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Why Facebook business verification keeps getting rejected?

Why Facebook business verification keeps getting rejected?

Getting your Facebook business page verified can be a frustrating process, especially when your request keeps getting rejected. Verification adds legitimacy to your page and allows you to access certain features, so it’s understandable that business owners want to get verified as soon as possible.

There are a few common reasons why Facebook may reject a business verification request multiple times:

Not meeting the eligibility requirements

Facebook has specific eligibility requirements for verification that relate to your business’s longevity and public presence. To qualify, your business must:

  • Be active for at least 1 month
  • Have a profile photo and cover photo
  • Have at least 100 followers
  • Have a fully filled out About section with relevant info
  • Have a website or location that is listed publicly elsewhere online

If your page is too new or doesn’t have enough of an established online presence outside of Facebook, you’ll likely get rejected. Focus on building up your page’s content, followers and information before reapplying.

Issues with provided documentation

To verify your business, you need to provide documentation to prove you have the right to represent that business brand on Facebook. The documentation must match the name, contact info and other details exactly as they appear on your Facebook page.

Common documentation issues that can cause rejection include:

  • Sending documents that are blurry or cropped
  • Providing outdated documents
  • Sending documents that don’t match your page details
  • Sending insufficient documentation (you may need to provide multiple docs)

Carefully review Facebook’s documentation requirements and make sure everything you send matches up perfectly with your page.

Suspicious activity on your account

If your Facebook account or page has been flagged for potential policy violations, suspicious behavior or spam activity, your verification request will get rejected. Here are some things that may trigger suspicion:

  • Sudden spikes or drops in followers
  • Using bots or services to inflate likes/followers
  • Abnormal posting patterns like spamming
  • History of posting prohibited content
  • Multiple page name changes

Maintaining authentic growth and posting habits will prevent your account from getting flagged. If you believe your account was flagged in error, you can go through Facebook’s appeals process.

Your business category isn’t eligible

Facebook does not allow certain types of businesses to get verified directly on their platform. Ineligible categories include:

  • Individuals/influencers
  • Illegal businesses
  • Temporary businesses like pop-ups
  • Competitors to Facebook’s products/services

If your business falls under one of these categories, unfortunately you won’t be able to get a blue verification badge on your Facebook page.

Tips for getting verified

If your verification requests keep getting rejected, here are some tips that may help:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s eligibility criteria and make sure your page meets all requirements
  • Provide as much legitimate documentation as possible – the more proof the better
  • Double check that your page info and documents match exactly before submitting
  • Remove any suspicious followers or likes that may appear artificially inflated
  • Maintain professional content and posting habits to avoid getting flagged
  • If rejected, thoroughly read Facebook’s reason and focus on resolving that issue

Appealing rejected requests

If you believe your verification request was incorrectly rejected, you can appeal Facebook’s decision in a few ways:

  • Go to the Help Center and submit an appeal form explaining why you believe you should be verified.
  • Use the “Request Review” button on the rejection notification to ask Facebook to review your request again.
  • Reach out to a Facebook sales representative if you have one assigned to your ad account for assistance.

When submitting an appeal, be sure to provide as much detail as possible on why your business deserves verification and how you meet the platform’s guidelines. Sending updated or additional documentation can also help strengthen your case.

Partnering with a provider

If your appeals continue to get rejected but you need the benefits of a verified badge, partnering with a verification provider like BlueTick can be a solution. These services go through an extensive verification process on your behalf and get approved as an official marketing partner.

The main steps involve:

  1. Submitting your business documentation to the provider
  2. Undergoing their verification process
  3. Signing their partnership agreement
  4. Having the provider link their verified Facebook page to yours

This connects your page to their verified status, granting you the blue checkmark badge. There are costs involved with partner providers, but it ensures you can get verified if Facebook continues rejecting your direct requests.


Getting rejected for Facebook business verification can be frustrating, but understanding the common reasons why it happens can help you troubleshoot the issue. Ensure your page and documents meet the platform’s guidelines, maintain authentic growth, and avoid suspicious behaviors. With the right eligibility and appeal tactics, your page should eventually get approved for verification.