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Why haven’t I received my Facebook payout?

Why haven’t I received my Facebook payout?

If you are a Facebook content creator who has been approved for Facebook’s monetization programs but have not yet received your payout, there are a few potential reasons why this may be happening.

Have you reached the payout threshold?

Facebook has a minimum payout threshold that you must reach before you will receive your money. This threshold varies by country and currency, but is generally around $100 USD or 100 Euros.

So if you have only earned $50 so far, you will not receive a payout until your balance reaches the $100 minimum. You can check your current balance in the Facebook monetization section of your Creator Studio.

Has it been less than 45 days since you were approved?

Facebook pays out earnings 45 days after the end of the month in which they were earned. So if you were just approved for monetization this month, you would not receive your first payout until 45 days after the end of this month.

For example, if you were approved on October 15th, your earnings from October 1st – October 31st would be paid out around December 15th.

Has your ad revenue been impacted by policy violations?

If your Facebook account or specific pieces of content have been found in violation of Facebook’s policies, your earnings may be reduced or withheld. Violations like hate speech, nudity, harassment, etc. can all lead to monetization restrictions.

You can check if any of your posts have been flagged in Creator Studio under the Monetization section. If you do have violations, you will need to resolve them before your earnings will be restored.

Are your payment details up to date?

Make sure the payment information you have provided to Facebook is current and correct. Common issues include:

  • Expired or incorrect payment card details
  • Outdated PayPal account
  • Payment threshold currency mismatch

You can update your payment details in the Monetization tab of Creator Studio. Payments will be held until you provide valid information.

Has your payment been sent but not received?

In rare cases, a payment may have been sent by Facebook but not properly received on your end. Some potential reasons include:

  • Incorrect direct deposit account details provided
  • Issues with your payment card or PayPal account
  • Payments being flagged as fraudulent/suspicious by your bank

If you believe a payment has been sent but not received, first confirm with Facebook that a payment was indeed issued. Then work with your bank/payment provider to determine why it was not properly deposited.

Have you checked your payment timeline?

It’s easy to lose track of payment schedules and timelines. Double check that enough time has passed since you reached the payout threshold and that the payment date has not just not arrived yet.

Remember, Facebook pays out 45 days after the month in which earnings were accrued. So don’t panic if you’re still within that 45 day waiting period.

Are you still waiting for your first-ever payout?

For your very first payout, Facebook retains 100% of earnings until the payment threshold is reached. This is to protect against fraud.

So if you are waiting on your first payout, you will need to earn 2x the normal threshold amount before that payment can be issued. Subsequent payments will be sent out normally.

Could there be an issue on Facebook’s end?

While rare, it is possible there is some sort of technical issue or glitch on Facebook’s side that is holding up your payment.

If you’ve verified all other potential issues on your end and still have not received payment, reach out to Facebook support for assistance. They should be able to confirm if there is a problem on their side causing a delay.


If you haven’t received a Facebook payout you believe you are owed, don’t panic yet. The most common reasons involve not meeting thresholds, payment details errors, or just normal processing delays. Thoroughly check each potential issue above to determine what may be holding up your payment.

If it has clearly been over 45 days since you reached the minimum threshold and met all other requirements, and you have triple checked your payment details, then reach out to Facebook support to see if they can assist.

With a little patience and troubleshooting, you should be able to identify and resolve the problem and get the Facebook earnings you deserve.

Potential Issue Solution
Haven’t met payout threshold Earn more to reach minimum
Within 45 day payout window Wait for payout period to end
Payment details invalid/expired Update payment information
Policy violations on account Resolve violations and appeals
First payout pending Earn 2x threshold amount
Payment sent but not received Contact bank/provider
Issue on Facebook’s end Contact Facebook support

Facebook’s monetization and payout structure can be complex and frustrating when things don’t go as expected. But systematically reviewing the potential reasons outlined above should help identify and resolve the issue.

Be patient, carefully check each step, and reach out for assistance if needed. With some diligence you should be able to get your rightful Facebook earnings.

Don’t get discouraged if your payout doesn’t arrive exactly on schedule – while it may take some extra time and effort, you will eventually be paid for the content you’ve created and engagement you’ve driven on the platform. Persistence and thorough problem-solving pays off when it comes to getting paid by Facebook.

Some key takeaways:

  • Ensure you’ve met the payout threshold for your currency and country
  • Check that it’s been 45 days since the month your earnings accrued
  • Double check your payment details and methods
  • Resolve any policy violations or issues with your content
  • Be extra patient for your very first payout
  • Contact Facebook support if all else fails

Getting paid for your hard work and great content should not be a struggle. With some focused troubleshooting, you can get to the bottom of any missed or delayed payments from Facebook. Don’t lose hope, stay persistent, and take proactive steps to uncover and fix the underlying issue.

The Facebook monetization experience has its quirks, but armed with the right information you can navigate through any payment problems. With a comprehensive review of all potential reasons outlined here, you should be able to identify why you haven’t received your expected payout and take steps to resolve it.

Stay organized with payment details, be patient as payments are processed, and reach out for help when needed. Before you know it, the payout issues will be resolved and your Facebook earnings will be in hand. Don’t let payment problems stop you from pursuing your passions and creating great content that your audience loves. You’ve earned it!