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Why I am seeing reels instead of videos on Facebook?

Why I am seeing reels instead of videos on Facebook?

In the last few years, Facebook has been pushing reels more and more in the app. As a result, many users are now seeing reels show up in their feeds instead of regular videos. There are a few key reasons why Facebook is prioritizing reels over videos.

Facebook is trying to compete with TikTok

The biggest reason Facebook is promoting reels is to compete with TikTok. TikTok has exploded in popularity with its short form vertical videos and addictive scrolling feed. Facebook wants to tap into this market so it is heavily pushing its own TikTok clone, Instagram Reels. By getting users to create and engage with Facebook Reels, the company hopes to retain and gain back younger users who are flocking to TikTok.

Reels are designed to be more engaging

Facebook has found that Reels have higher engagement and retention rates compared to traditional horizontal videos. The vertical full screen format gives reels more immersive feel. The short length means endless scrolling. And features like audio and effects give creators easy ways to make fun and viral content.

Facebook is leveraging what makes reels so engaging to keep users hooked on the app. Promoting reels means users will spend more time consuming this addictive content.

Reels are easier to produce

Reels have a much lower barrier to creation compared to producing traditional videos. Users can make entertaining reels in just a few minutes right within the app. The short length and creative tools make it accessible to produce content. This results in more content overall being generated.

Facebook wants to tap into this constant stream of content being produced. More reels means more content to keep feeds fresh and users coming back.

Reels monetize well for Facebook

Facebook is prioritizing reels because they are money makers. The short video ads that play in between reels monetize well. Facebook revealed reels already makes up over 20% of the time spent watching video on Instagram. More reel consumption directly translates to more ad revenue.

Pushing reels also keeps creators active on the platforms. These creators bring in users who consume reels and engage with ads. Overall, reels monetize well and creators help drive traffic and eyeballs.

How Facebook surfaces reels over videos

Facebook uses several methods to promote reels over regular videos in feeds:

  • Separate Reels tab – Instagram and Facebook both have dedicated reels feeds
  • Reelsmixing places reels between posts
  • Pushes reels higher in main feeds
  • Suggests accounts to follow based on reels activity
  • Notifications when new reels are posted

User reaction to more reels

User reaction has been mixed on the increased prioritization of reels:

  • Some enjoy the short entertaining content reels provide
  • Others feel like reels are too prominent and disruptive
  • Many users simply want to see more content from friends and pages they follow rather than reels
  • Some users have migrated away from Facebook because of the proliferation of reels
Pros of More Reels Cons of More Reels
Short, entertaining content Disruptive to standard feeds
Easier to produce content Fatiguing with constant scrolling
Monetizes well for Facebook Users want to see more posts from friends

Will Facebook continue pushing reels?

Facebook will almost certainly continue prioritizing reels until they see them fulfilling their goals. Some key reasons reels will be pushed:

  • TikTok competition is still fierce
  • Reels engagement continues to grow steadily
  • Revenue from reels ads climbs higher
  • More creators start using reels as content format

It is unlikely Facebook will pull back on reels unless they see clear signs the current strategy is not working. They want reels to be the future of video social media.

When could Facebook reduce focus on reels?

Facebook may dial back the reels prominence if:

  • User backlash reaches untenable levels
  • Overall engagement on Facebook drops substantially
  • Revenue declines as users disengage
  • Creators abandon the platform over reels frustration

Significant issues stemming directly from the reels push may force Facebook to adopt a more balanced approach. But in the short term, reels will almost certainly dominate.


Facebook has made reels a priority to compete with TikTok, increase engagement, make video creation accessible, and drive more ad revenue. This means users will continue to see reels prominently across Facebook’s apps. While some enjoy reels, others are frustrated seeing less content from friends. Facebook seems committed to reels for now, but could pull back if pushback is strong enough that it negatively impacts the company’s success metrics.