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Why i can’t play Candy Crush on Facebook?

Why i can’t play Candy Crush on Facebook?

Candy Crush Saga is one of the most popular mobile games ever created. The match-3 puzzle game, developed by King Digital Entertainment, has been played by millions of people worldwide since its release in 2012. At its peak popularity, Candy Crush Saga generated over $1 million per day just on Facebook.

So why are some people suddenly finding they can’t play Candy Crush on Facebook anymore? There are a few potential reasons for this.

Facebook Removed Desktop App Access

The primary reason Candy Crush Saga is inaccessible on Facebook is that Facebook removed the ability to play desktop Canvas apps in 2020. Prior to this, many games like Candy Crush could be played directly within the Facebook website. But now Facebook only allows mobile apps on its platform, not desktop apps.

This change was intended to improve the Facebook user experience by decluttering the desktop site and focusing more on Facebook’s core features like News Feed. But it also impacted the accessibility of games like Candy Crush that were previously playable on FB.

Flash Support Was Discontinued

Another factor is that Candy Crush Saga initially used Adobe Flash to power the desktop version of the game. But support for Flash ended in 2020 as the technology was phased out across the web.

When Flash support went away, it broke many of the web browser games that relied on it, unless the developers rebuilt them using HTML5. King transitioned the mobile versions of Candy Crush to HTML5 before Flash support ended. But the Facebook Canvas desktop version remained dependent on Flash.

So when Flash died, it essentially killed the desktop FB edition of Candy Crush that millions of people had been playing within their News Feeds. This helps explain why the game no longer loads on Facebook for many users.

The Game Progressively Disappeared

Candy Crush Saga didn’t immediately disappear from Facebook overnight. It was a gradual process spanning multiple years:

  • 2014 – Facebook begins limiting Canvas app visibility in the News Feed
  • 2015 – King stops developing new content for the Facebook Canvas version of Candy Crush
  • 2018 – King removes the ability to share Candy Crush lives/progress on Facebook
  • 2020 – Adobe Flash support ends, rendering Flash games unusable
  • 2020 – Facebook removes the ability to use desktop Canvas apps entirely

With all of these changes, the Facebook version of Candy Crush Saga was slowly phased out over time. While people could keep playing it if the app remained accessible in their account, new players were eventually unable to even load the game.

The Mobile Game Still Exists

While Candy Crush Saga is no longer available on Facebook itself, the mobile versions of the game are still very much active. People can download and play the Candy Crush app on iOS or Android to get their match-3 puzzle fix.

Mobile is where Candy Crush has the majority of its players now. King develops new content and features only for the mobile editions of the game now. The company has essentially abandoned the legacy Facebook Canvas platform entirely, even though it initially helped fuel Candy Crush’s viral growth.

Some Candy Crush Saga statistics:

Platform Downloads
iOS App Store Over 1 billion
Google Play Store Over 1 billion
Facebook Canvas (desktop) Discontinued

As these numbers show, mobile is king when it comes to Candy Crush Saga today. The Facebook Canvas edition was left behind as King shifted focus to supporting mobile platforms instead.

Can You Link Candy Crush to Facebook?

While you can no longer play Candy Crush directly on Facebook, you can still connect your mobile Candy Crush account to Facebook for social features like:

  • Seeing which of your Facebook friends play Candy Crush
  • Connecting with friends through Facebook to send/receive lives
  • Posting game updates to your Facebook feed

So Facebook connectivity still exists within mobile versions of Candy Crush Saga, even though the game itself is no longer hosted directly on Facebook.


In summary, here are the key reasons Candy Crush Saga can no longer be played on Facebook:

  • Facebook removed support for desktop Canvas apps
  • The Facebook version relied on Adobe Flash, which is now unsupported
  • King focused Candy Crush development on mobile platforms
  • The Facebook game was slowly phased out over time

While losing the Facebook edition of Candy Crush disappointed many longtime players, the mobile versions of the game continue to thrive. Candy Crush Saga has over 2 billion downloads just between iOS and Android as players take their match-3 puzzle gaming on the go.

So if you try loading up Candy Crush on Facebook now and find it missing, that’s why. The only way to play today is by using the mobile Candy Crush app on your smartphone or tablet. But your previous game progress and friends are likely still available after connecting your Facebook account.

Mobile gaming represents the future for titles like Candy Crush Saga. The Facebook Canvas platform once helped fuel viral adoption, but also came with limitations around technology dependencies like Flash. Moving to pure mobile apps has given games like Candy Crush more flexibility to innovate and engage players in the long-term.

While saying goodbye to the Facebook edition has been difficult for some long-time fans, the mobile future is bright for Candy Crush Saga. The game continues to entertain millions of players to this day across iOS and Android devices. And you can still connect your Facebook account for social features, even if the game itself is no longer hosted on Facebook.

So for anyone wondering why they can’t find Candy Crush Saga on Facebook anymore, now you know why. The game has fully transitioned to a mobile-first experience as Facebook deprioritized desktop apps. But Candy Crush lives on in full force on iOS and Android, with the same addictive gameplay that made it a cultural phenomenon.