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Why Facebook profile lock is not available on iPhone?

Why Facebook profile lock is not available on iPhone?

Facebook’s profile lock feature allows users to quickly and easily lock down their Facebook profiles with just one tap, preventing anyone else from accessing their account. This can be useful for securing your account when you need to briefly hand your phone to someone else. Unfortunately, while profile lock is available on Android devices, it is not yet supported on iPhones.

What is Facebook Profile Lock?

Facebook’s profile lock feature allows you to quickly lock down your Facebook profile on your mobile device. When enabled, it requires your password to reopen Facebook, preventing others from accessing your account if they happen to pick up your unlocked phone.

The profile lock option is located in the main Facebook app menu and can be toggled on or off with a single tap. Once enabled, your Facebook app will automatically lock itself after about one minute of inactivity. The next time the app is opened, your password will be required to log back in. This makes it easy to secure your account if you need to briefly let someone else use your phone.

Why is Profile Lock Not Available on iPhones?

Unfortunately, while Facebook’s profile lock feature is available on Android devices, it is not yet supported on iOS and iPhones. There are a few potential reasons that Facebook has not yet brought profile lock to iPhone:

  • Technical limitations – There may be underlying technical limitations in iOS that restrict Facebook from implementing profile lock capabilities natively within their iPhone app.
  • App Store restrictions – Apple has stricter approval guidelines for the iOS App Store, so any potential security features like profile lock would need Apple’s explicit approval first.
  • User base – Since there are significantly more Android users worldwide, Facebook may have prioritized developing profile lock for that larger market first.
  • Release cadence – Facebook tends to roll out major feature updates like profile lock gradually, so iPhone support may still be in development.

So in summary, while Facebook has not provided an official explanation, the lack of profile lock on iPhone likely stems from some combination of technical barriers, App Store policies, user base priorities, and gradual feature rollout. But there is still hope it could come in the future.

Are There Any Alternatives on iPhone?

While iPhone users can’t utilize Facebook’s integrated profile lock feature, there are a few alternative options to help quickly secure your Facebook app on iOS:

Use Screen Lock

One easy way to lock down Facebook is to simply enable a strong screen lock passcode, Touch ID, or Face ID on your iPhone. This will require biometric or passcode authentication to unlock your phone and reopen the Facebook app. Enabling these screen lock settings is done in iOS Settings > Face ID & Passcode.

Log Out of Facebook

Another option is to fully log out of the Facebook app when letting someone else use your phone. This signs you out of the app entirely until you log back in with your username and password. Tap the 3-line More menu > Settings & Privacy > Log Out on the Facebook app to sign out.

Use a Third-Party App

Some third-party iOS apps like App Lock allow you to individually lock specific apps like Facebook behind an additional passcode or Touch ID authentication layer. This provides functionality similar to Facebook’s profile lock on Android.

Temporarily Disable the Facebook App

You can also temporarily disable the Facebook app when handing your iPhone to someone. This removes the app icon from your home screen until you re-enable it later in iOS Settings. Disabling apps is done in iOS Settings > General > Facebook.

When Will Profile Lock Arrive on iPhone?

There is no official word yet from Facebook on if or when profile lock support may eventually come to the iPhone and iOS. However, considering its usefulness as a security feature, there is a strong chance Facebook will aim to integrate it natively into their iOS app in the future.

Some key factors that may influence when profile lock rolls out on iPhone include:

  • User demand – If there is strong enough demand from iPhone users, Facebook may prioritize its development.
  • Technical capabilities – Facebook’s iOS developers will need to determine the right technical approach that fits with Apple’s guidelines.
  • App Store approval – Releasing the feature will hinge on getting Apple’s App Store approval first.
  • Development timeline – Building and testing native iOS features takes time, so profile lock may still be in development.

Overall, while there is no concrete timeline, iPhone profile lock seems to be on Facebook’s radar given the demand. With any luck, iOS users may see it become available within the next 1-2 major Facebook app releases.


In summary, Facebook’s handy profile lock feature provides a quick way to secure your account on Android, but is not yet available on iPhones due to potential technical limitations or App Store restrictions. However, iPhone users still have alternative options like strong screen locks, logging out, using third-party apps, or disabling Facebook. And given its usefulness, native iOS profile lock likely remains on Facebook’s future development roadmap, even if the exact timeline is uncertain. So iPhone users should hopefully see its convenient security landing on iOS before too long.