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Why does my video have no sound on Facebook?

Why does my video have no sound on Facebook?

Having videos with no sound when watching them on Facebook can be frustrating. There are a few potential reasons why your Facebook videos may not have any audio.

Your Sound Settings are Muted or Too Low

One of the most common reasons your Facebook videos have no sound is because your device’s sound settings are muted or too low. Here are some things to check:

  • Make sure the volume on your device is turned up loud enough to hear video sound. Try increasing the volume to maximum.
  • Check that your device or browser tab is not muted. Look for a mute button or volume icon and make sure it is not crossed out or set to zero.
  • Try using headphones. This bypasses any potential speaker issues.
  • Go into your device’s sound settings menu and verify nothing is muted and volumes are set appropriately.

If adjusting the sound settings does not restore audio, the problem likely lies elsewhere.

Facebook Video is Muted

The video itself may have its sound muted by default on Facebook. Here is how to check and potentially fix it:

  • Look for a mute button on the video player. See if it is activated and toggle it off.
  • Drag the volume slider on the video player to turn the sound up.
  • Tap the video to bring up the Facebook video menu. Look for a volume or mute option.
  • Restart the video. This will reset any muting that may have occurred.

If the video still has no audio after checking the above options, the original video file may have had no sound when it was uploaded.

Problem with Video File

Issues with the source video file itself can cause sound problems:

  • Corrupt video file – If the video file is corrupted or damaged, the audio may not play properly.
  • Improperly encoded video – Certain encoding issues can cause sound to be missing from videos.
  • Incompatible format – Facebook may not support the audio codec used in the uploaded video.
  • Original video had no sound – The original video may have been created without any audio.

To troubleshoot a problematic source file:

  • Download the video file and play it locally to verify sound works.
  • Re-encode the video file to repair any corruption issues.
  • Convert the video to a more compatible format such as MP4.
  • Edit the video to add audio if none exists.
  • Upload the modified video file to Facebook again.

Browser or App Issues

Problems with the web browser or Facebook app you are using could potentially interfere with video sound:

  • Buggy browser – An unstable or buggy web browser may have sound issues.
  • Outdated app – Using an outdated version of the Facebook app could cause problems.
  • Cache or cookies – Clearing your browser cache and cookies can help reload page elements.
  • Browser extensions – Some browser add-ons or extensions may interfere with page functionality.
  • Software conflicts – Antivirus or firewall software could potentially block Facebook sounds.

Attempting basic troubleshooting steps may help narrow down browser/app related issues:

  • Try an alternate web browser or the Facebook app to see if the problem persists.
  • Update your Facebook app and browser to the latest versions.
  • Disable any browser extensions that may conflict with page loading.
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies to eliminate possible corrupted files.
  • Temporarily disable security software as a test.

Facebook Site Problems

In some cases, sound loss can result from problems on Facebook’s side:

  • Site glitches – Facebook bugs or glitches could sometimes break video sound.
  • Heavy traffic – High site traffic may strain Facebook’s servers and cause issues.
  • Region restrictions – Video licensing or rights can impose region-based audio restrictions.

Since these problems originate with Facebook itself, there is not much you can do to resolve them directly. However, you can try a few things:

  • Check the Facebook help page to see if they have posted any known site issues.
  • Try watching videos later if heavy traffic may be straining site resources.
  • Use a VPN to access Facebook from a different region as a workaround for any licensing restrictions.
  • Report the problem to Facebook through their help form.

Connectivity Loss Between Devices

For videos that play remotely from another source such as Facebook Watch or Facebook Live, connectivity issues can disrupt the audio stream:

  • Poor network connection – Choppy internet or weak wifi signals can interrupt video streaming.
  • Bandwidth limitations – Heavy bandwidth usage on a network can starve video streams.
  • Streaming errors – Glitches in the remote streaming protocols can cause temporary sound loss.
  • Firewalls – Network firewalls may block streaming media ports.

To troubleshoot remote playback problems:

  • Check your internet connection speed and stability to identify network problems.
  • Try watching on a different network to see if the issue is isolated.
  • Limit other bandwidth usage that may be interfering with video streaming.
  • Configure firewalls and routers to allow Facebook streaming ports.

Troubleshooting Steps to Locate the Problem

When your Facebook videos have no sound, there are a few general troubleshooting steps you can take to try to isolate the cause:

  1. Check your device volume settings and speakers/headphones.
  2. Verify the video sound settings are not muted in the Facebook player.
  3. Try watching on an alternate device or web browser.
  4. Check your internet connection quality and speed.
  5. Clear browser caches and restart devices/routers.
  6. Test the raw video file to see if the audio works locally.
  7. Re-encode or convert the video to repair corruption issues.
  8. Update apps, browsers, codecs, and drivers.
  9. Disable extensions or software that may cause conflicts.

Methodically trying different troubleshooting approaches helps narrow down where the audio loss is coming from. Once the root cause is found, take appropriate corrective action to resolve the problem.

Preventing Facebook Video Sound Problems

You can take some proactive steps to help prevent sound loss when posting videos to Facebook:

  • Use optimal video formats such as MP4 with standard codecs.
  • Check audio levels and quality in editing before uploading.
  • Enable high quality streaming in Facebook settings.
  • Upload videos when internet bandwidth usage is lower.
  • Make sure your browser, apps, and OS are up to date.
  • Cleanly end tasks on your device that use bandwidth.

Following best practices for your equipment, software, and internet connection provides the best chance of avoiding audio issues.

How to Get Help from Facebook

If you are still unable to get your Facebook videos working properly, here are some tips on getting additional help and support:

  • Check the Facebook Help Community for guidance from other users experiencing similar issues.
  • Use the Facebook help tools like troubleshooting articles and contact forms to get assistance.
  • Report video issues through the Facebook bug reporting page.
  • Contact Facebook support via chat or by submitting a request.
  • Get help from Facebook directly by calling them or requesting a support callback.

Facebook provides options to get personalized help resolving account and technical problems. Their troubleshooting specialists may be able to pinpoint solutions tailored to your specific situation.

Professional Troubleshooting Assistance

For complicated or persistent Facebook video sound loss that you can’t resolve on your own, professional technical help may be needed. Some options include:

  • Computer repair shops – Local experts can troubleshoot tricky PC/device issues.
  • Online tech support – Remote assistance via screen sharing apps.
  • Video production pros – Those familiar with encoding can examine files.
  • App developers – Programming specialists can deconstruct app glitches.

Technical professionals with specific experience in areas like social media, multimedia production, and networking can drill down and pinpoint elusive problems. Their expertise and tools can restore your audio when standard consumer-grade troubleshooting fails.


Facebook videos with no sound can stem from an array of potential root causes ranging from user settings and browser problems to corrupt files and site glitches. A systematic approach to isolating the issue along with targeted troubleshooting steps tailored to your specific situation are your best means to get your videos sounding great again. Facebook’s help resources, professional assistance, and preventative best practices also improve your chances of long-term video posting success complete with flawless audio.