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Why has Facebook Marketplace blocked me out?

Why has Facebook Marketplace blocked me out?

There are a few potential reasons why you may have been blocked or restricted from using Facebook Marketplace. Here are some of the most common causes and what you can do about it:

Your Account is Too New

Facebook requires users to have an established account before allowing access to Marketplace. If your account is brand new, you may have to wait a while before Marketplace becomes available. The exact timeframe isn’t clear, but waiting a week or two should do the trick in most cases.

You Have a History of Violations

If you have repeatedly violated Facebook’s rules and standards in the past, either on Marketplace or elsewhere on Facebook, your access may have been permanently revoked. Violations that could lead to a Marketplace ban include things like:

  • Listing prohibited items for sale (drugs, weapons, etc.)
  • Scamming or defrauding buyers
  • Harassing other users
  • Posting offensive or abusive content

If your past violations were minor, you can appeal the Marketplace ban through Facebook. But if you have a lengthy history of severe offenses, the ban is unlikely to be lifted.

You Entered Inaccurate Information

Facebook Marketplace requires users to provide accurate personal details like name, date of birth, and location. If the information you provided doesn’t match up with your Facebook profile details, you may be blocked from Marketplace until you clear up the inaccuracies.

Double check that all of the info listed under your Facebook profile settings is correct. You can also try entering your Marketplace listing details again, carefully verifying that everything is accurate.

Your Account Was Flagged for Suspicious Activity

If Facebook’s security systems identify suspicious or abnormal behavior coming from your account, your access to Marketplace may be temporarily paused while they investigate. Some types of activity that could trigger a flag include:

  • Logging in from an unknown device or location
  • Receiving many reports or blocks from other users
  • Having details that don’t match your profile, like an invalid phone number
  • Using features or posting content at an unusually high frequency

These flags are just precautionary – Facebook will usually restore your access within a few days after verifying your account. You can also proactively reach out to Facebook support if your block seems unwarranted.

Your Payment Methods Were Declined

Facebook requires Marketplace sellers to have a valid payment method on file in order to cover listing fees and potential refunds. If you’ve had issues with failed payments, it’s possible your Marketplace access was paused until you can provide updated payment info.

Check that the debit/credit card or PayPal account linked to your Facebook account is still accurate and active. You may also need to pay off any outstanding balances before Marketplace will be enabled again.

You Don’t Meet the Age or Location Requirements

Facebook imposes certain age and location restrictions on who can access Marketplace. You must be at least 18 years old and have a street address associated with your profile. PO boxes and rural routes are not accepted. If you don’t meet these requirements, you’ll be prohibited from using Marketplace.

The only way to resolve this is by updating your Facebook profile with your correct age and/or residential street address. Note that Facebook will need to verify these details before granting you access.

Your Account is Restricted Due to Legal Issues

In rare cases, Facebook may impose platform-wide restrictions on accounts due to legal requirements. For example, if law enforcement requests your account be frozen as part of an ongoing investigation, Facebook will be legally obligated to comply. Once the legal matters are resolved, the restrictions should lift.

If you believe your account has been incorrectly frozen, you would need to reach out to the relevant legal authorities to resolve the matter. Facebook support will be unable to assist under these circumstances.

You Have Outstanding Reviews or Issues with Your Listings

Sellers on Marketplace develop a reputation based on ratings/reviews from buyers. If you have open reviews or unresolved issues on your existing listings, Facebook may block you from creating new listings until these are addressed.

Check your seller dashboard and be sure to respond appropriately to any open reviews or issues buyers have reported. Once your existing listings are in good standing, your ability to post new listings should be restored.

Your Account or Listings Were Reported for Violations

Facebook will promptly investigate any credible reports of users or listings violating Marketplace policies. While the investigation is pending, they may temporarily restrict your access.

Common violations that buyers report include:

  • Attempting to complete sales outside of Marketplace
  • Refusing to ship items after payment
  • Selling counterfeit or dangerous/illegal products
  • Sending harassing messages or using offensive language

If the investigation reveals legitimate policy violations, your account may be permanently banned. But if the reports were false or mistakes, your access should be fully restored within a few days.

You Have an Active Facebook Ban or Restriction

If your main Facebook account is banned or suspended due to violations of Facebook policies, you will automatically lose access to Facebook Marketplace as well.

Appealing the Facebook ban is the only way to regain access to Marketplace in this scenario. As long as your main account access is restricted, your Marketplace privileges will be too.

Your Account Was Hacked

If your Facebook account has been hacked or compromised, the hacker may have attempted to use Marketplace for malicious purposes and gotten your account banned.

You’ll need to regain control of your Facebook account and submit an appeal stating that the policy violations were due to unauthorized access. Be sure to take preventative steps too, like updating your password, enabling two-factor authentication, and making sure your email/devices are secure.

You Have a Product Ban Due to Counterfeits or Intellectual Property Violations

Facebook takes a strict stance against the sale of counterfeit products and intellectual property violations. If you’ve been found selling or promoting fake or copyright-infringing products, Facebook may ban both your account and ability to market those types of products.

Appealing these product-specific bans is difficult, as Facebook takes a strong stance. Make sure any items you list for sale are authentic products that don’t violate trademarks or patents.

How to Appeal a Facebook Marketplace Ban

If you feel your Marketplace access was unjustly revoked, here are the steps to appeal it:

  1. Navigate to the Help Center and select the option to appeal a violation.
  2. Select Facebook Marketplace as the area your access was revoked from.
  3. Choose the specific violation you want to appeal.
  4. Facebook will ask you to provide an explanation of why the violation wasn’t warranted. Provide truthful details explaining why you believe the ban was a mistake.
  5. Wait for Facebook’s review team to issue a ruling on your appeal. This can take anywhere from 24 hours up to a few weeks. Some appeals are denied.
  6. If your appeal is approved, your Facebook Marketplace privileges will be immediately restored!

Tips to Avoid Facebook Marketplace Bans

To reduce the chances of your Marketplace access being revoked, keep these tips in mind:

  • Carefully follow all Marketplace rules and listing policies
  • Respond promptly to inquiries, reviews, and issues from buyers
  • Ship items promptly after purchase and provide tracking info
  • Ensure your listings are for authentic, non-counterfeit products
  • List prices accurately and avoid cancelling transactions
  • Avoid arguments with or harassment of potential buyers

Keeping your reputation and standing positive on Facebook Marketplace goes a long way in maintaining your access. A few negative reviews or flags can trigger restrictions, so aim for consistent 5-star service when selling.

Maintaining Your Facebook Marketplace Account in Good Standing

Once you regain access to Facebook Marketplace, be sure to take steps to keep your account in good standing going forward:

  • Promptly respond to buyer inquiries and questions within 24 hours.
  • Ship items sold within the stated timeframe (usually 5 days).
  • Provide order tracking info and proactively keep buyers updated on shipping status.
  • If an issue comes up delaying shipment, contact buyers immediately to make alternate arrangements.
  • Issue prompt refunds in accordance with Facebook’s policies if unable to fulfill an order.
  • Consider optional shipping protection to cover lost/damaged items.
  • Follow up with buyers once items are delivered to ensure satisfaction.
  • Respond professionally to neutral or negative reviews to resolve issues.

Stellar customer service is key to maintaining your reputation as a seller. Follow best practices for communicating with buyers, fulfilling orders in a timely manner, and resolving any problems that may arise.

Why Maintaining Access is Critical for Sellers

Having your Marketplace privileges revoked can be highly detrimental as a seller. Here are some key reasons why losing access can hurt your business:

  • You lose all your listings and have to start over rebuilding your catalog.
  • You may miss out on pending or upcoming sales.
  • Negative reviews related to the ban could damage your seller reputation.
  • Buyers are unable to contact you with questions or issues.
  • Interruption means losing momentum and your regular sales volume.

That’s why it’s critical to proactively avoid violations that could risk your access being revoked. A single policy slip-up could mean weeks or months of rebuilding your buyer base and revenue.

Alternative Sales Channels

If your Facebook Marketplace access has been permanently revoked with no option to appeal, you may want to consider alternative sales channels. Some popular options include:

  • eBay – The giant online auction site allows you to list both new and used products.
  • Craigslist – Popular for local peer-to-peer and classifieds-style listings.
  • Amazon – For selling new and handmade products directly through their marketplace.
  • Etsy – Focused on handmade, vintage, and craft products.
  • Nextdoor – A hyperlocal buy/sell community for your neighborhood.

Each platform has its own pros, cons, and fees. Do your research to find one aligned with the type of products you want to sell. With persistence, you can rebuild your seller following on a new platform.


Losing access to Facebook Marketplace can be frustrating, but is often reversible if you understand the cause. Appeal any seemingly unjustified bans, resolve account issues, and continue fostering your seller reputation. With a combination of patience and stellar customer service, you can usually regain access within a few weeks in most cases.

Be diligent about following all Facebook commerce policies to avoid violations. Having your Marketplace privileges revoked should just be a temporary setback with the right action plan. Focus on the customer experience, communicate proactively, and deliver exceptional service to buyers.