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Why i can t log in my Facebook account even the password is correct?

Why i can t log in my Facebook account even the password is correct?

There are a few common reasons why you may not be able to log in to your Facebook account even when entering the correct password:

  • Your account is temporarily locked
  • Your account has been disabled
  • There is an issue with your browser or device
  • Your account has been hacked
  • There is a technical issue on Facebook’s end

Don’t panic if you can’t login to your Facebook account. There are steps you can take to troubleshoot and restore access. Here is an in-depth look at the various reasons why you may be locked out of your account and what you can do to get back in.

Your Account is Temporarily Locked

One of the most common reasons for not being able to login even with the right password is that your account has been temporarily locked. This can happen for a few reasons:

  • You entered the wrong password too many times – After a few failed attempts, Facebook will temporarily lock the account as a security precaution. This is to prevent unauthorized access by someone trying to guess your password. The lock is temporary and usually lasts for a few hours or up to a day.
  • Suspicious activity was detected – If Facebook’s systems detect suspicious or unusual activity from your account, it may trigger a temporary lock. This could happen if someone was trying to access your account from an unknown device or location.
  • You violated Facebook’s terms of service – Things like sending spam, bullying, or posting prohibited content can lead to a temporary lock.

If your account has been temporarily locked, you will see a notification saying something like “Your account has been disabled” or “For security reasons, your account has been temporarily locked”.

The good news is this lock is usually short-lived and your account will be reactivated after a period of time, as long as you didn’t violate any serious policies. You simply have to wait it out. Some things you can try:

  • Wait 24 hours and then try logging in again. This allows the lock period to expire.
  • Check the notification from Facebook for details on when your account will be unlocked.
  • Try resetting your password – you may be able to regain access faster with a password reset.

If the lock does not automatically lift after 24 hours, you may need to contact Facebook support and request a review of your account.

Ways to Avoid Temporary Locks

Here are some tips to avoid having your Facebook account temporarily locked out:

  • Log in from familiar locations and devices – This establishes a pattern of “normal” behavior.
  • Don’t attempt too many logins in a short time – Take a break if you input the wrong password multiple times.
  • Strengthen your login credentials – Use a strong, unique password and enable two-factor authentication.
  • Watch out for phishing emails/links – Beware of scam emails attempting to steal your login info.
  • Follow Facebook’s policies and avoid violations – Don’t spam, bully, mislead people, etc.

Your Account Has Been Disabled

In some cases, you may find your Facebook account has been completely disabled, rather than just a temporary lock. This is a more serious issue and means you’ve likely violated one of Facebook’s core policies or terms.

Reasons your account could be outright disabled include:

  • Providing false personal information – Like a fake name or birthday.
  • Abusive behavior – Bullying, harassment, intimidation of other users.
  • Hate speech policy violations
  • Terrorism policy breaches
  • Child exploitation activity
  • Scamming or phishing
  • Spamming or unauthorized advertising
  • Compromised account security – Such as hacking or malware.

If your account has been disabled, logging in will be impossible even with the correct password. You will see a message that your account has been “disabled for violating Facebook’s terms”.

Getting a disabled account reactivated requires going through Facebook’s account appeal process:

  1. Fill out the Facebook account disable appeal form – You can find this under the Help Center.
  2. Provide a valid photo ID – This helps confirm account ownership.
  3. Explain why you should be reactivated – What terms did you violate and why Facebook should reinstate you.
  4. Wait for Facebook’s review – The review takes 1-2 days. Appeal approvals are rare.

If your violation was minor, being honest and expressing remorse may help your appeal. However, disabled accounts rarely get reactivated, so it’s best to avoid violations that could lead to permanent disabling.

Preventing Account Disables

You can take the following preventative measures:

  • Provide accurate personal info when signing up.
  • Avoid abusive behavior towards others.
  • Don’t spread hate speech or dangerous misinformation.
  • Report suspicious messages or phishing attempts.
  • Don’t purchase or sell fake accounts or followers.
  • Carefully follow all Facebook rules and community standards.

Following Facebook’s guidelines and being respectful of other users is crucial for keeping your account in good standing.

Browser or Device Issues

Sometimes the issue is not actually with your Facebook account, but rather with the device, browser, or app you are using to access Facebook.

Here are some login issues that can stem from browser or device problems:

  • Outdated app version – An old version of the Facebook app may have compatibility problems. Ensure you update to the latest version.
  • Site cookies cleared – Facebook uses cookies to remember your logged in status. Clearing cookies can sign you out and cause login failures.
  • Private browsing mode – Facebook may not work properly in private browsing windows which block cookies and site data.
  • Cached old password – Your browser may be autofilling an old cached password which no longer works if you recently changed it.
  • Incorrect date & time settings – If your device date is inaccurate, this can sometimes create issues.
  • Corrupted browser or app – Glitchy software, corrupted program files or malware could prevent proper functioning.
  • VPN, firewall or security software – Overly restrictive network settings can interfere with Facebook’s login processes.

Troubleshooting steps if the issue seems tied to your browser or device:

  • Clear cookies and cache – Wipes outdated Facebook site data from your browser.
  • Try another browser – Narrow down if the problem is isolated to one browser.
  • Reset your browser to defaults – Fixes any corrupted browser settings.
  • Ensure accurate date & time settings.
  • Update device and app software.
  • Disable VPNs, firewalls, security software temporarily.
  • Try logging in on another device – Such as your phone if PC is having issues.

Taking the time to troubleshoot your device and browser can often uncover the real issue stopping you logging in.

Account Has Been Hacked

In some cases, not being able to login to your Facebook account is a sign that the account has been hacked or compromised in some way.

Some common signs your account has been hacked:

  • Password suddenly stops working
  • Profile information changed without you doing it
  • Email/password reset initiated without you requesting it
  • Friends see posts or messages you didn’t send
  • New friend requests sent from your account to strangers
  • Unfamiliar logins from new locations in account activity

If you notice any of those, your account may be compromised. Other ways accounts get hacked include:

  • Malware or keylogger virus on your computer
  • Phishing scam got you to reveal login credentials
  • Using the same login details on multiple sites, one of which was breached
  • Password too weak and easy to guess using bots
  • Credential stuffing – automated login attempts using known username/password combos

Recovering a hacked Facebook account requires:

  1. Reporting the hack through Facebook’s support options.
  2. Regaining control via the account recovery process by confirming your identity.
  3. Changing your password to a strong, unique one not used elsewhere.
  4. Enabling two-factor authentication for increased security.
  5. Scanning devices used to access Facebook for malware.

Preventing hacks comes down to password hygiene and security precautions like:

  • Unique, complex 15+ character passwords.
  • Two-factor authentication enabled.
  • A password manager to generate and store secure passwords.
  • Monitoring account settings for unauthorized changes.
  • Being wary of phishing attempts via email or text.

Implementing strong login credentials and security measures reduces the risk of your Facebook account being accessed by cybercriminals.

Technical Problems on Facebook’s Side

Occasionally, login issues arise from technical problems occurring on Facebook’s end. As a massive platform with billions of users, Facebook does experience occasional outages and glitches.

Some signs that login trouble may be due to a temporary Facebook problem:

  • Unable to login on any device/browser.
  • Issues reported on Facebook’s status pages or social media.
  • Multiple people complaining about login failures around the same time.
  • Error messages about the service being unavailable.
  • Unrelated Facebook features also not working.

What happens on Facebook’s end to cause login disruptions? Some potential technical reasons are:

  • Servers are down – Hardware/network failure makes the login platform unreachable.
  • Traffic overload – Demand exceeding capacity makes the login systems unresponsive.
  • DDoS attack – External hackers intentionally flood servers to take them offline.
  • Buggy software update – New buggy code pushed live causes crashes.
  • Database error – Issues interacting with the backend user data systems.
  • Maintenance downtime – Planned maintenance blackouts during upgrades.

When Facebook is having platform issues, there is usually nothing the user can do except wait it out until internal teams fix things. Some tips:

  • Check Facebook’s status page for alerts about known problems.
  • Follow Facebook’s social accounts for updates on outage timelines.
  • Try logging in later to see if the issue resolves after some time.
  • Avoid generating traffic spikes by having users attempt to login repeatedly.

While frustrating, try to be patient as Facebook’s engineers work to restore service after technical disruptions. Issues are usually resolved in a few hours at most.

Troubleshooting Steps

If you find yourself unable to login to Facebook, here are the general steps to try troubleshooting the issue:

  1. Reset your password – Request a password reset via email or your verified mobile number. This lets you rule out an incorrect password.
  2. Check error messages – Read any error notifications closely, they often contain clues about the specific cause.
  3. Try another browser – Attempt to login using a different browser on the same device to isolate browser-related problems.
  4. Try your mobile device – Attempt logging in on your smartphone if you’re having computer issues, or vice versa.
  5. Check Facebook’s status – Investigate if known technical issues are occurring on Facebook’s end causing widespread problems.
  6. Look for unusual account activity – Monitor your account for suspicious posts, new friends, changed info, etc indicating a potential hack.
  7. Scan your computer for malware – Run antivirus scans to check if keylogger or info-stealing malware caused a hack.
  8. Review recent activity – Check locations of recent logins for unfamiliar devices or regions that could signal an intrusion.
  9. Contact Facebook support – If all else fails, reach out to Facebook’s help resources to investigate.

Thoroughly working through these troubleshooting steps can help identify and resolve the root cause preventing you from accessing your account.

Preventing Future Login Problems

Once you resolve any immediate login issues, it’s a good idea to implement measures to prevent future problems accessing your account:

  • Strong unique password – Create a robust 15+ character password only used for Facebook.
  • Two-factor authentication – Add an extra layer of login security via codes from an authenticator app or your phone.
  • Recognized device login – Set your most commonly used computers/mobile devices as recognized to avoid constant reauthentication.
  • Login notifications – Get alerts about logins from unrecognized regions or devices.
  • Password manager – Have a trusted program generate and store difficult-to-crack passwords.
  • Clean devices – Run antivirus scans and remove any malware posing security risks.
  • Caution clicking links – Carefully assess login prompts to avoid phishing attempts.

Making your Facebook account more secure requires adding layers of protection beyond just a password. Enabling extra login safeguards can prevent you from being locked out again.

When to Seek Further Help

If you continue having difficulties logging into your Facebook account after thoroughly trying all troubleshooting steps, it’s time to reach out for additional help:

  • Contact Facebook support – They can further investigate persistent login failures or disabled accounts.
  • Request account recovery – If you believe the account was hacked, report it and initiate recovery.
  • Post in Facebook user forums – Check if other users have experienced and resolved the same problem.
  • Get help from friends – Have someone you trust try logging in from their device to test if the issues are isolated to your computer/phone.
  • Contact computer support – Your device, security software or network may require configuration changes to allow Facebook access.

With difficult login problems, reaching out to Facebook directly or doing further research can reveal solutions that basic troubleshooting missed. Be sure to monitor your account closely during any persistent login issues in case it ends up being a hack.


Not being able to access your Facebook account can certainly be frustrating. However, many login issues can be identified and resolved with systematic troubleshooting.

Start by resetting your password and trying different devices. Check for notices about temporary locks or disables. Scan for unauthorized account activity indicating hacking. Troubleshoot browser problems by clearing cookies, testing other browsers and updating software.

Keep an eye on Facebook’s system status for any widespread technical issues. Enable enhanced login security measures like two-factor authentication going forward. With patience and diligence, many login problems can be diagnosed and corrected. But seek additional help from Facebook or computer support if problems persist.