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Why does my Marketplace listing say draft?

Why does my Marketplace listing say draft?

If your Marketplace listing shows a status of “draft” instead of “live”, it means your listing is not currently visible to buyers on Etsy. There are a few common reasons why a listing may be in draft status:

You haven’t completed all required listing steps

In order to publish a listing on Etsy, you need to fill out all required information such as a title, description, photos, shipping profiles, and listing duration. If any of these steps are incomplete, Etsy will save your listing as a draft until you provide the missing details.

To check for any missing information, click “Edit” on your draft listing and look for any sections or steps marked with a red asterisk. These indicate required fields that still need input. Fill out all necessary listing details and click “Save” at the bottom to update your draft.

Your listing fee hasn’t been paid

Etsy charges a small listing fee to publish new items to your shop. This listing fee must be paid before a draft listing can go live. If you don’t have enough funds in your Etsy account to cover the fee, your listing will remain in draft status until sufficient funds are available.

To resolve this, add funds to your Etsy account balance by linking a valid payment method. Once your account has enough funds to cover the $0.20 USD listing fee, your draft will automatically move to live status within a few minutes.

You chose a future listing start date

When creating a new listing, sellers have the option to choose a start date and time for when they want their listing to go live. If you selected a start date in the future, your listing will show as a draft until the chosen start time is reached.

To publish your listing immediately, edit the listing and remove the future start date. Saving the listing without a scheduled start date will publish it right away.

You manually set your listing to draft

Listings can be manually set to draft status in your Etsy shop manager. This allows you to temporarily hide listings from the marketplace without deleting them.

To return a draft listing to live status, open your shop manager and click “Edit” on the draft listing. At the top, toggle the switch from “Draft” to “Active” and click “Save”. Your listing will become visible and active on Etsy again.

Your listing was flagged for policy violations

In some cases, Etsy may automatically set a listing to draft status if it appears to violate a marketplace policy. Common reasons for this include:

  • Listing prohibited or restricted items
  • Using tags, titles, or descriptions that appear misleading or spammy
  • Listing an item in a category that doesn’t match the item type
  • Listing homemade or crafted items as “vintage” without proof of age

If your listing was flagged, you will receive an email from Etsy explaining the policy issue. Edit your listing to resolve the violation, then contact Etsy support to request review and reinstatement.

Your shop was temporarily put on vacation mode

Enabling vacation mode on your Etsy shop will automatically set all live listings to draft status. This temporarily hides your items while your shop is on vacation.

When you turn off vacation mode, your listings will automatically return to live status within a few hours. You can also manually reactivate draft listings by opening each one and toggling the status to “Active”.

How to avoid draft listings

Here are some tips to help ensure your Etsy listings publish smoothly with no draft issues:

  • Preview your listing to catch any missing info before publishing.
  • Keep a small Etsy account balance to cover listing fees.
  • Avoid selecting future start dates when first creating a listing.
  • Carefully review policies before listing prohibited items.
  • Turn off vacation mode as soon as you return from a break.

Following Etsy best practices for listings will help prevent your hard work getting stuck in draft limbo. But if you do end up with a stubborn draft, following the troubleshooting tips above should get your listing back to live status.

What to do if your draft is stuck or expired

In rare cases, a draft listing may become stuck or unable to be published. This can happen if:

  • The draft listing expires after 60 days in unfinished status.
  • There is a technical issue preventing the draft from updating to live.

If your draft gets stuck, unfortunately you cannot directly edit or change its status. But you do have a couple options:

  1. Contact Etsy support to see if they can manually assist in publishing your expired or stuck draft.
  2. Delete the stubborn draft entirely and re-create the listing from scratch.

Rebuilding a new draft avoids any technical issues affecting the old version. Just be sure to copy over all the listing details carefully.

Use Etsy’s listing preview to catch draft issues

Etsy provides a handy listing preview feature that lets you view your draft listing as a buyer would see it. Use this preview before publishing to catch any missing info causing draft status.

To access listing preview:

  1. Click “Preview” next to the draft listing in Your Shop Manager.
  2. View the preview and look for any “Required” markings missing info.
  3. Return to editing and fill out any incomplete sections.
  4. Preview again and publish once fully complete.


Draft listings are a normal part of working on Etsy, but can be frustrating if your completed items get stuck unpublished. In most cases, draft issues can be easily resolved by double checking for missing listing requirements, updating violations, or waiting for scheduled start dates.

By knowing the main reasons listings get stuck as drafts, you can troubleshoot and make changes to successfully publish your Etsy products. Just be diligent about previewing listings, follow all policies, and reach out to support if a draft simply refuses to cooperate.