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Why have my contacts disappeared from Facebook Messenger?

Why have my contacts disappeared from Facebook Messenger?

It can be frustrating when you open up Facebook Messenger and notice that some or all of your contacts are missing. There are a few potential reasons why your Messenger contacts may have disappeared and several things you can try to get them back.

Why Did My Contacts Disappear from Messenger?

Here are some of the most common reasons your contacts may have vanished from Messenger:

  • You were logged out of your Facebook account
  • Your Facebook account was disabled
  • You blocked the contacts
  • The contacts blocked you
  • You deleted the conversations with the contacts
  • The contacts deleted the conversations with you
  • There’s a syncing issue between Facebook and Messenger

Let’s explore each of these possibilities in more detail:

You Were Logged Out of Facebook

If you get logged out of your Facebook account for any reason, your Messenger contacts will temporarily disappear. This is because Messenger pulls the list of your contacts from your Facebook friends list.

The contacts will reappear once you log back into your Facebook account. So if you notice missing contacts, check to make sure you’re still logged into Facebook.

Your Facebook Account Was Disabled

If your Facebook account gets disabled, either temporarily or permanently, you will lose access to Messenger as well. Messenger is directly linked to your Facebook account.

If your account was wrongly disabled, you will need to appeal the decision and get your account reactivated to regain access to your Messenger contacts and conversations.

You Blocked the Contacts

If you recently blocked some of your Facebook friends directly on Facebook, they will be automatically blocked in Messenger as well and disappear from your contacts list.

Similarly, if you block someone in Messenger, they will be blocked on Facebook too. Blocking removes the contact altogether on both platforms.

The Contacts Blocked You

The reverse is also true – if one of your friends has blocked you on Facebook or Messenger, they will vanish from your contacts list without you being directly notified.

You may realize you’ve been blocked if you try to search for a contact and can’t find them. You won’t be able to re-add a blocked contact yourself.

You Deleted the Conversations

If you intentionally deleted your message threads with certain contacts by swiping left on the conversations and clicking “Delete”, this will remove the contacts from your main contacts list.

They will only reappear if you message them again or are messaged by them, regenerating a new thread.

The Contacts Deleted the Conversations

Similarly, if one of your contacts deleted their message history with you, it can make them disappear from your contacts list on your end.

Like if you delete a thread, the contact would show up again if you start a new chat.

There’s a Syncing Issue

In some cases, a problem with syncing between Facebook and Messenger could cause contacts to temporarily vanish.

This is typically resolved by logging out and back into both Facebook and Messenger to force a resync. Make sure your apps are updated as well.

How to Get Messenger Contacts Back

If your contacts disappeared from Messenger unexpectedly, here are some steps to try to restore them:

1. Check Your Facebook Account Status

First, log into Facebook via a web browser or the mobile app and make sure your account is active and in good standing. If you’re logged out, log back in. If your account was disabled, you’ll need to go through the process of submitting an appeal.

2. Log Out and Back Into Facebook and Messenger

If your account is fine, try fully logging out of the Facebook app and/or website, and the Messenger app. Force quit the apps as well. Then restart and log back in to sync things up. See if all your contacts reappear after doing this.

3. Update the Facebook and Messenger Apps

Make sure both apps are updated to their latest versions from the App Store or Google Play Store. Older app versions can sometimes cause syncing problems. Updating may help.

4. Remove and Re-add Your Facebook Account to Messenger

In the Messenger app, go to your profile and navigate to the “Active Accounts” section in Settings. Remove your Facebook account, then add it again. This forces Messenger to resync your contacts.

5. Turn Sync On/Off

In Messenger’s Active Accounts, toggle the “Sync Contacts” switch off and back on if the contacts don’t reload after re-adding your Facebook account.

6. Uninstall/Reinstall the Messenger App

If the above troubleshooting didn’t work, uninstall Messenger completely, restart your phone, then reinstall Messenger fresh from the app store. When you log back in, your contacts should sync correctly.

7. Send a New Message to the Missing Contact

If a contact disappeared after you deleted your message history with them, try sending them a new message. This will recreate the messaging thread and re-add them to your main contacts list.

8. Search for Missing Contacts on Facebook

Go to Facebook and search for the name of the missing contacts in the search bar. If you still see them listed on Facebook, the issue is isolated to Messenger.

9. Reach Out to Contacts on Facebook

If missing contacts are also gone from your Facebook friends list, comment on one of their posts or send them a new friend request. If they accept, it will restore the connection on both Facebook and Messenger.

10. Submit a Report to Facebook

If you’ve tried all the above suggestions and your contacts are still missing, submit a bug report directly to Facebook via the Help Center. They may be able to fix sync issues on their end or recover lost contacts.

Reasons Your Contacts May Have Disappeared

Here are a few more potential reasons your contacts disappeared that weren’t mentioned above:

You Changed Your Facebook Name

If you changed your profile name on Facebook, your Messenger contacts will temporarily show your old name until the apps sync with the updated details.

Contacts Changed Their Facebook Names

Similarly, contacts who update their Facebook names may temporarily show up differently in your Messenger contact list during the sync transition.

You Switched Messenger Login to a Different Facebook Account

If you use multiple Facebook accounts and changed which account your Messenger is linked to, your contacts would change to match the new account.

You’re Viewing an Archived/Inactive Thread

In Messenger, tap back to the “Active” tab to see your current contacts. The “Archived” section shows old conversations.

Your Phone Contacts Were Changed or Lost

Messenger also syncs contacts from your phone’s contacts list. So if those were lost, it would impact Messenger.

You Updated Your Phone Number or Email

Changing the phone number or email associated with your Facebook account can temporarily cause contact issues until fully synced.

Your Phone Number Changed

Similarly, if your own phone number changed and you haven’t updated it everywhere, contacts might not be able to reconnect with you.

You’re Temporarily Banned from Facebook/Messenger

If your account was temporarily banned for violations of Facebook policies, your contacts will disappear during the duration of the ban.

Your Contacts Deactivated Their Facebook Accounts

If your friends deactivated their Facebook accounts, they would also disappear from Messenger until reactivating.

Preventing Messenger Contacts From Disappearing

To help prevent contacts disappearing from Messenger in the future:

  • Avoid blocking contacts unless absolutely necessary
  • Don’t delete conversations unless you need to
  • Check frequently that you’re logged into Facebook
  • Make sure your Facebook account is in good standing
  • Keep your apps updated and resync them if issues arise
  • Back up your contacts on your phone periodically
  • Note which Facebook account your Messenger is linked to

Following these best practices will minimize the chances of contacts randomly vanishing from Messenger down the road.

What to Do If a Contact Is Still Missing

If you’ve exhaustively tried the troubleshooting steps listed in this article and a contact remains missing, here are a few last things you can try:

  • Search for the contact extensively on Facebook
  • Ask mutual friends if they can still see the contact’s profile
  • Check if the contact deactivated their Facebook account
  • Use a different social media site or communication channel to reach them
  • Create a new contact profile for them in Messenger using their info
  • Wait and see if the contact reaches out to you first
  • Accept that you may no longer be able to message this person

Ultimately, if all else fails, the person may have blocked you, deactivated their account, or want no further communication. At that point you’ll have to move on, unless able to get their updated contact information another way.


Having your contacts mysteriously disappear in Facebook Messenger can certainly be perplexing and inconvenient. In most cases, the issues can be resolved by troubleshooting syncing problems or account issues. But in some instances, contacts vanish due to blocking or their own account deactivation.

Hopefully the suggestions provided in this article will help you restore your missing Messenger contacts. Just be patient and methodical in re-syncing the apps, and double check your account status on Facebook. With some diligence, your contact list should repopulate.