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Why is Facebook always crashing?

Why is Facebook always crashing?

Facebook crashing or freezing up has become a common frustration for many users. There are several potential reasons why the Facebook app or website may not be working properly.

Server Issues

One of the most common reasons Facebook crashes or freezes is due to server problems on Facebook’s end. With billions of users accessing Facebook daily, their servers have to work overtime. Any issues with their server capacity or technical problems can cause outages.

Facebook has data centers located around the world to try to distribute server load. However, increased demand and technical glitches can overwhelm servers from time to time and cause temporary crashes until issues get resolved.

Software Bugs

As with any software platform, especially one as complex and frequently updated as Facebook, bugs are inevitable. Changes to code and new features being tested can sometimes have unintended consequences that lead to crashes.

Facebook engineers are continuously working to identify and fix bugs as soon as they appear. But some may slip through testing and cause crashes once released to the public. Facebook typically rolls out fixes for significant bugs within days via app updates.

Device and Browser Compatibility

The Facebook platform is available across thousands of device models and operating system versions. They also optimize Facebook for dozens of different web browsers. Ensuring cross-compatibility is an ongoing challenge.

There may be device-specific bugs that only crop up when Facebook is accessed on certain smartphones or tablets. Some mobile browsers may have quirks that trigger crashes. Facebook’s developers work to maximize compatibility, but gaps can lead to crashes in some instances.

Heavy Resource Usage

The Facebook app and website both require significant computing resources to run smoothly. Streaming video, loading photos, and refreshing the news feed all put strain on device memory, processors, and internet bandwidth.

If too many resource-intensive Facebook features are used simultaneously, weaker devices may have trouble keeping up. Insufficient RAM or background apps using processor cycles can cause slowdowns, freezes, or the Facebook app crashing.

Too Many Tabs and Background Apps

Facebook crashing or freezing could be related to how you are accessing the platform. Opening too many Facebook tabs in your web browser can consume RAM and slow things down.

Similarly, the Facebook mobile app may misbehave if too many other apps are running in the background taking up processor or internet connectivity resources.

Try closing other tabs and apps to free up system resources for the best Facebook performance.

Outdated App and Browser Versions

Make sure to keep your Facebook mobile app updated whenever new versions are released. The latest updates usually contain fixes for bugs that were causing crashes in older versions.

It’s also important to keep your web browser fully updated. Using outdated browser software when accessing Facebook via desktop can introduce stability issues.

Corrupt App and Browser Caches

The Facebook app and web browsers store temporary data caches that can sometimes become corrupt and interfere with performance. Resetting the app cache and clearing the browser cache and cookies can help resolve inexplicable crashing issues.

Bad Internet Connections

Facebook relies on internet connectivity to load content and refresh your news feed. Weak WiFi signals, mobile data issues, and internet outages can all prevent Facebook from working until connections improve.

Switch between WiFi and mobile data to determine if one is faster and more stable. Check network provider status pages if internet access seems to be the culprit.

Blocked by Firewalls and VPNs

Accessing Facebook at school or work on restricted networks could result in blocked access and crashes. The same goes for VPN connections that aren’t properly configured.

Check with your network administrator to allow Facebook access. Adjust VPN settings or try a different server location that isn’t restricted.

Ad Blockers Interfering

Some ad blocking browser extensions are overzealous and block important Facebook functionality along with ads. Whitelist Facebook or temporarily disable any ad blockers if they seem to be the cause.

Facebook Platform Outages

In rare cases, Facebook experiences widespread platform outages where none of their apps or services can be accessed. These usually stem from data center failures or network infrastructure problems.

Not much can be done except waiting for Facebook’s engineers to resolve the outage. Status updates are usually posted on Facebook’s homepage during major outages.

How to Prevent Facebook Crashes

While it’s impossible to avoid Facebook crashes 100% of the time, there are steps you can take to make them less likely:

  • Update the Facebook app and your device OS to latest versions
  • Don’t open too many Facebook tabs in browser
  • Clear app cache and browser cookies/history
  • Ensure web browser is updated
  • Disable any unnecessary background apps
  • Ensure reliable WiFi or mobile data signal

What to Do When Facebook Crashes

When Facebook does crash or freeze, try these troubleshooting tips:

  1. Force close and restart the Facebook app
  2. Refresh your browser if accessing via desktop
  3. Clear app cache and browser cookies
  4. Restart your device
  5. Check Facebook’s status page for known outages

The majority of Facebook crashes are temporary glitches that resolve in minutes if you give it another try. Persistent crashing usually indicates a deeper issue requiring more investigation into root causes.


Facebook crashing can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you are trying to access it for important reasons. While disruptions will occur from time to time due to Facebook’s technical complexity, the tips provided above should help minimize occurrences.

Understanding the potential reasons for crashes also lets you troubleshoot more effectively. With some patience and problem-solving, you can hopefully get Facebook up and running again quickly whenever issues pop up.