for each account helps limit your exposure if one service gets hacked.

New Device or Browser

When accessing your Facebook account from a new device or web browser for the first time, you may be prompted to enter a login confirmation code.

This occurs when Facebook does not recognize the hardware or software you are attempting to log in from. Requiring the 6-digit code helps confirm your identity and authorize the new device.

Some examples of situations that may trigger a login code prompt include:

  • Logging in on a new computer for the first time
  • Using a new web browser that you have not used to access Facebook before
  • Getting a new smartphone and installing the Facebook app
  • Clearing your browser cookies then attempting to log back in

Verifying Your Identity on a New Device

To verify your identity when logging into Facebook from a new, unrecognized device for the first time, follow these steps:

  1. Click “Get Login Code” on the Facebook login screen.
  2. Retrieve the 6-digit code from your email or phone.
  3. Enter the code Facebook sent you to confirm your identity.

Once you enter the correct confirmation code, Facebook will authorize that device for future logins without additional codes needed. This prevents unauthorized logins while allowing you to conveniently access Facebook from new devices.

Recovery Code

If you get locked out of your Facebook account and can’t access your primary email or phone number for the usual two-factor authentication code, Facebook allows you to create special recovery codes.

These are 8-digit recovery passcodes that can be used in place of the normal 6-digit confirmation code when needed. Facebook allows you to generate up to 10 recovery codes to print or save offline.

Some situations where you may need to use a recovery code include:

  • Getting a new phone number and needing to update your Facebook account
  • Losing access to your primary email associated with Facebook
  • Getting locked out of your account after losing your phone

Having recovery codes prevents you from getting permanently locked out of your Facebook account if you lose access to your two-factor authentication verification method.

Using Recovery Codes

To use a recovery code to access your Facebook account, follow these steps:

  1. Select “Use recovery code” on the Facebook login or verification screen.
  2. Enter one of your designated 8-digit recovery codes.
  3. Access your account once the recovery code is accepted.
  4. Be sure to regenerate a new set of backup recovery codes.

Recovery codes provide an essential backup option to regain access to your Facebook account if you cannot obtain or enter your usual login confirmation code.

Starting Fresh

In some cases when there is suspicious activity associated with your account, Facebook may require entering a confirmation code when you select “Start Fresh.”

Starting fresh essentially resets your account’s identity while preserving your posts, photos, videos and memories. It’s useful if you want to:

  • Fix a compromised account
  • Recover from a malicious impersonator
  • Reclaim an old account you no longer use

When you start fresh, Facebook will prompt for a 6-digit confirmation code as part of re-securing and resetting your account.

The Start Fresh Process

If you need to start fresh on your Facebook account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Start Fresh page and select “Start Fresh.”
  2. Enter the confirmation code Facebook emails you.
  3. Create a new password for your account.
  4. Re-enter your name and add a new profile photo.
  5. Validate your identity by uploading an ID photo.

This completely resets your account’s identity while still preserving your personal information. The confirmation code ensures it’s really you initiating the start fresh process.

Unusual Changes to Account Information

Facebook may require a login confirmation code if you attempt to make certain changes to your account information from an unrecognized device.

For example, if you try to change your account recovery email address or phone number from a new device, Facebook will send a code to your old email or phone to confirm it’s really you making the change.

Some account changes that may trigger confirmation code prompt include:

  • Changing your email address or phone number
  • Adding a new email address or phone number
  • Altering your name or date of birth
  • Updating your account recovery contacts

This prevents unauthorized changes by someone who may have gained access to your account password. The confirmation code acts as an additional security check when modifying account details.

Confirming Account Changes

To confirm it’s you making changes to your Facebook account details or recovery info, follow these steps:

  1. Make the desired change to your Facebook account info.
  2. When prompted, select “Get Code” to have it sent to your old email or phone.
  3. Enter the 6-digit code into Facebook to confirm the change.

Once you enter the correct confirmation code, the changes will be applied to your account. This provides an extra layer of security when modifying sensitive account details.


In summary, Facebook requires entering a login confirmation or security code in situations when they need to verify your identity. This includes when you use two-factor authentication, log in from new devices, change account information, or trigger security alerts.

Keeping your account secure is in both your interest and Facebook’s. Entering confirmation codes when prompted allows Facebook to validate it’s really you trying to access your account, preventing unauthorized access or changes. While it may add an extra step, it helps keep your account safe.

Some ways you can prepare include:

  • Saving backup recovery codes in case you lose access to your primary phone or email.
  • Keeping your mobile device handy when logging into new browsers or devices.
  • Using strong unique passwords and enabling two-factor authentication.

Understanding the reasons Facebook requires confirmation codes enables you to quickly verify your identity when prompted and securely access your account.