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Why I Cannot change my profile name in Facebook?

Why I Cannot change my profile name in Facebook?

There are a few main reasons why you may not be able to change your profile name on Facebook:

  • Facebook only allows you to change your name every 60 days – If you have already changed your name within the last 60 days, Facebook will not allow you to change it again until the 60 day period has passed.
  • Your account may be temporarily blocked – If your account has been reported or flagged for suspicious activity, Facebook may temporarily block your ability to edit your profile, including changing your name.
  • You have exceeded the name change limit – Facebook only allows you to change your name a certain number of times within a given period. If you have hit this limit, you’ll have to wait before changing it again.
  • Your name includes prohibited terms – Facebook does not allow you to use certain terms, symbols or phrases in your profile name. If your desired name contains prohibited content, it will not be approved.
  • You have unpaid ads charges – If you have any outstanding payments for Facebook ads, you may be blocked from making profile edits until you pay off the balance.

Let’s explore each of these common reasons in more detail:

You Can Only Change Your Name Every 60 Days

One of the most common reasons people cannot change their profile name is because Facebook only allows you to do so once every 60 days.

This policy is in place to prevent abuse and for security reasons. By limiting how frequently you can change your name, it makes it harder for people to impersonate others or misrepresent themselves frequently.

So if you have already changed your profile name within the last 60 days, Facebook will not allow you to change it again until that 60 day waiting period has passed. You’ll have to wait until the 60 days is up before the option to edit your name will be available again.

The 60 day limit applies even if you are simply changing your name back to a previous name you’ve used. Facebook still counts this as a name change, so you’ll have to wait out the full 60 days.

When does the 60 day counter reset?

The 60 day countdown begins on the day you last changed your profile name.

For example:

  • You change your profile name on January 1st
  • You will not be able to change your name again until March 1st
  • On March 1st the 60 day waiting period ends and you can change your name again
  • If you change your name on March 1st, you then have to wait until May 1st for the next name change

So essentially the 60 day counter resets every time you change your name, and you have to wait the full 60 days from that last change.

Ways to Track When You Can Change Your Name Again

Because you have to precisely track 60 days from your last name change, here are some tips:

  • Make note on your calendar – When you do change your name, immediately make a note on your calendar for 60 days later reminding you that you can change your name again.
  • Use a countdown app – There are various apps and websites that allow you to set countdowns and reminders. Use one to set a 60 day countdown so you know when your waiting period ends.
  • Check your previous name change activity – In your Facebook settings, you can view your name change history and see the exact date you last changed your name.

Keeping track of when the 60 days ends will allow you to know in advance when you can change your name again if needed.

Your Account May Be Temporarily Blocked

In some cases, you may find yourself completely blocked from changing your Facebook profile name due to your account being temporarily suspended.

There are a few reasons why Facebook may suspend your ability to edit your profile:

Suspicious Activity on Your Account

If Facebook detects suspicious or unusual activity on your account, they may block your ability to make profile changes temporarily. This is done as a security measure in case your account has been compromised.

For example, if you suddenly change your name multiple times in a day when you’ve never done that before, Facebook may see that as suspicious behavior. Or if you change your name to something offensive or impersonating someone, that would warrant a temporary block.

You’ll usually get notified by Facebook if you’ve been blocked for suspicious activity.

Your Account is Under Review

Facebook will sometimes block profile changes if they are actively reviewing your account for potential policy violations.

For example, if your account has been reported by others or flagged for fake name usage, nudity, harassment, etc. Facebook may restrict your ability to edit your profile until their review is completed.

This prevents people from changing their name or other profile details to evade an active account investigation. You would need to wait until Facebook finishes their review to change your name again.

You’ve Violated Facebook Policies

Similarly, if you have actually violated Facebook’s terms in the past your ability to change your name can be revoked. This is typically a temporary restriction lasting anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

For instance, if you used a fake name or impersonated someone else, you may be prohibited from changing your name again until your restriction is lifted. This helps prevent further policy violations.

You Have Hit the Name Change Limit

In addition to the 60 day limit in between each change, Facebook also has a limit on how many times you can actually change your name in a certain time period.

If you hit this overall name change limit, you’ll be blocked from making further changes until your limit resets.

Here are some key points on Facebook’s name change limit policy:

  • You can change your name up to 5 times every 90 days
  • The 5 name change limit applies as a rolling 90 day period
  • Your limit will reset at the beginning of each new 90 day cycle
  • Changing your name back to a previous name still counts as one of your 5 changes

So for example, if you changed your profile name 4 times over the past month, you’ll now only have 1 remaining name change available to you in that current 90-day cycle.

If you try to change your name for a 6th time prior to the 90 day reset, Facebook will not allow the change.

Here are some tips to avoid hitting the 5 name change limit:

  • Track your name changes carefully within each 90 day period.
  • Change your name decisively instead of frequently switch back and forth.
  • Use your 5 changes strategically if needed.
  • Wait for the 90 day cycle to end if you need more than 5 changes.

As long as you monitor your changes and don’t exceed 5 per 90 days, you can continue changing your profile name within Facebook’s limits.

Your Name Contains Prohibited Terms

Facebook has certain rules and restrictions regarding what can and cannot be included in your profile name. These rules are in place to prevent offensive names, impersonation, misrepresentation and other issues.

If you try to change your name to something that violates Facebook’s policies, the change will not be approved and your name will remain the same.

Here are some examples of prohibited content that Facebook does not allow in profile names:

Offensive or Abusive Language

This includes offensive, sexual, racist, threatening, hateful, harassing or otherwise inappropriate language. For example, expletives, slurs and derogatory terms are not allowed in your profile name.

Misleading or False Information

Your name cannot include overtly misleading or false details about yourself. This includes claiming to be someone you are not, representing a business, brand or organization you have no authority to represent, or providing inaccurate biographical details.

Celebrity Names

You cannot change your name to impersonate a celebrity, public figure or any other individual. Names that are confusingly similar to high-profile individuals will be rejected.

Copyrighted Content

Your name cannot contain copyrighted terms, logos or content owned by a third party. For example, you could not include a company name like McDonald’s or Coca-Cola unless you have permission to use their trademark.

Symbols and Emoji

Facebook does not allow certain symbols, emojis or special characters to be used in your profile name. Only standard English letters, hyphens and periods are permitted.

If your desired name includes any prohibited content, the change will be blocked and you will have to select a compliant name to use instead. So be sure to avoid any questionable terms or content when changing your profile name.

You Have Unpaid Ad Charges

If you have advertised on Facebook using their self-service ad platform, having an unpaid balance can limit your account functionality.

Specifically, if you have any outstanding payments for Facebook ads you’ve run, your ability to edit your profile will be temporarily blocked. This includes changing your profile name.

Here’s an overview of how unpaid ad charges can prevent profile name changes:

  • You setup Facebook ads linked to a credit card or payment method.
  • Your ads accrue charges as they run.
  • If your payment source declines or you reach your spending limit, your ad account will show an unpaid balance.
  • With an unpaid balance, Facebook blocks your ability to edit your profile or change settings.
  • Once you add a valid payment method and pay off your balance, your restrictions will be removed.

Essentially, failing to pay your Facebook advertising bills can limit your access to profile editing tools like changing your name.

To regain full access:

  1. Add a valid credit card or payment method to your Ads account.
  2. Pay off the unpaid ad balance in full.
  3. Wait for Facebook to lift the restrictions after payment processes (usually within 24 hours).

Once your balance is paid off, you’ll be able to change your profile name as usual again. Just be sure to pay any outstanding ad charges promptly to avoid limitations.

Troubleshooting When You Can’t Change Your Name

If you find yourself unable to change your Facebook profile name after attempting to do so, here are some troubleshooting tips:

Check for Active Restrictions

Log into your account and go to the Restrictions section under Settings. This will show if you have any current restrictions preventing name changes. It may also display when the restrictions will be lifted.

Review Recent Name Change History

Go to your Name Changes history under Settings. Check the number of recent changes and when your last change occurred. This can identify if you’ve hit the 60 day limit or 5 changes per 90 days limit.

Try Changing Your Name Back to the Previous Name

In some cases changing your name back to your previous name can lift restrictions. The system may see reverting to a prior name as less risky.

Avoid Special Characters in the New Name

Remove any emojis, symbols or special characters from the name you are trying to change to. Stick to basic letters and numbers to avoid prohibited content blocking the change.

Appeal the Name Change Block

If your name change is blocked with no clear reason or timeframe displayed, you can file an appeal to Facebook through their Help Center. Provide context on why your name change should be allowed.

Wait it Out

If you hit a name change limit or have a temporary block, you may simply need to wait out the restriction period and try changing your name again later.

Preventing Future Name Change Issues

To avoid encountering problems when changing your Facebook name in the future, keep these tips in mind:

  • Limit name changes to once every 60 days
  • Only change your name 5 times or less within a 90 day period
  • Don’t use offensive, misleading or false information in your name
  • Pay any outstanding Facebook ad balances promptly
  • Appeal name change blocks if you believe they were made in error

Following Facebook’s policies and rate limits for name changes will ensure your ability to edit your profile name when needed. Monitor your changes carefully and avoid anything that might appear suspicious or policy-violating.

If you do unexpectedly lose the option to change your name, thoroughly read any error messages or restrictions shown to identify the specific reasons why. With patience and prudent name choices, you can maintain full access to edit your Facebook profile name.


While Facebook does allow you to change your profile name, there are policies and limitations in place to prevent misuse. You can only make a limited number of changes within given time periods, and names with prohibited content will be rejected.

If you suddenly find yourself unable to update your profile name, remain calm and methodically check for active restrictions, recent changes and potential policy violations. In most cases a simple waiting period or name adjustment will allow you to successfully modify your profile name again.

By following Facebook’s rules and staying well under the change limits, you can change your profile name smoothly when needed. Monitor your change history, avoid suspicious behavior, and keep your advertising account in good standing to maintain full access to edit your profile name.