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Why Facebook blocked my Marketplace?

Why Facebook blocked my Marketplace?

Having your Facebook Marketplace account blocked can be incredibly frustrating. Marketplace allows you to easily buy and sell items locally, but if your account is blocked, you lose access to this useful feature.

There are a few potential reasons why Facebook may have blocked your Marketplace account. In this article, we’ll explore the most common causes and what you can do to get your account unblocked.

You violated Facebook’s Commerce Policies

The most likely reason your Marketplace account was blocked is that you unintentionally violated one of Facebook’s commerce policies. Facebook has strict rules in place to protect buyers and sellers using Marketplace. Here are some of the most common policy violations that can get your account blocked:

  • Selling prohibited items – Certain items like alcohol, tobacco, weapons, medications, and adult products cannot be sold on Marketplace.
  • Price gouging – Drastically inflating prices on high demand items is not allowed.
  • Misrepresentation – All listings must be for real items in your possession. Fake or bait-and-switch listings will result in a block.
  • Off-platform transactions – Facebook requires transactions be completed on Messenger so they can be monitored. Taking payment or communications off Messenger is prohibited.

If you unintentionally broke any Marketplace rules, that is likely why your account was blocked. The good news is that this block is often temporary, lasting between 3-30 days. Use the time to read Facebook’s commerce policies carefully to understand what is and is not allowed.

You have multiple blocked accounts

In some cases, Facebook will permanently block your ability to use Marketplace if you have had multiple accounts blocked in the past. This is to prevent repeat policy violators from continuing to misuse Marketplace.

If you’ve had an account blocked before, make extra sure you are following all Marketplace rules with any new accounts. Just one slip up could result in a permanent ban on buying or selling with any account.

Someone reported your account

Marketplace relies on user reports to identify rule-breaking accounts. If someone reported your account, Facebook will block it first and investigate later.

It only takes one report, even if it is false, for your account to get blocked. Common reasons someone may wrongfully report your account include:

  • You declined their offer on an item
  • You refused to transact off Messenger
  • A competitor reported you to knock you out of the marketplace

If you think someone falsely reported your account, you can submit an appeal to Facebook after the block expires and explain the situation.

Your account seems fake or cloned

Facebook’s security systems constantly look for fake and cloned accounts on Marketplace. These accounts are often used for malicious purposes like scams or spamming.

If your account seems inauthentic in any way, Facebook may preemptively block it. Some signs your account could appear fake or cloned include:

  • No profile photo
  • Minimal personal information
  • Abnormal buying or selling patterns
  • Listings that seem dubious or scammy

The best way to avoid looking like a fake account is to fully complete your Facebook profile and establish a history of normal Marketplace activity before listing prohibited items or doing anything that appears suspicious.

You violated Facebook’s terms of service

In addition to commerce policies, violating any part of Facebook’s Terms of Service could get your Marketplace privileges revoked. This includes things like:

  • Abusing or harassing other users
  • Posting hate speech or illegal content
  • Sharing fake news or misinformation
  • Using an unofficial third-party app with Facebook

Make sure you read and understand Facebook’s TOS. Some actions on Facebook unrelated to Marketplace could still trigger blocks that restrict your buying and selling abilities.

You have an outstanding account balance

If you owe Facebook money from unpaid advertising or other fees, they may block your access to certain features like Marketplace. This forces users to pay their outstanding debts before fully accessing the platform again.

If you have an account balance you are unaware of or think is a mistake, reach out to Facebook customer support to resolve the issue. Paying off any fees could get your account unblocked.

How to Get Your Facebook Marketplace Unblocked

If your account has been blocked, here are the steps you should take to try and get it reinstated:

  1. Read Facebook’s commerce policies and terms of service thoroughly. Understand what rules you may have violated.
  2. If the block is temporary, wait out the full block period without opening a new account.
  3. If you believe the block was a mistake, submit an appeal to Facebook.
  4. Be honest in your appeal about any accidental policy violations.
  5. Assure Facebook you now understand all policies and will follow them.
  6. If there is an outstanding balance on your account, pay off any fees.
  7. Avoid further violations by reviewing policies regularly.

Submitting an appeal is the best way to get your account unblocked. However, Facebook will permanently block repeat offenders, so be very careful not to violate any policies again if your account is reinstated.

Use an Alternate Account Carefully

If your block seems permanent with no chance of appeal, you could try creating a new Marketplace account with an alternate Facebook profile. But be cautious, as Facebook will block new accounts that seem associated with previously banned accounts.

Make your alternate account with different contact information and photos. Don’t list prohibited items. Build up a history of normal use before adding any items that you were blocked for selling previously.

There is still a risk Facebook detects the connection, so use this method carefully. Losing Marketplace privileges permanently would be the worst outcome.

Why You Should Avoid Getting Blocked Again

A Marketplace block can be professionally and financially devastating if buying and selling is important to your livelihood. Here are compelling reasons to be extremely careful and avoid further blocks:

  • Loss of income – You cannot earn money from Marketplace during a block, temporary or permanent.
  • Damage to reputation – Blocks hurt your seller rating and cause you to lose repeat business.
  • Fewer features – Blocked accounts can lose other Facebook features like advertising or live shopping.
  • Higher fees – Too many blocks and your selling fees may be raised.
  • Legal action – Law enforcement could get involved for serious or repeat violations.

The effects of getting your account blocked can be devastating. Do everything you can to avoid further violations and follow all Facebook rules meticulously from now on.


Facebook Marketplace blocks should be taken very seriously, as you risk losing your account permanently. The most common reasons accounts get blocked include policy violations, outstanding fees, fake-seeming profiles, or receiving too many user reports.

Submitting appeals, reading Facebook’s rules thoroughly, and avoiding further violations are your best paths to getting unblocked. Multiple blocks will likely lead to permanent loss of Marketplace access, so trade carefully.

With some caution and diligence, you should be able to avoid further issues. Best of luck getting your account reinstated!