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Why have my story highlights disappeared?

Why have my story highlights disappeared?

If you’ve noticed that some or all of your Instagram story highlights have suddenly disappeared, you’re not alone. Instagram highlights going missing is a common issue many users face. Here are some potential reasons why your Instagram story highlights may have vanished and tips to get them back.

Your highlights may have been archived

The most likely reason your Instagram story highlights disappeared is because they were archived either automatically by Instagram or manually by you. Here’s what to know:

Automatic archiving by Instagram

Instagram will automatically archive your story highlights after they have been live on your profile for one year. This is done to keep your profile from getting too cluttered. Old highlights get sent to your archive where you can still view them, but they will no longer be visible on your public profile.

Manual archiving

You may have also accidentally archived a highlight yourself without realizing it. To manually archive a highlight, you open it, tap the three dots icon in the bottom right corner, and select “Archive.” This removes the highlight from your profile.

How to restore archived Instagram highlights

If your missing highlights have been archived, you can easily retrieve them by following these steps:

  1. Go to your profile and tap the archive icon in the top right corner (it looks like a clock)
  2. This will open your archive where all archived posts and stories are stored
  3. Locate the story highlight you want to restore and tap on it
  4. Tap the three dots in the bottom right corner and select “Show on Profile”

The highlight will now be restored to your public profile.

Your highlights may have been deleted

If you can’t find a missing highlight in your archive, then it may have been deleted either by you or a glitch. Here’s what to check:

Accidental deletion

It’s easy to accidentally delete a highlight while trying to edit or manage it. To delete a highlight, you open it, tap the three dots icon, and select “Delete Highlight.” If you did this without meaning to, the highlight is permanently gone.

Glitch or app issues

In some cases, highlights can disappear due to random Instagram glitches or app crashes. The app freezing or force closing while you have highlights open could potentially cause data loss.

How to recover deleted Instagram highlights

Unfortunately, there is no way to retrieve deleted Instagram highlights. Once you permanently delete a highlight, either manually or by accident, it is gone for good. Your only option is to re-create it using your archived stories.

Re-creating highlights from archived stories

If you have your original stories saved in your archive, you can make new highlights using them. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your archive and locate the needed stories
  2. Tap and hold on each story to share it, then select “Add post to highlights”
  3. Choose an existing highlight or create a new one

While tedious, this lets you rebuild lost highlights from scratch.

Preventing highlights from disappearing

To avoid your Instagram highlights going missing in the future, here are some tips:

  • Save copies of your highlights – Take screenshots or screen recordings so you have backups
  • Avoid archiving unless necessary – Only archive old highlights you don’t need
  • Be careful when managing highlights – Don’t tap delete accidentally
  • Update the app – Keep the Instagram app updated to fix bugs
  • Contact Instagram – If all else fails, report the issue to Instagram

Why Instagram highlights can disappear

In summary, here are the main reasons your Instagram highlights may have disappeared:

Reason Details
Automatic archiving Highlights get archived after 1 year by Instagram
Manual archiving You accidentally archived a highlight yourself
Accidental deletion You deleted a highlight by mistake while editing
App issues Glitches or crashes caused data loss

What to do if highlights are missing

If you notice some or all of your Instagram story highlights have disappeared, follow these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check if highlights were archived – Restore any archived highlights
  2. See if any highlights were deleted – Try re-creating using archived stories
  3. Update app and restart device – Rule out app glitches
  4. Avoid managing highlights when app is unstable – Prevent accidental deletion
  5. Report issues to Instagram if needed – They may be able to help recover data


Instagram highlights disappearing can be alarming, but the cause is usually archiving or accidental deletion. Check your archive first before assuming your highlights are gone. You can retrieve archived highlights, but will need to manually rebuild any that were deleted. Be careful when managing highlights, keep the app updated, and report serious issues to Instagram. With proper care, you can prevent highlight headaches in the future.