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Why does my Messenger message just say sent?

Why does my Messenger message just say sent?

There are a few potential reasons why your Facebook Messenger message may show as just “sent” rather than “delivered” to the recipient:

Your internet connection is slow or unreliable

If you have a poor internet connection, your messages may get stuck in transit before fully sending. This can cause them to display as “sent” but not “delivered.” Try waiting a bit to see if the status changes once your connection improves. If you consistently have issues, it’s worth troubleshooting your WiFi setup or contacting your internet service provider.

The recipient’s internet connection is slow or unreliable

Likewise, if the person you messaged has a poor internet connection, that can prevent your message from being fully delivered on their end. So your message may leave your device but get held up before reaching them. Have patience and try messaging them again later when their connection may be better.

Your message hasn’t fully sent yet

It can sometimes take a minute or two for a Messenger message to go from “sent” to “delivered.” Wait a few minutes to see if the status updates on its own. If it’s a media file like a photo, it may take longer than a text message.

The recipient has messaging turned off

If the person you messaged has messaging disabled or has blocked you, your messages will show as sent but not delivered. Double check that you entered their username correctly and that they haven’t restricted who can message them.

The recipient deleted the message

If the recipient deleted your message before opening it, it may still display as “sent” on your end since technically it did send successfully. But the “delivered” status won’t show up if they deleted it before viewing the message.

Facebook is having server issues

During Facebook outages or server problems, message delivery can be impacted. Your messages may get stuck in limbo until the issues are resolved. Check Facebook’s status page to see if they have any known problems with Messenger.

You don’t have an internet connection

Double check that your device actually has an active internet connection. If you’re offline, your messages will remain in a “sent” state until you regain connectivity and they can complete sending.

The message contains blocked content

If your message contains blocked links, prohibited photos or videos, dangerous file types, or offensive language, Facebook may prevent it from being delivered. Review their Community Standards to ensure your message doesn’t violate any policies.

You or the recipient has an old version of Messenger

Make sure you both have the latest version of the Messenger app installed. Outdated versions can sometimes cause delivery issues. Update the app or try logging out and back in to reset things.

You’ve reached your message limit

If you send a very high volume of messages, Facebook may throttle your ability to continue messaging until you take a break. This could cause some messages to get stuck in a “sent” state. Spread out your messaging or wait a bit before starting again.

The recipient’s inbox is full

If the person you messaged has a full inbox, new messages won’t be able to deliver until they delete some old ones. Ask them to clear out space in their inbox, then try messaging them again.


In most cases, “sent” messages on Messenger will eventually change to “delivered” on their own within a few minutes. But if a message remains stuck in a “sent” state for an extended time, one of the above factors is likely the culprit. Checking your internet connections, restarting the app, ensuring you comply with Facebook’s policies, and asking the recipient to update their app or clear inbox space can all help resolve delivery issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do my messages only show 1 check mark?

If your Facebook messages show only 1 check mark, it means the message has been sent from your end but not yet received by the recipient. This typically means the message is still in transit. Give it some time to update to 2 check marks once delivered on their end.

Why do my messages show sent but not delivered?

If your messages on Messenger say “sent” but don’t switch to “delivered,” it’s likely due to a poor internet connection on either end, the recipient having messaging turned off, server issues, or the message still being in transit. Wait a bit and see if the status changes.

Why can’t I see message delivery statuses?

To view sent, delivered, and read receipts in Messenger, you need to have read receipts enabled in your app settings. Go to your settings, select “Message Delivery,” and toggle on “Get Read Receipts” to see delivery statuses.

How long does it take for Messenger to switch from sent to delivered?

In most cases, a Messenger message will change from “sent” to “delivered” within 1-2 minutes. Media messages may take slightly longer. If it’s been over 10 minutes, there is likely an issue preventing delivery.

What happens if my message never changes from sent to delivered?

If your Messenger message remains stuck on “sent,” try sending again or troubleshooting potential issues like poor connectivity, recipient settings, violations of Facebook policies, or server problems. If it continues failing, contact Facebook support.

Why are my messages only delivering when I’m on wifi?

If your messages only deliver reliably over wifi, then your cellular data connection may be too slow or inconsistent for Messenger. Try disabling cellular data for Messenger and using only wifi to see if that fixes delivery issues.

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some troubleshooting steps to try if your Messenger messages remain stuck on “sent”:

Troubleshooting Step Details
Restart the Messenger app Force quit and relaunch Messenger to reset any delivery issues
Turn your phone on and off Toggle your network connection off and back on to resolve connectivity problems
Update the Messenger app Install the latest version in case it fixes software bugs
Switch from wifi to cellular data Try a different internet connection in case your current one is having issues
Clear the app cache and data Wipes temporary files and resets settings to default
Check Facebook Server Status See if Facebook is having issues on their end preventing delivery

When to Contact Facebook Support

If you continue experiencing “sent” but not “delivered” issues in Messenger after trying the usual troubleshooting steps, it may be time to contact Facebook for additional support:

  • Messages persistently stuck for over an hour
  • Inability to send any new messages
  • Constant errors when trying to attach media
  • Friends report not receiving your messages
  • You’ve been blocked from messaging for unknown reasons

Facebook’s support options include:

Support Method Details
Messenger Support Chat Chat live with a Facebook agent in-app
Facebook Help Community Post publicly to get help from other users
Official Contact Form Submit an email request and await a response
Help Center Resources Consult Facebook’s FAQ, guides, and troubleshooting tips

Be prepared to provide details like your username, screenshots, steps taken, and any error messages you’re getting. The more specifics you can give Facebook support, the faster they can likely resolve your messaging delivery issues.

Preventing Messenger Delivery Issues

Here are some tips to avoid “sent” messages getting stuck in the future:

  • Maintain a stable, high-speed internet connection
  • Update to the latest version of Messenger whenever available
  • Don’t excessively message people who haven’t replied
  • Avoid prohibited content that could block delivery
  • Clear out old messages to prevent hitting inbox limits
  • Disable battery saver modes that restrict app activity
  • Use Messenger online at if app issues arise

Keeping your device and app in optimal condition goes a long way in ensuring smooth messaging. Following Facebook’s guidelines for acceptable content prevents blocks. And preserving inbox space and network connectivity helps recipient receipt. With proactive habits, “sent” messages that disappear into the void can be avoided.


Messages that remain stubbornly stuck on “sent” can be annoying. But in many instances, allowing a bit more time for delivery ends up resolving the issue. For persistent problems reaching the “delivered” stage, focused troubleshooting of your device settings, internet signal, app version, content policies, and Facebook status can identify the weak link interfering with message handoff. Contacting support provides additional resources when needed. And forming good Messenger habits reduces the risk of regular delivery difficulties. With the right mix of patience, diligence, and optimization, those lingering “sent” messages can once again successfully reach their destination.