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Why does my page have more followers than likes?

Why does my page have more followers than likes?

Having more followers than likes on your social media page is a common occurrence that many page owners find confusing. There are a few key reasons why this happens.

You Have Inactive Followers

The most common reason for having more followers than likes is having a lot of inactive followers. These are people who followed your page at some point but are not actively engaging with your content anymore. There are a few reasons followers can become inactive:

  • They followed your page out of initial interest but lost interest over time
  • They mostly just scroll passively without liking or commenting
  • They haven’t logged into social media for a long time
  • Your content has changed and no longer appeals to them
  • They forgot they ever followed you

Inactive followers still count toward your total followers number but they won’t like or comment on posts. This means you can have a lot of followers with very few likes if most of your followers are inactive.

Your Content Doesn’t Get Much Engagement

Another possible reason is that your content simply doesn’t get much engagement overall. Followers alone don’t necessarily equate to likes and comments.

There are a few potential reasons your content may not drive much engagement:

  • Your posts aren’t relevant or interesting to your audience
  • You use repetitive or low-quality content
  • Your posts aren’t visually appealing
  • You post too infrequently
  • Your engagement isn’t very interactive

Good engagement requires consistently posting engaging content tailored to your audience. If your content itself isn’t resonating, you’ll see low engagement even if you have a decent following.

You Bought Followers

Some page owners buy fake followers in an attempt to boost their numbers. However, these fake followers do not actually engage with your page. Buying followers will artificially inflate your followers count but won’t increase authentic engagement.

Fake followers also hurt your account in the long run. Social media algorithms can detect and penalize inauthentic activity. Too many fake followers may cause your content to stop showing up in feeds.

You Have High Follower Turnover

If you have a high follower turnover rate, this can also contribute to more followers than likes. Turnover means you gain and lose followers frequently as new people follow but existing followers unfollow at a similar rate. This keeps your followers count high but prevents you from building a stable base of engaged followers.

High turnover can be caused by:

  • Following people back but they don’t follow you for long
  • Rapidly gaining followers from hashtag spamming or follow/unfollow methods
  • Losing real followers due to changing content or feed aesthetic

While a high turnover rate inflates your followers count, these short-term followers likely won’t engage much before unfollowing. Focusing on retention and organic growth is healthier long-term.

You Have a Niche Account

If you have a very niche-specific account, you may have more followers than likes simply because your audience is small. Niche pages can still attract highly targeted followers even if the overall follower number stays low.

For example, an account about vintage sneakers might only appeal to a small group of sneaker collectors. But the engagement within that niche group can still be high quality. Quality is more important than quantity for niche accounts.

Tips to Increase Likes Per Follower

If you want to increase your ratio of likes per follower, here are some tips:

  • Post engaging content daily, not just sporadically
  • Use relevant hashtags so your content is discovered
  • Engage with your followers by replying to comments
  • Run occasional giveaways or contests to excite existing followers
  • Analyze your best-performing content and make more of that
  • Remove fake or bot followers periodically
  • Switch up your content style and aesthetics
  • Advertise your page through collaborations, shoutouts, etc.

Pay Attention to Quality Over Quantity

At the end of the day, having an extremely high ratio of likes to followers isn’t essential. What really matters is posting content your niche audience genuinely wants to engage with. 100 real, organic likes are better than 1,000 fake likes from bots.

Rather than fixating on vanity metrics, focus on creating high-quality content, engaging with your real followers, and tracking meaningful analytics like reach and engagement rate.

Be patient, as growing an audience and increasing engagement takes time. By consistently providing value to your followers, your engagement and community will gradually grow.


There are many reasons why a social media page can have more followers than likes, including inactive followers, poor content, bought followers, and high turnover. While vanity metrics like a high followers-to-likes ratio may seem appealing, authentic engagement is more important for long-term growth.

Focus on posting high-quality content daily, engaging with your followers, analyzing your metrics, and being patient. If you consistently provide value to your audience and nurture your community, you will gradually increase meaningful engagement over time.