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Why has my Facebook changed to digital creator?

Why has my Facebook changed to digital creator?

Facebook has been rolling out a new profile design over the past few months which changes the way your profile looks and works. As part of this, Facebook has introduced a new category called “Digital creator” which some users are now seeing on their profile instead of categories like “works at” or “went to school at”. Here are some key things to know about this new Digital Creator profile category:

What is a Digital Creator profile on Facebook?

The new Digital Creator profile category is designed for people who use Facebook to build their online presence as creators, influencers, bloggers, artists, entrepreneurs, or other types of public figures. It allows you to showcase your creative work and achievements directly on your Facebook profile.

If you fall into one of these categories, Facebook may automatically add the Digital Creator profile category to your profile. You can also manually add it yourself in the “Edit Profile” settings. It will then replace sections like Current City, Works At, Went to School At, etc. The Digital Creator section allows you to list information like:

  • Your creative focus areas – such as blogger, artist, influencer, etc.
  • Links to your website or online portfolios
  • Accolades and achievements in your creative career

Essentially, it’s a customized section to highlight your work and talents as an online creator or public figure. Think of it like your digital resume on your Facebook profile.

Why is Facebook adding this?

There are a few key reasons why Facebook has introduced this new creator-focused profile category:

  • To better serve and support creators and public figures who use Facebook to build their brand and business.
  • To enable new monetization and earnings opportunities for creators on Facebook.
  • To compete with other social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram and TikTok that have robust creator ecosystems.
  • To tap into the fast growing creator economy by giving creators tools to stand out and get discovered on Facebook.

In general, the Digital Creator profile allows Facebook to cater specially to creators, influencers and public figures who use social media as a core part of their business or career.

Who can see my Digital Creator profile?

Just like other profile information, your Digital Creator profile section will be public and part of your visible Facebook profile. Anyone who visits your profile will be able to see that you are a “Digital Creator” and view the information you add to that section.

Some key points about visibility:

  • It will be visible both on desktop and mobile to people who visit your profile.
  • It will also be visible in places where your Facebook bio appears, like alongside Facebook posts.
  • You can control who can see each individual element added like websites, awards etc.
  • But you cannot hide the main Digital Creator header from your profile.

So in general, assume this new profile section is broadly public to align with your overall Facebook presence. But you still have some controls over what exact details are shown.

How do I add the Digital Creator profile to my Facebook profile?

Here are the steps to add a Digital Creator profile to your Facebook profile:

  1. Go to your profile and click on the “Edit Profile” button.
  2. Under the Bio section, you will see an option to “Add professional details”. Click this.
  3. Select Digital Creator from the menu of options.
  4. Fill out any relevant details like your focus area(s), websites, awards etc.
  5. Click Save at the bottom. Your Digital Creator profile will now be live!

Once added, you can edit or update it at any time the same way by going to your profile > Edit Profile > Digital Creator section.

What if I don’t see the Digital Creator option?

Here are some tips if you don’t see Digital Creator as an option to add:

  • Make sure your Facebook app and profile are fully updated to the latest version.
  • The option is still slowly rolling out, so you may not have access yet. Give it some time.
  • It’s primarily shown to accounts Facebook recognizes as public figures or creators. Regular personal accounts may not see it.
  • If you believe you should have access, try editing your bio section again later to see if it appears.

Can I switch back to a regular work/education profile?

Once you change your profile to a Digital Creator profile, there is no direct way to revert back to a standard work/education profile. However, you do have a couple options:

  • You can remove the Digital Creator section entirely and just not have any professional bio on your profile.
  • You can add a new work or education profile using the “Add professional details” option. This will display alongside your Digital Creator profile.
  • You can create a new Facebook profile with a standard work/education bio if desired.

But there is no option to directly switch a Digital Creator profile back to a normal bio section. Just removing the entire section or adding additional details are your options there.

Does this affect how my profile appears to others?

Beyond just showing the Digital Creator header, having this profile category can affect a few aspects of how your profile appears:

  • It may be highlighted differently in searches and on the Facebook platform to signal your status as a public figure/creator.
  • Your bio details may appear in different locations, like alongside posts.
  • You may become eligible for specialized programs, features or monetization opportunities.
  • Pages you manage or create may be categorized differently by Facebook.
  • How your profile interactions, reach and distribution are tracked may be affected.

So switching to a Digital Creator profile can influence both what you see as a user, and how people see and interact with your profile. The goal is to optimize your presence and experience as an online creator.

Should I add the Digital Creator profile to my Facebook page?

Here are some of the key pros and cons to weigh when deciding whether or not to enable the Digital Creator profile:


  • Showcase your work and achievements directly on your profile
  • Get access to specialized Facebook features for creators
  • Increase discoverability and reach as a public figure on Facebook
  • Highlight your areas of expertise and talent to your audience
  • Monetize your Facebook presence through new opportunities


  • Loss of privacy as a public figure vs. personal profile
  • Potentially being treated differently by Facebook algorithems
  • Possibly missing out on certain regular Facebook user features
  • Need to actively maintain professional profile section
  • Less control over how you are presented on the platform

Overall, it makes sense for most public figures, influencers, bloggers, artists and creators to utilize the Digital Creator profile. But personal users may want to keep a standard Facebook profile. Evaluate your own use case and priorities.


Facebook’s new Digital Creator profile gives creators and public figures a dedicated space to showcase their work and achievements on their Facebook profiles. It provides specialized features and visibility to help reach audiences and build an online presence.

While the profile category is still rolling out, eligible users can add it manually via their profile settings. Just be aware that it replaces traditional work/education sections, and makes your info more public facing. For most creators and influencers active on Facebook though, the Digital Creator profile is a useful upgrade.