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Why has my Facebook page layout changed?

Why has my Facebook page layout changed?

Over the years, Facebook has introduced many changes to the layout and design of Pages. As Facebook continues to evolve, page admins may notice changes happening to their Facebook business Pages from time to time. These updates are often intended to improve the user experience or introduce new features, though they can sometimes be disruptive or cause confusion if you’re not expecting them.

Some common reasons why you may notice changes to your Facebook Page layout include:

Facebook testing new features or designs

Facebook is constantly testing out new page layouts, features and designs with small groups of users. For example, they may test out a 2-column layout for Pages instead of the usual single column. Or they may experiment with moving certain elements like the Page’s photos to a different location. If you’re chosen to be part of the test group, you’ll see changes that most other Page admins won’t.

Facebook rolling out layout changes gradually

When Facebook introduces design changes, they often roll them out gradually to Pages over a period of time. They do this to monitor how the changes impact Pages and to catch any major issues before the update is sent to all users. So you may notice your Page layout change while a friend who admins another Page still sees the old design. Page layout updates usually roll out to all users eventually.

Facebook making widespread layout changes

In some cases, Facebook will introduce layout changes or new features that impact all Pages. For example, at the end of 2021, Facebook introduced a new Page layout that included the left-hand sidebar and other changes. This major redesign rolled out to all Page admins over the course of a few weeks.

You’re using the new Facebook Pages Manager app

In mid-2021, Facebook launched a new iOS app called Facebook Pages Manager that provides admins a revamped interface for managing their Pages on the go. The app has a completely different look and feel from the classic Facebook Pages Manager app and the desktop site. So if you’ve recently started using the new Pages Manager app, that’s why your Page may look totally different.

You’re viewing your Page on mobile web

The mobile website version of Facebook displays Pages differently than the desktop website. For instance, Cover Photos are more prominently displayed and certain tabs like Photos appear in a different order. If you view your Page on mobile web, you’ll notice changes to the layout compared with desktop. You can download the Facebook Pages Manager app for iOS or Android to manage your Page on mobile in an optimized interface.

Your Page role changed

The options and layout you see on your Facebook Page can vary depending on your admin role. For example, editors will have a more restricted editing experience than administrators who can access all settings and customization options. If your admin role on a Page recently changed from admin to editor, your available options and layout may be different.

You’re using a different device or browser

The Facebook interface can also look different depending on the device, browser or operating system you use to access it. For example, desktop Pages look quite different on Macs versus PCs. And the mobile Page experience differs on iOS versus Android devices. Consider if you’re accessing Facebook from a new device that could alter what you see.

Your page was hacked or merged

In some cases, notices layout changes may indicate more serious underlying issues. For instance, if a hacker gained access to your Page, they could modify the layout via the admin tools. Or if your Page was accidentally merged with another, the layout could now reflect the other Page’s customization settings.

If you suspect such issues, inspect your Page’s settings andaudit its post history for any unauthorized changes. Report any suspicious activity and secure your Page if it was compromised.

You’re viewing a different Facebook profile or Page

This may seem obvious, but before assuming your Page layout drastically changed, double check that you’re viewing the correct profile or Page. With multiple personal profiles and Pages to manage, it’s easy to accidentally view the wrong one and think your layout inexplicably changed.

Switch between your various Facebook accounts and Pages to confirm you’re viewing the one you think you are. The name of the active Page is displayed in the top left of the Facebook interface.


Facebook Pages regularly go through design and layout changes. While it can be temporarily jarring when your Page looks different overnight, the changes are typically intended to improve the experience for Page admins and visitors. With Facebook continually evolving their platform, admins should expect and plan for periodic changes to Pages.

When your Page does go through a layout overhaul, take time to explore the new options and features available. The refresh likely gives your Page renewed capabilities, even if it takes a bit of relearning on your part. As always, provide feedback to Facebook if a change negatively impacts your ability to manage your business Page.

Here is a summary table of some common reasons your Facebook Page’s layout may change:

Reason for Facebook Page Layout Change Description
New feature testing Facebook is testing new designs or features with a small group of users
Gradual rollout Layout updates gradually roll out to Pages over time
Widespread updates Major changes impact all Pages, like the late 2021 redesign
Using new Pages Manager app The iOS app has a completely redesigned interface
Viewing on mobile web The mobile site displays Pages differently than desktop
Different admin role Page layout depends on whether you’re an admin, editor, etc.
New device or browser Layouts can vary across operating systems and browsers
Page hacked or merged Unauthorized changes to a Page can alter the layout
Viewing different Page Double check you’re viewing the Page you think you are

As you can see, there are many valid reasons why your Facebook Page may look different than what you’re used to. Page layout changes are common on Facebook, so don’t panic if you log in one day to discover elements have shifted around.

The most important thing is that your core content – your Page’s posts, photos, videos and information – remains intact. While Facebook’s algorithms and design preferences fluctuate, high-quality content will always be paramount on your Page.

Here are some tips for dealing with Facebook Page layout changes when they happen:

  • Review the Page layout options and settings to understand what’s new or different
  • Check that your key information and branding is still visible as it should be
  • Use the layout tools to customize and optimize where possible
  • Make sure any new features or options are enabled
  • Give yourself time to get used to the changes
  • Provide constructive feedback to Facebook on the changes
  • Focus your time on creating great content as usual

While Facebook’s look and feel may change over time, your followers come to your Page for what you share. Providing value through excellent, engaging content will remain your primary job as a Page admin. How Facebook packages that content is secondary.

Adapt to layout changes when they happen by optimizing within the new parameters. But don’t lose sight of what really matters for connecting with your audience.

In summary:

  • Facebook makes periodic layout changes to Pages
  • Reasons include testing, gradual rollouts, new platforms, admin roles, and more
  • Review, customize and provide feedback on major Page layout changes
  • Focus on your core content and community-building above all

With a user base of over 2.5 billion, Facebook has to regularly evolve its platform and features. While some layout revamps will frustrate initially, most changes aim to provide an improved user experience in the long run.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are there two column layouts on some Facebook pages?

The two-column layout is something Facebook has been testing with small groups of users. The left-hand sidebar provides quick access to things like notifications, messages, and settings. If enabled for your Page, you can use the layout tools to customize what appears in the left column.

Can I revert to the old Facebook page layout?

Unfortunately, widespread layout changes can’t be reverted once fully rolled out. You can provide feedback to Facebook on changes you dislike or find problematic. In some cases, Facebook may adjust updates based on common requests and criticisms from Page admins.

Why does my Facebook page look different on mobile?

The mobile and desktop experiences are designed differently to optimize for those screen sizes and contexts. Key information is displayed more prominently on mobile. You may notice small differences, but your Page’s core elements should remain consistent.

What should I do if unauthorized changes were made to my Page?

If you believe your Page was hacked or compromised, secure your account immediately and audit for suspicious activity. Remove any unauthorized content, admins, or changes. And be cautious of clicking unknown links that may have led to the account takeover.

How often does Facebook update Page layouts?

There’s no set schedule, but significant layout changes and new features tend to be introduced every 1-2 years on average. Smaller tests happen more frequently. Admins should expect periodic changes, especially as Facebook continues growing its userbase exponentially.