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Why does my Facebook say I’m logged in somewhere else?

Why does my Facebook say I’m logged in somewhere else?

It can be worrying when Facebook shows a notification that your account is logged in somewhere else, especially if you don’t recognize the location. This usually happens when someone else accesses your Facebook account from a new device or browser. There are several reasons why this may occur, most of which are harmless. However, it’s important to check your account settings and security to make sure your account hasn’t been compromised. This article will explain the common reasons for the “Logged in somewhere else” notification and what you can do to secure your account.

Reasons Facebook May Show “Logged In Somewhere Else”

Here are some of the most common reasons why Facebook may show your account is logged in somewhere else:

You Logged In From a New Device or Browser

The most common and harmless reason for this notification is that you simply logged into your Facebook account from a new device, browser, or location. Facebook’s system recognizes that the login is from an unrecognized device and sends the notification as a security measure.

As long as you recognize the login attempt, there is likely no issue. For example, if you get a new phone and log into Facebook, you’ll get the notification until you add the device to your recognized devices list. The same thing can happen if you use a new computer or browser.

Someone Else Logged In

It’s also possible someone else logged into your Facebook account from a new device or location. This could be a family member or friend borrowing your phone or computer to check Facebook. As long as you know the person and authorized the login, there is no security risk.

However, if someone logs in without your permission, your account may be compromised. Check for any posts or messages you did not create to see if an unauthorized person has accessed your account. Immediately change your password if you suspect foul play.

You’re Logged In on Another Device

Nowadays, many people access Facebook across multiple devices like phones, tablets, and computers. You may simply have an old device still logged into your account. When you log in from a new device, Facebook sees two concurrent logins and sends the notification.

Check all your logged in devices on the Facebook Security Settings page. Log out of any old devices you no longer use to avoid getting the notification in the future.

Your Account Was Hacked

In rare cases, the “Logged in somewhere else” warning may indicate your Facebook account was hacked. A hacker may have obtained your login credentials through phishing, malware on your device, or a third-party data breach. They can then log into your account from anywhere in the world.

Warning signs of a hacked account include unfamiliar posts or messages, changed profile details, new friend requests sent from your account, and login notifications from an unrecognized location or device. Take action immediately to secure your account if you suspect hacking.

It’s a Bug or Glitch

Facebook’s system for detecting new logins is not foolproof. Occasionally, glitches may cause the “Logged in somewhere else” message to appear erroneously. This seems to happen most often when using Facebook in multiple tabs or windows on the same browser.

Try refreshing the page or logging out and back in to see if that resolves a suspected glitch. If the notification persists for more than a day, check your login history and security settings to confirm there was no unauthorized access.

How to Check Your Facebook Login History

To identify the source of the “Logged in somewhere else” message, check your Facebook login history:

  1. Click the arrow in the top right and select “Settings & Privacy”
  2. Go to the Security and Login section
  3. Click “Where You’re Logged In”

This will show all the browsers and devices currently logged into your Facebook account. Look for any unfamiliar locations or devices you don’t recognize.

You can also view your full login history for the past year:

  1. Go to the Security and Login section
  2. Click “Login Activity”
  3. Review your login history for unfamiliar locations or device names

Take note of any logins from places you haven’t been or devices you don’t own. These may indicate unauthorized access.

How to Remove Unknown Sessions

If you see an unknown or suspicious login in your history, you can log it out remotely:

  1. Click the three dots next to the login
  2. Select “Not You?”
  3. Choose “Log Out”

This will instantly log out that session from your Facebook account across all devices. You can also select “Report Login” to notify Facebook of any suspicious activity.

Logging out unknown sessions is an easy way to secure your account when the “Logged in somewhere else” message appears suddenly. Just be sure to only log out devices you don’t recognize to avoid accidentally logging yourself out.

Steps to Further Secure Your Facebook Account

In addition to checking your login history, take these steps to tighten security when you get the “Logged in somewhere else” notification:

Change Your Password

Changing your Facebook password prevents unauthorized users from accessing your account even if they have your old login credentials.

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy > Security and Login
  2. Click “Change Password”
  3. Enter a new, strong password you don’t use on other sites

Don’t reuse old Facebook passwords when changing, as hackers may have uncovered your previous ones in security breaches.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security beyond your password. When logging in, you’ll need to provide a randomly generated 6-digit code from your phone in addition to your password.

To enable it:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy > Security and Login
  2. Click “Use Two-Factor Authentication” and follow the prompts

With two-factor enabled, even someone with your password cannot access your account without also having your phone with the authentication codes.

Check Linked Apps and Websites

Hackers with access to your Facebook account may have also been able to access linked apps and websites. Check the Apps and Websites section under Security and Login.

Remove any unfamiliar or suspicious apps. Change the passwords on any critical linked accounts like email, PayPal or banking.

Run an Anti-Virus Scan

If your account was hacked, your computer or phone may have malware allowing the hacker remote access. Run a full system scan with updated anti-virus software to remove any potential threats.

Deactivate Suspicious Sessions

If any session seems particularly suspicious in your login history, you can deactivate it entirely:

  1. Click the three dots next to the session
  2. Select “Deactivate Session”

This will logout and prevent that device or browser from accessing your Facebook account in the future. Use this for persistent suspicious logins you cannot identify.

When to Contact Facebook Support

In most cases, the “Logged in somewhere else” notification is harmless and easily fixed yourself by securing your account. However, contact Facebook support if:

  • You continue seeing unidentified logins after changing your password
  • Suspicious posts or messages show your account was hacked
  • Account recovery steps like two-factor authentication don’t work
  • You believe the hacker still has access to your account

Facebook can conduct a full investigation, remove any unauthorized changes by hackers, and help fully restore your account security in severe cases.


Facebook’s “Logged in somewhere else” notification is designed to alert users of unrecognized account access, though false alarms are common. In most cases, the issue is harmless and you can secure your account with the steps outlined above. However, immediately contact Facebook if your account shows signs of being hacked. With proper vigilance, you can keep unwanted visitors out of your Facebook account.