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Why does my Facebook only show one post?

Why does my Facebook only show one post?

There are a few potential reasons why you may only be seeing one post on your Facebook feed:

You’ve filtered your News Feed

One of the most common reasons for seeing limited posts in your News Feed is because you’ve filtered it down in some way. Facebook allows you to filter what you see in your News Feed by going to the Menu -> News Feed Preferences. Here you can prioritize who and what you see posts from. For example, you may have it set to mostly show posts from only a couple of friends or pages. You can remove any filters you’ve set here to return your News Feed to normal.

Your friends aren’t posting

If you haven’t filtered your News Feed, another possibility is that your friends and pages you follow simply aren’t posting much. The posts you see are based entirely on what your connections put out there. If they aren’t actively posting, then you won’t have much to scroll through. Try broadening your News Feed by following more active pages and making new friends.

You’ve hidden posts

Over time, you may have chosen to hide certain posts in your News Feed. This is done by clicking on the three dots above a post and selecting “Hide post” or “Hide all from [page/person]”. Facebook keeps track of everything you choose to hide and will exclude those posts/pages in the future. To undo this, go to Menu -> News Feed Preferences -> Reconnected -> Pages Feed. Here you can choose to reorder posts from pages you’ve hidden before.

Algorithm issues

Less commonly, algorithm issues on Facebook’s end could be preventing posts from showing up. Facebook’s algorithms decide what content appears in your News Feed and in what order. Sometimes glitches happen that limit posts. Try refreshing your News Feed or logging out and back in to see if that fixes any algorithm mismatches.

You’ve logged into a partial Feed

If you’re accessing Facebook through a mobile browser or using a secondary account, you may be logged into a partial version of your News Feed. Facebook mobile browsers and secondary accounts only show a snippet of recent activity, not your full News Feed. Be sure you’re logged into the Facebook app or desktop site with your primary account to view everything.

Restricted audience on posts

It’s also possible the posts in your Feed have a restricted audience set by the poster. For example, if your friend posts something and selects “Friends except Acquaintances”, you won’t see it unless they also added you specifically. Make sure any limited audience posts aren’t hiding things from you.

You’ve blocked content

Another possibility is that you’ve blocked certain people or keywords from appearing in your News Feed. Under News Feed Preferences, you can block specific people, pages, apps, and keywords. If you have extensive blocks set up, this severely limits the visible posts. Try removing your blocks if you want to see more content again.

News Feed is frozen

In very rare cases, your News Feed can freeze up due to a Facebook glitch. If refreshing doesn’t help, try restarting your phone or computer to clear any stuck caches. A frozen News Feed will typically resolve itself within a few hours as well.

Facebook is down

During Facebook outages, your News Feed may show outdated posts or nothing at all. Check third-party sites like Downdetector to see if others are reporting Facebook issues. Your News Feed will repopulate with new posts once Facebook is back up and running.

You’ve reached the end

With heavy Facebook usage, it’s possible to catch up on everything new in your News Feed. You’ll see a message when you’ve reached the end of recent posts. Continuing to scroll will show older posts. Engage with more people or take a break to allow your Feed time to repopulate.

Troubleshooting tips

Here are some steps to troubleshoot further if you’re still seeing limited posts:

  • Refresh your News Feed
  • Log out and log back in
  • Check your News Feed filters and preferences
  • Unhide any posts you’ve previously hidden
  • Remove keyword and user blocks
  • Switch from mobile browser to app
  • Make sure you’re using your primary account
  • Wait for any Facebook outages to resolve
  • Update the Facebook app
  • Clear the Facebook app cache
  • Report the issue to Facebook

Why does this happen?

There are a variety of reasons your Facebook News Feed may show limited posts, including:

Reason Explanation
Filtered feed You’ve used News Feed preferences to filter content
Inactive friends Your connections aren’t posting much
Hidden posts You’ve hidden posts from certain people/pages
Algorithm issues A Facebook glitch is preventing some posts
Partial feed You’re using mobile browser or secondary account
Restricted audience Posts only visible to certain friend lists
Content blocks You’ve blocked people, pages, or keywords
Frozen feed A glitch has caused your feed to freeze
Facebook outage Service issues are preventing new posts
End of feed You’ve caught up on all recent activity

How to prevent limited posts

To keep your News Feed populated with new posts:

  • Follow a diverse group of active friends/pages
  • Remove any News Feed filters or preferences
  • Avoid hiding posts unless absolutely necessary
  • Don’t block people, pages, apps, or keywords
  • Make sure you’re using the full desktop site or app
  • Check for Facebook outages if your feed hasn’t updated
  • Report any technical issues to Facebook
  • Take short breaks from Facebook if you’ve caught up


A limited News Feed can be frustrating but is usually fixable. The most common solutions are removing any filters you’ve applied, unhiding posts, and making sure you’re logged into the full Facebook experience. Algorithm glitches and inactive friends can also cause a sparse feed. Troubleshoot further by logging out, updating the app, and checking for outages. With a little diligence, you can get your News Feed back to an enjoyable stream of posts.