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Why does my Facebook page keep jumping around?

Why does my Facebook page keep jumping around?

If you’ve noticed your Facebook page seems to be randomly scrolling or jumping around while you’re browsing, there are a few potential causes for this annoying issue. The sudden scrolling could be due to an accidental touch on a touchscreen device, a Facebook glitch, or a browser problem on desktop.

Accidental Touches on Mobile

One common reason your Facebook page may unexpectedly scroll or jump is if you accidentally touch the screen on a mobile device. It’s easy for your palm or finger to graze the touchscreen if you’re holding your phone or tablet, causing it to register an errant tap or swipe. This can make the page scroll rapidly in an unintended direction.

There are a couple ways to avoid accidental scrolls and jumps on mobile devices:

  • Use a pop socket or phone grip accessory to get a better hold of your device.
  • Enable a setting to lock the orientation and prevent rotating the screen as you adjust your grip.
  • Turn on Touch Protection in your device settings to ignore touches from your palm while you hold the edges.

Facebook Glitches

In some cases, the jumpy scrolling behavior on Facebook may be due to a minor glitch or bug in the app itself. Facebook is constantly updating their platform, and hiccups can occur after an update that cause pages to unexpectedly scroll.

A few signs it may be a Facebook problem include:

  • Scrolling when you are not touching the screen at all.
  • Affecting both desktop and mobile devices.
  • Happening across multiple Facebook pages, not just your own profile.

Here are some things to try if you think a Facebook glitch is the culprit:

  1. Force close and restart the Facebook app.
  2. Update to the latest version of Facebook.
  3. Clear the cache and data for the Facebook app.
  4. Uninstall and reinstall Facebook if issues persist.

The problems should clear up once Facebook addresses the bug in a future software update.

Desktop Browser Issues

On desktop computers, random Facebook scrolling is typically linked to problems with your web browser rather than Facebook itself. Some potential causes include:

  • Add-ons or extensions disrupting scrolling.
  • Cursor jumping from a trackpad issue.
  • Browser bugs when clicking links or images.
  • Touchscreen mode enabled accidentally.

You can troubleshoot desktop browser problems a few ways:

  1. Test if scrolling only happens on Facebook or other sites too.
  2. Disable browser extensions one by one to find problematic add-ons.
  3. Try an alternate web browser like Chrome or Firefox.
  4. Update your browser to the latest version.
  5. Reset browser settings to defaults if nothing else works.

Switching browsers usually resolves the issue if it’s stemming from a browser-specific bug. Certain extensions like scroll helpers or gestures can also interfere with scrolling and be disabled.

Other Facebook Page Jumping Causes

Less common causes for a jumpy Facebook page include:

  • A physical problem with your device, like a faulty touchscreen.
  • Media automatically playing and scrolling down the page.
  • Ads or pop-ups disrupting the scrolling.
  • Greasy or damaged screen protector interfering with touch.

You may need to get your device repaired if there’s a hardware problem behind the scrolling. Or adjust your ad blocker settings to prevent disruptive ads from interrupting your Facebook browsing.

How to Stop Facebook from Jumping Around

To recap, try these steps to stop your Facebook page from randomly jumping or scrolling:

  1. Mobile: Adjust grip, use a phone stand, enable Touch Protection.
  2. Facebook app: Force close, update, or reinstall Facebook.
  3. Desktop browser: Disable extensions, update browser, switch browsers.
  4. Other causes: Check for hardware issues, interfering ads, media.

With some minor troubleshooting, you should be able to resolve jumpy Facebook scrolling whether it’s due to accidental touches, glitches, or browser problems. Pay attention to when and where the issue occurs to narrow down the cause. A smooth, stable Facebook experience will make browsing much more enjoyable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my Facebook scroll by itself?

If Facebook is scrolling by itself without you touching the screen, it’s likely caused by an accidental touch on mobile, a Facebook glitch after an update, or a problematic browser extension/add-on. Testing different devices and browsers can help pinpoint the cause.

How do I stop Facebook from jumping to the top?

If Facebook keeps jumping back to the top of the page as you scroll, try updating the app, disabling browser extensions, closing extra tabs, or switching from a desktop browser to the mobile app. Reducing system resource strain can prevent Facebook from resetting to the top.

Why does my Facebook page keep reloading?

Frequent Facebook page reloads or refreshes are often caused by a poor internet connection, outdated app, overloaded browser, or heavy traffic on Facebook’s servers. Reloading can interrupt your scrolling and make Facebook appear jumpy.

How do I enable Touch Protection?

On Android, enable Touch Protection by going to Settings > Display > Touch Protection. On iPhone, enable Touch Accommodations by going to Settings > Accessibility > Touch > Touch Accommodations.

Should I delete and reinstall Facebook to fix issues?

Deleting and reinstalling the Facebook app can be an effective way to fix scrolling issues caused by bugs or glitches after an update. Make sure your data is backed up first. Reinstalling Facebook resets the app to default settings.


In summary, sudden scrolling or jumping on Facebook can stem from:

  • Accidental touches on mobile devices
  • Bugs or glitches within the Facebook app
  • Problematic browser extensions/add-ons
  • Outdated or resource-intensive browsers
  • Hardware or touchscreen defects
  • Interference from ads or videos

Carefully observing when and how the scrolling occurs and troubleshooting methodically can help isolate the root cause. Addressing extensions, glitches, accidental touches, or browser issues resolves most cases of Facebook pages jumping around unexpectedly.

Let us know if adjusting your grip, updating software, disabling add-ons, or switching browsers fixes your jumpy Facebook problem!

Example Diagnosis Table

Issue Potential Causes Troubleshooting Steps
Page scrolls on its own Accidental touches, Facebook glitch, browser extension conflict Toggle Touch Protection, update/reinstall Facebook, disable extensions
Page keeps jumping to top Heavy browser load, poor internet connection Close tabs, switch networks, use lighter browser
Page reloads frequently Outdated app, overloaded resources Check for Facebook updates, restart device
Scrolling stutters or sticks Greasy/damaged screen, hardware defect Clean screen, get device repaired

This table summarizes common Facebook scrolling issues, potential causes, and troubleshooting steps to try.


Facebook page jumping can be irritating, but is usually fixable. The most effective solutions involve keeping apps and browsers updated, toggling Facebook and touch settings, disabling clashing extensions, and switching browsers or devices to isolate the issue. Pay attention to patterns of when, where, and how the problem occurs. With consistent troubleshooting, you can zero in on the cause and get back to smooth Facebook scrolling.