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Why Facebook is not posting my video?

Why Facebook is not posting my video?

There are a few common reasons why Facebook may not be posting your video. The most likely explanations are that your video does not meet Facebook’s requirements for length, size, or format, there is an issue with your internet connection, or there is a bug or glitch within Facebook.

Video Length Requirements

Facebook has specific length requirements for videos posted natively to the platform. Videos must be at least 3 seconds long. Videos longer than 240 minutes will not be allowed to upload. The ideal length for Facebook videos tends to be between 30 seconds and 5 minutes long. If your video is shorter than 3 seconds or longer than 240 minutes, Facebook will not allow it to be posted.

Video Size Requirements

In addition to length, Facebook also has size requirements for videos. The maximum file size for videos uploaded to Facebook is 4GB. Larger video files will be compressed during upload or rejected. The recommended video resolution is 720p or higher with an aspect ratio of 16:9. Lower quality or oddly shaped videos may fail to upload properly. Be sure your video file size is under 4GB and that resolution meets Facebook’s standards.

Supported Video Formats

Facebook only supports certain video file formats for native uploading. Supported formats include .MP4, .MOV, and .AVI. Unsupported formats like .WMV, .FLV, and .MKV will not be allowed to upload. If your video is an unsupported file type, you will need to convert it to a supported format using a video converter tool before uploading to Facebook.

Internet Connection Issues

Uploading large video files requires a stable, high-speed internet connection. Slow upload speeds or intermittent connectivity issues can disrupt the upload process and prevent your video from posting correctly. Try uploading on a different network or at a different time of day when your connection is faster. Data caps or throttling by your ISP may also impact your ability to upload large videos.

Temporary Facebook Bug

Like all software platforms, Facebook can sometimes experience bugs or glitches that affect certain features and functions. It is possible there is a temporary bug preventing some or all videos from uploading properly. Try again later or check Facebook’s developer forums to see if other users are reporting video upload issues as well. The problem may be on Facebook’s end and require troubleshooting or a fix from their engineering team.

Copyright Claim or Block

Facebook uses automated systems to scan for copyrighted material used without permission. If their systems detect unauthorized copyright content like songs or clips within your video, it may result in the video being blocked from posting. Avoid using copyrighted material without permission or proper licensing to prevent your uploads from being blocked.

Account Restrictions or Limitations

In some cases, specific accounts may have restrictions placed by Facebook that prevent video posting. New accounts or accounts that have violated Facebook’s terms in the past may have limits on features like video uploads. Make sure your account is in good standing and not subject to any restrictions the platform has enacted.

Fixing Video Upload Issues

If your video is not posting due to one of the reasons above, here are some steps you can take to fix the problem:

  • Trim your video to fit length and size requirements
  • Convert to a supported file format like .MP4
  • Try uploading over a faster, more reliable connection
  • Wait and retry the upload later if temporary bugs are suspected
  • Avoid copyrighted content or get proper licensing if needed
  • Check your account status for any restrictions in place

Other Facebook Posting Issues

While video-specific problems are the most likely cause, there can be other reasons Facebook posts fail to show up. Here are a few other possibilities to check:

Account or Post Blocked by Facebook

If your account or a specific post has been blocked by Facebook, it will not appear publicly on your profile or page. Violating Facebook’s community standards can result in temporary or permanent blocks.

Improper Privacy Settings

If your privacy settings are very strict, posts may only be visible to you. Double check that your video post privacy is set to public or to your desired audience.

Page Limits or Restrictions

Some Facebook pages have posting limits in place that cap the number of posts allowed per day or restrict video posting to certain roles or levels.

Timeline Filtering

Users can filter their timelines to show only posts from specific people, pages, or groups. So your video may be posted but hidden by filters.

Timeline Algorithm

Facebook’s algorithm also controls visibility and reach. Less engaging posts can be suppressed in favor of more popular content.

Troubleshooting Post Visibility Issues

To troubleshoot problems with post visibility and reach outside of video-specific upload issues:

  • Confirm your account and posting abilities are in good standing
  • Double check your post privacy settings
  • Review any page restrictions or limits in place
  • Ask viewers to check that they have no filters enabled
  • Try engaging with the post, commenting on it, and sharing it to boost visibility

Best Practices for Successful Video Posts

To avoid problems uploading and sharing videos on Facebook, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Optimize video length for 3-5 minutes maximum
  • Use HD resolution of at least 720p
  • Keep file sizes under 4GB
  • Use universal formats like .MP4
  • Upload over fast, reliable connections
  • Avoid copyrighted content without licensing
  • Comply with Facebook’s terms of service
  • Set posting privacy to public
  • Engage with your videos once posted


Troubleshooting video posting on Facebook requires checking for technical requirements around length, size, format, and internet connections as well as account restrictions, visibility settings, and algorithmic limitations. By optimizing your video for Facebook, maintaining your account in good standing, and engaging with your content, you can overcome most posting obstacles.