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Why Facebook shows no posts available?

Why Facebook shows no posts available?

Facebook showing no posts available can be frustrating for users. There are a few potential reasons why this happens and some steps users can try to resolve the issue.

Why Might Facebook Show No Posts Available?

Here are some of the most common reasons Facebook may show no posts available in your feed:

  • Your internet connection is slow, unstable or disconnected
  • The Facebook app or website is glitching
  • You have filtered your News Feed to not show certain people or pages
  • All of your friends have been inactive recently
  • You’ve blocked or unfollowed many accounts
  • Facebook is down for maintenance
  • Your account is restricted for violating Facebook’s terms

Let’s explore each of these issues in more detail:

Internet Connection Issues

One of the most common reasons for seeing no posts is having problems with your internet connection. If your connectivity is slow, keeps cutting out, or you’ve lost your connection completely, Facebook relies on being able to load new posts from their servers. So it will appear as though no new stories are available.

Try switching between WiFi and mobile data to see if one has a more stable connection. Restart your modem or router if the issues persist on your home network. This should refresh the connection and allow Facebook to start loading new content again.

Facebook Glitches

Like any website or app, Facebook can suffer temporary glitches that affect its performance. Sometimes a bug prevents the News Feed from populating properly. Clearing your browser cache and cookies can help resolve one-off glitches like this. If the problem seems to be affecting lots of users, it likely indicates wider technical issues at Facebook that will be resolved soon.

Filtered News Feed

Over time, you may have adjusted your Facebook News Feed settings to filter out certain people or pages. For example, unfollowing an annoying friend, unliking a bothersome brand’s page or snoozing someone for 30 days. If you’ve filtered too many accounts from your feed, it can appear that no new stories are available.

Go to your News Feed Preferences and make sure you haven’t hidden or snoozed more accounts than you realized. Especially check if you have any broad filters, like seeing posts from only Close Friends. Tweaking these filters can help more varied content appear in your feed again.

Friends Are Inactive

The reality is that not everyone uses Facebook daily anymore. If most of your friends haven’t posted, commented or interacted with the site in a while, your News Feed will start to look barren. Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do to spur your friends into being more active on Facebook.

You may want to expand who you follow by searching for new Pages that match your interests. That way you have more potential content sources for your feed beyond just friend posts.

Blocked Too Many Accounts

Over many years of Facebook use, you may have accumulated lots of blocked accounts that you don’t want to see posts from. While pruning annoying people from your feed can be beneficial, blocking too many accounts makes it harder for Facebook to show you a diverse feed.

Review your Blocked list and consider unblocking people who aren’t terrible offenders. Give them another chance to appear in your News Feed organically from time to time through friends’ interactions.

Facebook Is Down

Once in a blue moon, Facebook experiences widespread technical issues that take the site fully offline. When this happens, no one can access Facebook or see updated News Feeds. Check Downdetector to see if lots of other users are reporting Facebook problems too.

There’s nothing you can do except wait for Facebook’s engineers to resolve the outage. This type of total blackout typically doesn’t last more than a few hours at most.

Account Restricted

In severe cases, Facebook may restrict access to your account if you’ve violated their Terms of Service. This is most common if you’ve shared prohibited content, sent abusive messages or engaged in prohibited trading of regulated goods.

If your account is restricted, you’ll see a notification explaining the reason when you try to log in. You may need to submit ID verification or serve out a time-limited restriction. There’s no workaround beyond resolving the issue that triggered the restriction in the first place.

How to Troubleshoot Seeing No Posts on Facebook

If you believe your News Feed issues are caused by one of the temporary glitches covered above, here are some troubleshooting steps to try:

  1. Force quit and relaunch the Facebook app on mobile or desktop
  2. Clear browser cookies and cache
  3. Check for Facebook technical issues at
  4. Switch between WiFi and mobile data
  5. Restart your home modem and router
  6. Adjust News Feed filter settings
  7. Wait a few hours to see if new content loads

Following these tips should help refresh your News Feed and resume normal Facebook use in most cases. If the problem keeps recurring for more than a day, contact Facebook support for additional help.

Normal Reasons for Slowing News Feed

Beyond temporary glitches, there are some normal reasons you may notice your Facebook News Feed slowing down over time:

  • You’ve caught up on recent posts from your connections
  • Your friends and family post less frequently as they get older
  • Pages you follow have decreased posting frequency
  • Facebook’s algorithms decide to show you less content
  • People are shifting content to Instagram and other apps

These types of gradual changes mean your News Feed may never be as lively as it once was. But you can take steps to keep it refreshed and interesting:

  • Engage more with current connections to encourage posting
  • Follow new Pages related to your hobbies and interests
  • Join new Facebook Groups to meet different people
  • Check News Feed less often so content has time to accumulate

Ways to See More Posts in Your News Feed

If you’re still not satisfied with the amount of content in your News Feed after troubleshooting issues and adjusting to normal changes over time, here are a few more ways to fill it up:

Reconnect with Old Friends

Search for friends you haven’t interacted with in a while and reach out to spark conversation. When you comment back and forth, their posts are more likely to show up in your News Feed going forward.

Follow Hashtagged Topics

Look for active hashtags around your hobbies and interests. Following a few popular ones adds posts from a wide range of people into your News Feed mix.

Join Facebook Groups

Groups around specific topics often have lots of lively discussion on a daily basis. Join a handful of active groups to see posts from the members in your News Feed.

Install Facebook Gaming

The Facebook Gaming app has a dedicated Feed just for gaming content. Install it if you want to follow more creators and conversations around gaming topics.

Set Location for Local Posts

Adding your precise location under the “More” tab of your Facebook settings will surface more local posts from neighbors, businesses and organizations in your area.

Create a News Feed-Focused Profile

You can set up a second Facebook profile just for browsing the News Feed. Use it to follow all different types of accounts without worrying about cluttering up your main profile’s feed.


A News Feed with no new posts can be disheartening, but this issue often has simple solutions. Start by checking for technical issues and reviewing your News Feed settings for unintended filters. Widen your connections, engage current friends more and follow fresh Pages or Groups to organically restart the flow of stories.

While Facebook usage and algorithms evolve over time, a little effort can keep your News Feed full of interesting content long-term. Focus on building meaningful connections instead of just amassing lots of casual friends and followers.