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Why i can’t set up monetization on Facebook?

Why i can’t set up monetization on Facebook?

Setting up monetization on Facebook can seem daunting for many people. There are several reasons why you may be unable to activate monetization on your Facebook page. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the most common issues that prevent monetization on Facebook and provide solutions to help you finally start earning money from your page.

You Don’t Meet the Eligibility Requirements

Facebook has strict eligibility requirements you must meet in order to monetize your page. If you do not meet these standards, you will not be able to access monetization features. Here are the main requirements:

  • Have at least 10,000 page followers
  • Be located in a supported country
  • Post content that complies with Facebook’s monetization policies
  • Have a page that has been live for over 30 days
  • Be an admin of a Facebook page

Double check that your page meets all of these criteria. If not, focus on growing your audience and posting engaging content that aligns with Facebook’s rules. Once you reach 10,000 followers and meet the other standards, you should gain access to monetization tools.

Your Content Does Not Comply with Policies

Facebook has strict content rules you must comply with in order to monetize your page. If your page has any policy violations or posted prohibited content, this can block you from monetizing. Here are some types of content that can prevent monetization:

  • Hate speech, bullying, or harassment
  • Sensational, misleading, or false news
  • Affiliate marketing or website monetization content
  • Violent, graphic, shocking, or sensitive content
  • Illegally shared or copyrighted content
  • Alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or gambling content

Carefully review your page’s content and remove anything that violates these rules. Deleting the problematic posts can allow you to regain access to monetization. Going forward, maintain compliance by posting content aligned with Facebook’s policies.

Your Account is in Bad Standing

If your personal Facebook profile or page has been flagged for policy violations, this can also stop you from monetizing other pages you manage. Issues like account suspensions, restrictions, or repeat violations can hurt your overall account standing. Here are some cases that may restrict your monetization access:

  • Multiple copyright or policy violations
  • Account suspensions or bans
  • Pages removed for prohibited content
  • Negative feedback from page visitors
  • Flagged for inauthentic behavior

Take time to resolve any outstanding issues or restrictions on your personal profile and other pages. Bring your accounts back into good standing by correcting policy breaches. This can remove limitations related to your account status.

Your Page Lacks Engagement

Creating quality content that your audience regularly engages with is key for monetization. Pages with low engagement metrics and inactive fans struggle to get approved. Here are signs your page lacks sufficient engagement:

  • Posts get few reactions, comments, or shares
  • Follower growth is stagnant
  • Low post reach and impressions
  • Few page views and visitor activity
  • High unfollow or unsubscribe rate

Post content and features your audience responds well to, like questions, polls, user-generated content, and live videos. Engage fans by responding to all comments and messages. Run polls and giveaways to increase follows and reach. Building an engaged community ensures your content hits its target audience.

You Have Not Connected to a Monetization Program

Getting approved for monetization alone does not generate revenue from your page. You have to actively connect to a monetization program once eligible. The main options include:

  • Facebook Ad Breaks – display ads during videos
  • Facebook Instant Articles – monetize news content
  • Facebook Subscriber – charge for exclusive content
  • Facebook Stars – earn from user tips during live videos

Research which program best fits your content and goals. Apply and set up the features you want to use. Without connecting to a specific monetization program, your page cannot start generating money.

Your Account is Restricted From Advertising

If your account has restrictions related to advertising, this will block you from using Facebook’s main monetization programs like Instant Articles and in-stream ads. Here are some reasons your account may have ad restrictions:

  • Past advertising policy violations
  • Disabled ad account
  • Ad restrictions on your Facebook page
  • Banned advertising content
  • Unresolved payment issues

Appeal any ad restrictions or account limitations through Facebook’s help center. Resolve any outstanding ad violations. Confirm your payment settings are accurate. Lifting these advertising blocks is crucial for monetizing with Facebook’s tools.

You Need to Pass Facebook’s Monetization Review

After applying for monetization, Facebook will manually review your eligibility. This process checks if you meet all requirements and identifies any policy issues. Expect it to take a few weeks. Here are some reasons Facebook may reject monetization:

  • Page content violates policies
  • Insufficient followers or engagement
  • Unresolved account restrictions
  • Page deemed ineligible for monetization

If your monetization request gets rejected, carefully review Facebook’s decision for details on what standards need improvement. Work on boosting your follower count, removing any policy-breaking posts, and building your page’s reputation. Once you resolve the issues identified, reapply for monetization.

You Have Not Linked Your Ad Account

To earn money from in-stream ads or Instant Articles, you need to link an existing Facebook ad account to your page. Without connecting your ad account, these monetization features cannot display revenue-generating ads. Here are the steps to link your ad account:

  1. Create a Facebook ad account if you don’t have one
  2. Get accepted into the Facebook monetization program
  3. Go to your Facebook page settings
  4. Click “Monetization” in the left menu
  5. Select “Connect Ad Account” and choose your account

Your ad account may also need its payment settings updated before it can pay out earnings. Confirm your ad account has a valid payment method connected.

Your Page Has an Ineligible Category

Facebook restricts monetization for pages focused on certain topics, products, or services. Pages in these categories cannot earn money from Facebook tools. Ineligible categories include:

  • Illegal or regulated products
  • Adult content
  • Discriminatory content
  • Misinformation or deception
  • Controversial or sensitive events
  • Politicians and political campaigns

If your page falls under these prohibited categories, you will not be able to access Facebook’s monetization programs. Consider shifting your page’s content to avoid restricted topics and categories.

You Are Not Meeting Content Requirements

To keep earning through Facebook monetization, you must continuously post engaging content aligned with program guidelines. Pages that fail to meet these expectations can have monetization restricted. Make sure you:

  • Post frequently and consistently
  • Follow Facebook’s content policies
  • Create content that resonates with your audience
  • Avoid posting content from restricted categories
  • Adapt your content strategy based on performance

Staying aligned with Facebook’s requirements keeps your monetization access intact. Track your analytics to identify high-performing content to guide your strategy.

You May Have an Account Limitation

In some cases, limitations on your Facebook account can prevent you from completing certain actions, including setting up monetization. Here are some examples of restrictions that may impact monetization:

  • Age restrictions for younger users
  • Country restrictions based on location
  • New account restrictions
  • Blocked actions due to violations

Check your account status for any active limitations. Certain restrictions like age or location cannot be changed. For others, take steps to lift restrictions so you can access monetization tools.

How to Troubleshoot Facebook Monetization Issues

If you are still unable to enable monetization after reviewing these common problems, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Thoroughly read Facebook’s monetization policies and make sure you comply with all requirements.
  • Check for any notifications about pending reviews, restrictions, or eligibility concerns on your page or in Facebook’s help center.
  • Submit an appeal through Facebook’s help center if your monetization request gets rejected.
  • Use Facebook’s support channels to identify and resolve account limitations or blocks.
  • Work with a Facebook marketing expert if you need assistance getting approved.

With persistence and continued optimization, you can work through roadblocks and get your page monetized. Do not get discouraged if it takes some adjusting to meet Facebook’s high standards.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about troubleshooting Facebook monetization issues:

Why is my page not eligible for monetization?

The main reasons a page may not be eligible for monetization include having under 10,000 followers, posting prohibited content, country restrictions, page category rules, or open violations causing bad page standing.

How do I fix a rejected monetization request?

If your monetization request gets rejected, read Facebook’s decision closely for details on what requirements need improvement. Address any policy issues, remove banned content, and boost engagement. Once issues are resolved, reapply for monetization.

What should I do if Facebook limits my monetization?

If Facebook limits or disables monetization on your page, make sure you are following all content guidelines for the program you use. Remove any posts that violate policies and appeal the decision if you feel it was made in error.

Why can’t I see monetization options?

Monetization options may be hidden if your page is ineligible, you have ad account restrictions, your account has limitations, you need to pass review, or you haven’t connected an ad account. Meet requirements and resolve blocks to access options.

How long does it take to get approved for monetization?

The review process typically takes 1-4 weeks. Larger pages may get approved faster, while smaller or ineligible pages may get rejected. Make sure to meet all requirements to increase approval speed.


Setting up Facebook monetization has its challenges, but carefully reviewing the eligibility standards, troubleshooting your account issues, and adjusting your content strategy can help you gain access.

Meet the follower thresholds, avoid prohibited content, and build engagement with quality posts. Resolve any active restrictions or blocks on your accounts that may limit monetization. Connect your pages to ad accounts and select monetization programs.

With persistence through the application process, you can get approved to start earning money from your Facebook page. Just make sure to keep optimizing your content and approach to maintain your monetization access long-term.