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Why has my Facebook ad been in review for so long?

Why has my Facebook ad been in review for so long?

Having a Facebook ad stuck in review for an extended period of time can be incredibly frustrating. You’ve put time and money into creating your ad campaign, only to have it held up during the review process. There are a few common reasons why Facebook ad reviews take longer than expected:

Your ad account or Page is new

Facebook will put extra scrutiny on ads coming from new ad accounts or Pages. This is to prevent spam and make sure the account is following all policies. If your ad account or Page is less than 3 months old, review times may take longer. Be patient and continue building up your account reputation with Facebook.

Your ad was flagged for policy violation

If Facebook’s automated systems or human reviewers see something in your ad that goes against their Advertising Policies, the ad will be flagged. Common violations include:

  • Using banned products/services (tobacco, weapons, etc.)
  • Using inappropriate images
  • Making misleading claims in the ad copy
  • Targeting minors under 18

If your ad was flagged, you’ll receive notification in Ads Manager explaining the violation. You’ll need to edit your ad and request another review once changes are made.

Your ad triggers further brand safety checks

Facebook screens some ads more thoroughly if they detect the ad may be political, controversial, or related to sensitive topics. This includes ads about:

  • Politics
  • Social issues
  • Religion
  • Health

These ads require human review before getting approval, which takes more time. Try removing potentially sensitive elements from your ad if you want a faster review.

Your ad account has a history of violations

If your ad account has received multiple policy violation warnings in the past, Facebook will be extra cautious about approving your new ads. To fix this, you need to improve your compliance record over time:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s policies and make sure all your active ads are compliant
  • Delete any old ads that were flagged for violations
  • Wait a while before submitting new ads – don’t overload the review queue

With consistent policy adherence, Facebook’s systems will begin to trust your account again.

You’re running lots of ads simultaneously

Trying to launch a large number of new ads all at once can bog down the review system. Ad reviewers have quotas for how many ads they can check per day. Flooding them with tons of new ads will lead to delays.

Instead, build up your campaigns gradually. Start with small batch of 5-10 new ads, get those approved, then create another small batch once the first is live. This more measured approach prevents you from overwhelming the reviewers.

Your ad targets many different countries/regions

If your ad targets multiple countries or regions, it requires extra layers of review to make sure it complies with local laws and policies. These location-specific checks add considerable time to the review process.

Try narrowing your ad targeting to fewer countries/regions for a faster review. You can always expand your targeting once the ad is approved.

You’re using detailed targeting options

Highly targeted ads based on things like interests, behaviors, phone model, etc. will take longer to review. Facebook needs to verify these targeting parameters are being used appropriately.

Using simpler targeting settings like age, gender, and location is less likely to trigger in-depth reviews. Remove custom audiences and granular targeting options if speed is your main priority.

You made frequent changes during review

It’s common to tweak your ad during the review process as you get feedback from Facebook. However, making many changes in a short timeframe can reset the review and add delays. This is because any change requires re-reviewing the ad.

Instead of making rapid fire changes, give reviewers time to check each version of your ad. Wait for feedback after each iteration before making further updates.

You’re using a review-intensive ad format

Some ad formats inherently require more compliance checks by Facebook. Video ads, lead gen ads, and other complex formats introduce moderation challenges. Simpler ad formats like single image or carousel ads can be reviewed much quicker.

If your ad urgently needs approval, consider using an easier format first. Once your ad is active, you can test higher-friction options like video.

Facebook ad reviewers are overloaded

During especially busy periods, Facebook’s human reviewers can get overwhelmed with the sheer volume of ads to check. Major shopping days like Black Friday and Cyber Monday tend to see much longer review delays.

Avoid launching large campaigns right before or during peak seasons. Schedule your ads and account creation during lower volume periods for the fastest approval.

Facebook is understaffed

In rare cases, extended delays across most ads may indicate Facebook is understaffed on human reviewers. With over billions of users, even Facebook struggles meeting demand to review so many ads worldwide. Staffing shortages can lead to a growing backlog.

Unfortunately there’s not much you can do in this situation except wait it out. Delays due to understaffing are usually resolved within a couple weeks as Facebook hires and trains more reviewers.


Getting your Facebook ad approved quickly comes down to having a compliant, well-optimized ad account. Avoid common red flags, start small, and give reviewers adequate time between changes. With some care and planning, you can have your ad live within Facebook’s typical 1-3 day review period.

Reason for Delay Solution
New ad account Be patient and build account history
Policy violation Edit ad to comply and re-request review
Sensitive ad topic Remove controversial elements
Account violation history Improve compliance record over time
Too many new ads Stagger ad launches in small batches
Targets many countries Narrow targeting to fewer regions
Detailed targeting Simplify targeting settings
Frequent ad changes Allow time between iterations
Review-intensive format Use simpler formats if urgent
Reviewer overload Avoid peak seasons
Facebook understaffed Wait it out as new staff is hired

In summary, be strategic with your ad launches, account history, targeting, and formatting to minimize frustrating review delays. With some insight into how Facebook’s review system works, you can get your campaigns running smoothly and efficiently.

Troubleshooting Very Long Review Times

If your Facebook ad has been in review an abnormally long time – a week or more – here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Double check for any policy violations. Edit if needed.
  • Remove complex targeting settings and custom audiences.
  • Use simple ad formats – single image or video.
  • Don’t make any changes during review. Let the current version process fully.
  • Contact Facebook ad support for assistance prioritizing your review.

Extreme delays almost always come down to an issue on Facebook’s end, not yours. But you can optimize your ad account to give reviewers the easiest possible job approving your ads.

Speeding Up Facebook Ad Reviews

Here are some pro tips for expediting your Facebook ad review process:

  • Include Business Info: List your website and verified page in the ad account for credibility.
  • Use Compliant Images: Ensure images meet size requirements and community standards.
  • Avoid Restricted Content: Don’t include banned products or health claims.
  • Launch Early Morning: Ads submitted early in the day get picked up first.
  • Limit Targeting: Use only 1-2 targeting options and interests.
  • Pause Other Ads: Reduce load on reviewers by halting existing ads.

Being proactive about creating optimized, policy-friendly ads is the best way to speed through Facebook’s review process.

Managing Client Expectations

As a digital marketer, one of the toughest parts of Facebook ad reviews is managing client expectations. Some tips for communicating with clients when ads get delayed:

  • Set realistic timelines at the start (2-3 days).
  • Explain the review process and common delays.
  • Give regular status updates as you have them.
  • Emphasize that delays are normal and unavoidable.
  • Focus reviews on broader campaign performance.

Keeping clients informed along the way prevents frustration when that “processing” notification lingers longer than hoped. With clear communication and expectation-setting, review delays don’t have to harm client relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are my Facebook ads taking so long to get approved?

Common reasons Facebook ad approval takes longer than the typical 1-3 days include: new ad accounts, policy violations, sensitive ad topics, targeting complexities, ad account history issues, overwhelmed reviewers, and technical problems on Facebook’s end.

What happens if my Facebook ad is not approved?

If your Facebook ad is ultimately disapproved, you will receive notification explaining the policy violation. You can edit the ad to become compliant and resubmit it for another review.

How can I follow up on a pending Facebook ad under review?

You can contact Facebook ad support through chat or email to check on the review status. However, they typically cannot expedite individual ad reviews until it has been pending for a very long time.

What is the average Facebook ad approval time?

The typical Facebook ad review time ranges from 1-3 business days. However, approvals can take longer for new accounts, complex ads, or those with targeting issues. Simpler ads from compliant accounts are more likely to get same-day approval.

How do I avoid Facebook ad rejection?

To avoid rejection, carefully review Facebook’s Advertising Policies and create compliant ads. Follow targeting best practices, don’t use banned content, get images approved, and eliminate misleading claims.


Facebook ad reviews are necessary to maintain the integrity of the platform, but a slow approval process can still be incredibly frustrating. By understanding the key factors causing delays, strategically optimizing your ad accounts and launches, and communicating expectations clearly, you can minimize lost time and get your campaigns running smoothly.

With a well-planned, policy-compliant approach, most ads should sail through Facebook’s standard 1-3 day review. But even the most prepared advertiser will occasionally hit snags. Stay persistent through long waits by checking in with Facebook support, troubleshooting issues, and keeping clients updated.