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Why I am not uploading videos?

Why I am not uploading videos?

There are a few key reasons why I have not been uploading videos recently. In this article, I’ll provide an overview of the main factors influencing my decision, organized into sections with subheadings.

Lack of Time

The most significant reason is that I simply haven’t had enough time to dedicate to creating high quality videos. Video production is a very time-intensive process – from ideation, to filming, to editing, each video requires a substantial time investment. With my current work and personal obligations, I haven’t been able to set aside enough time to do video production justice.

On average, it takes me around 20-30 hours to produce one 10 minute video. This includes coming up with an idea, researching the topic, writing a script, filming, and editing. Lately my schedule has been very busy, so I haven’t had any chunks of time that big to devote solely to video production.

I could try to cut corners to reduce the time requirements, but I don’t want to sacrifice quality. Rushed videos with less preparation come across as unpolished and disjointed. I prefer to wait until I have adequate time to make videos I’m proud of.

My Current Priorities

In the last few months, I’ve had to prioritize other aspects of my business and personal life over creating videos. Here are some of the things that have been occupying my time and energy:

  • Expanding my coaching and consulting services – I’ve taken on some new clients which has limited my bandwidth for creative projects
  • Spending more time with family – with a new baby in the house, I’m devoting more evenings and weekends to family time rather than working
  • Developing new courses – I’ve been heads down creating the curriculum for my new virtual workshop series
  • Handling administrative tasks – paperwork, taxes, financial planning, etc. I’ve had to spend more time on these less exciting but necessary tasks

With only 24 hours in a day, I’ve had to make the tough decision to put videos on the back burner for now. My other priorities have had to take precedence, but that doesn’t mean videos are gone forever.

Lack of Motivation

I’d be lying if I said lack of motivation hasn’t also been a factor. While I absolutely love the creative process of video production, it can also be mentally draining at times. After publishing over 100 videos, coming up with fresh, unique ideas takes work.

Sometimes I’ll hit a creative slump where I’m just not inspired to make videos. Forcing it when I’m not feeling it results in subpar work that I’m not satisfied with. I end up scrappingloads of footage or unfinished projects when I’m not truly excited about the concept.

Creative Burnout

Like any creative endeavor, video production carries the risk of burnout when you push too hard for too long. After publishing weekly videos for over 2 years, I think I’ve depletion some of my creative reserves.

There are periods where video ideas just won’t come, no matter how much I brainstorm. I could force myself to churn out more videos, but they would likely be derivative and dull.

When I hit these ruts, I’ve learned it’s best to take a complete break from videos for a while. Taking the pressure off gives my motivation and inspiration time to recharge.

Discouragement from Low Viewership

I’ll admit – seeing videos with so few views has dampened my motivation at times. It’s easy to get discouraged when you pour hours into a video that hardly anyone watches.

Rationally, I know viewership isn’t the best metric of a video’s value. Not every video will be a viral hit, and that’s okay. But emotionally, it’s still disheartening to see a video flop despite your hard work.

It’s been difficult to maintain enthusiasm when some videos only get a few hundred views. The dip in viewership has made it harder to get excited about filming new videos when it feels like few people are watching.

Technical Difficulties

On a purely practical level, technical problems have also hindered my ability to produce videos lately. I’ve run into a few frustrating equipment failures and obstacles.

Issues with My Camera

First, my main camera broke a few months ago. Without my primary DSLR, I haven’t been able to film new footage for videos. I brought it in for repairs, but the brand no longer manufactures this model so they couldn’t source the right part.

I’m planning to replace it, but finding the right camera with my budget is taking research. In the meantime, I’m limited to smartphone videos which have inferior image quality.

Problems Editing Video

I’ve also been having issues with the software I use to edit videos. My editing program started crashing continuously, making it impossible to get through editing a full video from start to finish.

I reached out to customer support and did troubleshooting, but couldn’t resolve the crashing issue. I’m in the process of testing alternative editing programs, but re-learning a new system is time consuming.

Between the busted camera and glitchy editing software, the production process has ground to a halt. I don’t have the right tools to film or edit high quality content.

The Future of My Videos

I know the lack of videos has been disappointing if you enjoy my content. I want to assure you that videos aren’t going away forever. Once some of these roadblocks are resolved, my goal is to start publishing more videos again.

In the meantime, I’ll continue creating written articles, podcast episodes, and other types of content. I appreciate your patience and understanding during this transitional period.

Creating videos that provide value to you is extremely important to me. Despite the current challenges, I fully intend to ramp up video production again once I have the bandwidth, motivation and equipment to do so.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement. Knowing you find value in my videos keeps me going, even when the process gets tough. I look forward to ramping up videos again soon!

My Plans for the Future

Once my schedule frees up again, technical issues get resolved, and my motivation rebounds, videos will become a priority again. Here are some of my specific plans:

  • Block time on my calendar specifically for video creation
  • Purchase a new camera and editing software subscriptions
  • Hire a video editing assistant to help streamline the production process
  • Create a backlog of video ideas during breaks from production
  • Set a loose schedule of publishing 1 video per week to hold myself accountable

Types of Videos I Want to Make

I have lots of ideas brewing for the types of videos I want to create in the coming months. Here are some of the ones I’m most excited about:

  • Educational videos breaking down complex strategies step-by-step
  • Frequently asked questions and answers about common problems
  • Case studies and examples of real world applications
  • Behind the scenes vlogs taking you along for the journey
  • Interviews and conversations with interesting people
  • Reviews of tools, books, and resources I’m using

Improving Viewership Engagement

Once I resume regular videos, I also want to spend more time promoting them and optimizing them for search. A few strategies I plan to use:

  • Share videos on social media immediately after publishing
  • Create optimized titles, descriptions, and tags
  • Promote videos in relevant online communities and groups
  • Run occasional ads to raise awareness
  • Publish on a consistent schedule so viewers know when to expect new content

I’m excited to see consistent effort can do to grow my audience and viewership. With strategic promotion and search optimization, I’m confident I can increase engagement.


As you can see, the reasons I haven’t been publishing many videos lately are fairly complex. Lack of time, motivation issues, technical problems, and other priorities have all played a role.

However, this is only temporary. Videos remain one of my greatest creative passions. Once the circumstances are right, I will resume publishing weekly high-quality videos.

Thank you again for your patience during this slow period. Your viewership keeps me inspired to improve my content. I value you as a member of my audience, and can’t wait to continue creating videos for you soon!