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Why does Messenger show I have an unread message when I don t?

Why does Messenger show I have an unread message when I don t?

It can be frustrating when Facebook Messenger indicates you have an unread message, but when you open the app, there’s nothing new. This seemingly phantom notification often leaves users scratching their heads. However, there are a few possible explanations for why Messenger may show unread messages that aren’t actually there.

You Have a Message Request

One of the most common reasons for this phenomenon is that you have a new message request waiting to be approved. Message requests are messages from people who are not your friends on Facebook. Since they aren’t established connections, their messages go into a separate request folder rather than your main inbox.

So if you see an unread message indicator, but don’t see anything new in your inbox, check your message requests. You may find the source of the notification there. Approving message requests from people you know will move their future messages directly into your inbox.

You Have Messages Filtered

Another possibility is that you have some messages filtered. Messenger allows you to filter messages from people who are not your friends or who you don’t frequently interact with. When messages are filtered, they won’t show up in your main inbox, but can still trigger an unread indicator.

To check for filtered messages, go to your message settings and look for the Message Filtering section. Toggle off filtering if you want all messages to go to your inbox. Or, you can select “Unfiltered Requests” to view just the messages that have been filtered out.

You Have Unread Messages in a Group Chat

When there are new messages in a group chat you’re part of, but none directed specifically at you, the unread message count may still show up. Group chat messages count as “unread” until you’ve scrolled through the new messages in the thread.

So the notification might simply mean there is chatter in one of your group message threads that you haven’t caught up on yet. Open your group messages and scroll through to clear the unread indicator.

You Have Unread Messages on Linked Devices

If you have Messenger linked across multiple devices, such as your phone and computer, an unread message on one device will still show as unread in the app on your other devices. So even if you already read the new message on your phone, Messenger on your desktop may still think there are unread messages.

Make sure to mark messages as read across all your linked Messenger apps and devices if you want the unread notifications to disappear on each platform.

It’s a Bug or Glitch

In some cases, the unread message indicator persists due to a minor glitch or bug in the app. Closing out of the app entirely and reopening it may clear out the false notification. If not, try force quitting Messenger, restarting your device, or reinstalling the Messenger app altogether.

Bugs are an inevitability with a platform as complex and frequently updated as Facebook Messenger. So don’t be surprised if a phantom unread message pops up now and then due to a temporary app issue.

You Have Messages from Blocked Users

Messages from users you’ve blocked on Messenger will still register as unread notifications, even though you can’t actually view the content of those messages. The app doesn’t make it clear that blocked messages are the culprit, so this can definitely be perplexing.

To identify if a blocked person has messaged you, go to your privacy settings and view your blocked list. You’ll see which users you’ve blocked, as well as an indicator if they’ve recently sent you a message. While you won’t be able to see the content of messages from blocked users, this should solve the mystery of who sent the “unread” message.

You’re Viewing an Archived Thread

If you’re looking at an archived conversation thread, it may still show unread messages, even if there’s nothing new from that person. Archived threads are frozen in time, so old unread messages will remain in that state even if you’ve read them since archiving the thread.

To be sure there are no actual unread messages, exit out of the archived thread and check your main inbox view. If there’s nothing unread there, the notifications are just a relic of the archived history.

It’s an Old Unread Message

In rare instances, a very old unread message may trigger the notification counter, even if there are no recent unread messages. This typically happens if you never marked the message as read. The counter treats it as a new unread message, even if it’s months or years old.

Scour your inbox for any threads with bolded or unopened messages that may have been missed. Reading through all those hidden gems can finally put your unread message counter to rest.


Phantom unread messages on Messenger can certainly be head-scratchers. But in most cases, there are logical explanations behind the false notifications. Keep an eye on message requests, filtered messages, group chat threads, linked devices, blocked users, archived threads, and old messages to troubleshoot a misleading unread indicator.

With Messenger used by billions worldwide, the occasional bug triggering false unreads is also to be expected. While it’s annoying, a little app restarting or force quitting usually clears things up. If all else fails, remember that phantom Messenger notifications are common and happen to users everywhere.