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Why Facebook blocked my account for security reasons?

Why Facebook blocked my account for security reasons?

Having your Facebook account blocked can be frustrating and concerning, especially when you don’t understand why it happened. Facebook blocks accounts for security reasons to protect users from suspicious activity or policy violations. There are several potential reasons why your account may have been blocked, but the good news is that in many cases, you can appeal the decision and regain access to your account.

Common reasons for Facebook blocking accounts

Here are some of the most common reasons Facebook may block your account:

  • Suspicious login activity – If Facebook detects logins from unfamiliar locations or devices, they may block your account temporarily until you can confirm it’s really you trying to access the account.
  • Spam or abusive behavior – Repeated posting of spammy content, sending unsolicited messages, or harassing other users can result in your account being blocked.
  • Fake name – Facebook requires users to provide their real names and identities. Using a fake or misleading name is against their policies.
  • Violations of Community Standards – Sharing offensive, violent, or illegal content is prohibited and can lead to your account being blocked.
  • Underage users – Facebook requires users to be 13 years or older. Attempting to set up an account when you’re younger than 13 is not allowed.

If you’re not sure why your account was blocked, check the email address associated with your Facebook account for any notifications from Facebook. The notice should provide details about why the account was disabled and if you can appeal the decision.

Appealing a disabled Facebook account

If you believe your account was blocked in error, you can submit an appeal to Facebook. Here are the steps to appeal a disabled account:

  1. Log in to your account by entering your email address and password. Since the account is blocked, this will take you to a page with an option to submit an appeal.
  2. Select the option to appeal the decision to disable your account. You’ll need to provide a reason why you believe the account was blocked incorrectly.
  3. Facebook will review your appeal and send a notification to your email once a decision has been made. The review process can take several days or weeks in some cases.
  4. If your appeal is approved, you’ll be able to access your account again. If it’s rejected, you’ll receive an explanation why and your options going forward.

When submitting an appeal, be honest and provide as much context and evidence as possible to show why your account should not have been disabled. For example, explain any suspicious login locations and confirm it was really you accessing the account at those times.

Reactivating your account after being blocked

If your appeal is successful, here are the steps to reactivate and access your Facebook account:

  1. Once you receive notice that your appeal was approved, log in to your account using your email and password.
  2. You may need to reset your password if you don’t remember it or change it if you think it was compromised.
  3. Review your account privacy and security settings. Make sure your contact info is up to date and enable two-factor authentication for added security.
  4. Delete or report any unusual posts, messages or friend requests that occurred while your account was blocked.
  5. Be cautious about re-sharing any past posts or information in case your account was compromised. Assume anything posted while your account was blocked was not actually posted by you.

Be sure to understand Facebook’s terms around blocked accounts. If your account gets disabled again for the same violation, the block may be permanent with no option to appeal.

Avoiding getting blocked on Facebook in the future

Here are some tips to help avoid getting your Facebook account disabled:

  • Use your real identity – Don’t use a fake name or impersonate someone else.
  • Follow Facebook policies – Carefully read and follow Facebook’s Community Standards and terms of service.
  • Secure your account – Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and watch for suspicious logins.
  • Be cautious sharing personal info – Limit sharing personal contact info, financial information or identifiable documents.
  • Don’t buy or sell accounts – This violates Facebook’s terms and can get your account blocked.
  • Report impersonators – If someone creates a fake account pretending to be you, report it.
  • Avoid spammy behavior – Don’t repeatedly send unsolicited messages or posts, share clickbait posts or use Facebook only to drive traffic to a website.

Being blocked from Facebook can be frustrating, but in many cases, you can successfully appeal the decision and regain access to your account. Be honest in your appeal, secure your account if reactivated, and be cautious going forward to avoid getting blocked again. With some vigilance, you can maintain access to Facebook and connect with friends and family.

Common Mistakes That Get Facebook Accounts Disabled

While Facebook provides a useful platform for connecting with friends and family, users need to be aware of the actions that could risk getting their accounts disabled. Here are some of the most common mistakes that can lead to Facebook account termination:

Using a Fake Name

Facebook requires users to provide their real identities. Using a fake or alias name is one of the quickest ways to get your account permanently disabled. Facebook screens for fake names when accounts are reported.

Sharing Private Contact Information

While users often share some contact information like their phone number or email address, sharing identification documents, passwords or financial account information could trigger Facebook’s security protocols and lead to account termination.

Abusive Behavior Towards Others

Consistently harassing or bullying other users is likely to generate complaints to Facebook. Accounts issuing violent threats, promoting dangerous organizations or sharing other users’ private information without consent often get banned.

Spamming Friends and Groups

Repeatedly sending unsolicited content to Facebook friends and groups will likely lead to your account being flagged for spam. Avoid sending repetitive messages or sharing your links and content excessively.

Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior

Facebook cracks down on coordinated efforts to mislead others on its platform. Working with others to set up fake accounts or share false information will prompt account termination.

Trying to Buy or Sell Accounts

Trading or selling Facebook accounts is strictly prohibited under Facebook’s terms. Both the buyer and seller face account termination if caught.

Steps to Appeal a Disabled Facebook Account

If you believe your Facebook account was wrongly disabled, you can submit an appeal requesting that Facebook review the decision. Here are the steps:

  1. Access the Facebook account login page and enter your username and password. This will take you to the Account Disabled screen.
  2. Click on the button to appeal the account disablement. You may need to log in again.
  3. Facebook will ask you to confirm your name and provide an explanation of why you are appealing.
  4. Explain in detail why you think the account was incorrectly disabled.
  5. Click submit. Facebook will send a notification when they review the appeal.
  6. If approved, you will regain access to your account. If rejected, the block will remain in effect.

The appeals process can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks in most cases. Providing as much detail and context as possible can help expedite reactivation of your account.

Recovering a Hacked or Cloned Facebook Account

Another common scenario is having your Facebook account hacked or cloned by an imposter. Here are the steps to recover your account if you notice suspicious posts or messages from your profile.

  1. Log in to your account if possible and change the password immediately. Enable two-factor authentication.
  2. Use Facebook’s reporting tool to report the hacked account as compromised.
  3. Upload a copy of your photo ID to prove account ownership.
  4. Message friends and contacts to let them know your account was hacked.
  5. Check Facebook notifications frequently for updates on securing your account.
  6. Once you regain access, remove any unauthorized photos, posts or messages shared from your account.

Dealing with a hacked social media account can be stressful, but Facebook provides tools to report, recover and restore your profile security. Be persistent and provide all details to Facebook when seeking help.

Avoiding Facebook Account Termination

To maintain access to your Facebook account, be aware of the platform’s Community Standards and follow these best practices:

  • Use your real identity and accurate personal details.
  • Don’t harass, threaten or bully other users.
  • Don’t coordinate inauthentic behavior or use fake accounts.
  • Don’t share other users’ personal information without consent.
  • Don’t post illegal, dangerous or sexually explicit content.
  • Don’t buy, sell or trade Facebook accounts.
  • Don’t share spam or try to drive traffic to external sites.
  • Secure your account with strong passwords and two-factor authentication.

Keeping your account behavior consistent with Facebook’s terms of service is the best path to avoiding account termination. If your account does get disabled, promptly submitting an appeal with context can help get it reinstated.

Options if Appeal is Not Successful

If you go through Facebook’s formal appeals process and your account remains blocked, you still have a few options:

  • Submit another appeal providing new information and context Facebook may not have considered.
  • Report the issue on Facebook’s Help Community to seek guidance from other users.
  • File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau to prompt additional review of your case.
  • Consult with an attorney to determine if any legal case could be made to regain account access.
  • Request account data from Facebook through their terms export process.
  • Open a new Facebook account and carefully follow Facebook’s policies and terms of service.

In most cases, Facebook permanently disables accounts only after repeated or severe violations of their standards. If you make a good faith effort to appeal and haven’t violated any laws, you may eventually convince Facebook to review their decision through persistence or legal channels.

Getting Account Data From a Disabled Account

If your Facebook account remains disabled after exhausting all appeals, you can request to access your data before permanently closing the account:

  1. Visit Facebook’s Terms Export page while logged out of your account.
  2. Enter your disabled account’s email address and click Search.
  3. Facebook will email a Terms Export Authorization Code to that email address.
  4. Enter the authorization code and click Continue.
  5. Select the types of data you want to access like posts, photos, profile information, etc.
  6. Click Create File to generate a downloadable archive of your Facebook account data.

This process allows you to download a digital copy of your Facebook content for personal archiving even when you can’t access the disabled account. The data remains available for a few days after requesting the export.

Closing a Disabled Account Permanently

As a final option, you may choose to permanently delete your disabled Facebook account and its data:

  1. From account disabled screen, click “Permanently disable my account”
  2. Enter your account password to confirm account deletion.
  3. Click submit.
  4. Facebook begins erasing account data immediately but can take up to 90 days to fully delete everything.
  5. You cannot reactivate or reopen the Facebook account after permanent closure.

Permanently deleting your account means you forfeit the ability to appeal the account disablement in the future. However, it does allow you to fully sever ties with the platform if you do not expect to ever regain access to the account.

Creating a New Facebook Account After Blocking

If you decide to start fresh, you can create a new Facebook account after being blocked. Take care to avoid the missteps that got your original account disabled:

  • Use your authentic full name and identity on your profile.
  • Don’t add old friends immediately. Build your friend list slowly.
  • Use a different email address and phone number than your prior account.
  • Avoid posting about controversial topics or sharing questionable content.
  • Enable two-factor authentication and use unique passwords to enhance security.
  • Read Facebook’s terms of service thoroughly and follow community standards strictly.

Building a new account after an account termination takes patience. Move slowly, be cautious in your sharing, and closely adhere to Facebook’s expectations to avoid rapid re-disablement.


Losing access to your Facebook account can be upsetting, especially if the reasons are unclear. The platform blocks accounts to protect users and maintain a safe environment. However, mistakes happen and accounts get wrongly disabled sometimes. If you believe that’s the case with your account, submit a thoughtful, honest appeal as soon as possible. Provide context to show you haven’t violated Facebook’s rules. With some effort, you may be able to recover your account and continue connecting with friends and family on the platform.