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Why don’t I have the option to add friend on Facebook?

Why don’t I have the option to add friend on Facebook?

There are a few potential reasons why you may not see the option to add a friend on Facebook:

  • Your account or the other person’s account may have privacy settings enabled that limit friend requests
  • One of you has reached the 5000 friend limit
  • The other person has blocked you
  • There’s a technical issue or glitch preventing the Add Friend button from showing up

Let’s explore each of these possibilities in more detail.

Privacy Settings

Facebook allows users to control who can send them friend requests through privacy settings. There are a couple settings that could be preventing the Add Friend button from appearing:

Limiting Who Can See Your Friends List

In your own Privacy Settings, under “Who can see your friends list?” you may have selected “Only Me” or “Friends”. This means only you (or your friends) will be able to see your full friends list. For everyone else, your friends list is hidden and the Add Friend button will not show up.

To change this setting:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings
  2. Click Privacy in the left menu
  3. Go to Who can see your friends list?
  4. Select Public, Friends of Friends, or a Custom setting that allows the person to see your friends list

Limiting Who Can Send You Friend Requests

Similarly, in the Privacy Settings, under “Who can send you friend requests?” you may have an option selected that prevents the general public from sending requests. For example, if you have this set to Friends of Friends, then only your friends’ friends will see the Add Friend button.

To change this setting:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings
  2. Click Privacy in the left menu
  3. Go to Who can send you friend requests?
  4. Select Public or a Custom setting that allows the person to send you requests

The other person may also have their privacy settings configured to limit who can see their friends list or send them requests. You won’t be able to change their settings, but you could ask them to update them to allow you to send a request.

Reached Friend Limit

Facebook currently limits users to a maximum of 5000 friends. If you or the other person has already reached that limit, the Add Friend button will not appear.

To see how many Facebook friends you have:

  1. Go to your profile
  2. In the Friends box, hover over the total number of friends
  3. A popup will show your current friend count

If you’re at the limit, you’ll need to delete some existing friends in order to add new ones. To remove friends:

  1. Go to your Friends list
  2. Tap the three dots next to a friend’s name and choose Unfriend

There’s no way to see how many friends someone else has. You would need to ask them if they’ve reached the 5000 limit already.

Blocked By The Other Person

If the other person has blocked you on Facebook, you will no longer see the Add Friend button or be able to send a friend request. This is done for privacy and to prevent harassment.

Some signs that someone may have blocked you:

  • You can’t view their Facebook profile or send them messages
  • You don’t see their posts or updates
  • You can’t start a video call with them on Messenger

The only way to know for sure is to ask the person directly if they’ve blocked you. If they did block you, consider why they may have felt the need to do so before attempting to contact them again.

Technical Issues

In some cases, there may simply be a technical issue preventing the Add Friend button from appearing properly. A couple things you can try:

  • Refresh the page – the button may show up after a refresh
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies
  • Try accessing Facebook from a different web browser or device
  • Log out and log back into your Facebook account

If the issue persists across browsers and devices, it’s likely caused by something other than a technical glitch.

Other Potential Reasons

There are a few other rare situations where the Add Friend button may not be visible:

  • You already sent a friend request that hasn’t been accepted yet
  • The account belongs to a Page or public figure rather than a personal profile
  • The profile is fake or belongs to someone who passed away
  • Facebook is running an A/B test that’s temporarily removed the button

In these cases, you’ll need to investigate the specific circumstances further to understand why the option isn’t available.

Troubleshooting When Add Friend is Missing

If you still can’t determine why the Add Friend button isn’t showing up, here are some troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check your privacy settings and friend limit first
  2. Ask the person if they’ve blocked you or reached max friends
  3. Try viewing their profile from a different account
  4. See if the option appears on different browsers or devices
  5. Clear cookies and cache to rule out a technical problem
  6. Check if you already sent a pending friend request
  7. Consider if the profile is a Page, public figure, fake account, or deceased user where adding isn’t possible
  8. Report the issue to Facebook if you think it’s a bug

Ways To Become Friends Without the Add Button

If none of the troubleshooting suggestions restore the Add Friend button, here are some alternative ways to potentially become friends:

  • Have a mutual friend add you both to a group chat or invite you to a group event
  • Interact positively on each other’s public posts and profiles to build familiarity organically
  • Connect on another social platform like Instagram or Snapchat and build rapport there first
  • Send the person a message explaining you want to connect but can’t add them and ask to follow or message them
  • Use a Page You Manage as a middleman to message them profile-to-Page and request connecting
  • Search for their email address or phone number to message them off Facebook with a friend request

With some creativity and persistence, you may still be able to develop an online friendship. But be careful not to violate someone’s boundaries or privacy if they have intentionally prevented friend requests. Respect their decision if adding them directly doesn’t seem possible.

When To Give Up On Adding Someone

As frustrating as it can be when Facebook blocks you from friending someone, it’s important to know when to stop trying. Here are some signs it’s time to move on:

  • You’ve asked directly and they said they don’t want to be friends
  • You receive signals they have blocked you (can’t see profile, posts, send messages)
  • Trying other contact points like email feels intrusive or invasive
  • It causes emotional distress or uses significant time/effort
  • The person is a stranger, casual acquaintance, or you have no mutual friends
  • You have different values or interests that mean an online friendship is unlikely

Forcing a connection with someone who doesn’t reciprocate interest or intentionally avoided you will likely damage any chance of future friendship. Look for people who respond positively and want to engage.

When To Get Help

If not being able to add someone as a friend on Facebook is seriously negatively impacting your mood, relationships, work, or other life areas, it may be time to talk to someone. Signs you need help:

  • You can’t stop thinking about the person rejecting your friend request
  • You feel angry, hopeless, worthless, or are having suicidal thoughts
  • You’re repeatedly trying to contact the person in unhealthy ways
  • Your sleep, appetite, or other regular activities are disrupted
  • Friends and family are concerned about your behavior related to the incident

Don’t hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional like a therapist or counselor if you’re experiencing emotional distress over being unable to connect with someone online. Remember, it’s never worth compromising your own mental health.


The inability to add a friend on Facebook can be perplexing and frustrating. But in many cases, there are settings, limitations, or circumstances preventing the option from appearing. Don’t take it as a personal insult. By checking possible reasons, troubleshooting issues, and using alternative contact methods, you may still be able to establish an online friendship. However, respect people’s boundaries and decisions if they don’t wish to connect. Focus on the friends you do have rather than the ones out of reach. And seek help if the rejection causes significant emotional turmoil. With the right mindset and support system, you can move forward in a healthy positive way.