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Why does it show online on Facebook when I am not?

Why does it show online on Facebook when I am not?

It can be frustrating to see your Facebook profile showing as online when you know you aren’t actively using the platform. There are a few reasons why Facebook may incorrectly display your online status.

You Have the Facebook App Open

The most common reason your profile appears online when you aren’t actually using Facebook is because you have the Facebook app open on your phone or computer. Even if you aren’t actively scrolling or posting, as long as the app is running in the background, Facebook considers you “active.”

Your online status is determined by any interaction with the Facebook app, website, or messaging platform. Some examples include:

  • Scrolling through your News Feed
  • Reading or replying to messages
  • Posting content or commenting on posts
  • Reacting to posts (liking, loving, wowing, etc.)
  • Checking notifications
  • Using Facebook search

As long as you’ve opened the Facebook app on your phone or computer, the system recognizes you as online and active, even if the app is just sitting in the background.

You Have Facebook’s Background App Refresh Enabled

On iOS devices, Facebook can utilize a feature called Background App Refresh to periodically update content. When this is enabled for the Facebook app, it will connect to Facebook servers in the background, keeping your online presence active even when you aren’t actually using the app.

To check if you have Background App Refresh enabled for Facebook:

  1. Go to the Settings app on your iOS device
  2. Select General > Background App Refresh
  3. Check if Background App Refresh is toggled on at the top; if so, Facebook has permission to refresh in the background
  4. Scroll down to the Facebook listing and toggle Background App Refresh to off if you don’t want Facebook accessing data in the background

Turning off Background App Refresh for Facebook means the app won’t be able to keep your online status active when it’s not in use.

You Have Facebook Chat Heads Enabled

Facebook’s Chat Heads feature shows a small chat bubble over other apps that gives you quick access to Facebook messaging. Even if you aren’t actively using Chat Heads, the mere fact that the feature is enabled will keep your online presence active.

To disable Chat Heads:

  1. Open the Facebook app and tap the More Options icon (three line menu)
  2. Go to Settings & Privacy > Chat Heads
  3. Toggle off Chat Heads

With Chat Heads disabled, Facebook won’t be able to use that feature to keep you shown as online.

You Have Recently Interacted With Facebook

Facebook’s “active” or online indicator doesn’t immediately disappear as soon as you close the app or website. There is a cool down period where your profile may still appear active or online after your last interaction.

The length of time your status remains online will vary, but could be up to several hours in some cases. Even if you only briefly opened Facebook, your status may remain green for a considerable time after you’ve closed it.

You’re Logged In on a Shared or Public Computer

If you use a shared or public computer and remain logged into your Facebook account, your profile can show as online even when you are not actually the one using it. For example, if you check Facebook at the library or a friend’s house, then fail to log out, the next user can trigger your online status by simply opening the Facebook website or app.

To prevent this, always be sure to fully log out of your Facebook account on any shared or public computer.

A Facebook Glitch or Bug

In some cases, a glitch or bug in Facebook’s systems can cause online statuses to display incorrectly. Issues on Facebook’s end can occasionally lead to profiles showing online even when that user has not been active. Typically these types of technical glitches are resolved relatively quickly as Facebook works to fix any issues affecting online status indicators.

Solutions for Inaccurate Online Statuses

If your Facebook profile frequently shows as online when you’re not actually using it, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  • Force quit the Facebook app when you are done using it to fully shut down background processes
  • Turn off Background App Refresh for Facebook on iOS devices
  • Disable Facebook’s Chat Heads feature
  • Log out of Facebook on any shared or public computers
  • Update the Facebook app and operating system software to eliminate any bugs
  • Temporarily deactivate your Facebook account if the issue persists

Preventing Inaccurate Online Statuses

To avoid having your Facebook profile show as online when you aren’t actually active, keep these tips in mind:

  • Always force quit the Facebook app when you are finished using it
  • Log out of Facebook on shared devices after each use
  • Disable Background App Refresh for Facebook
  • Turn off Chat Heads
  • Periodically check your active status while not using Facebook to identify any issues
  • Keep your apps and operating system updated to avoid bugs

Changing Your Online Status Settings

If you’re concerned about your online status being visible to others, you can change your online presence indicator settings:

  • In Facebook, go to Settings & Privacy > Active Status
  • Choose from options like Only Me, All Your Contacts, or turning it off
  • You can also limit who can see when you were last active on Facebook

Adjusting these settings gives you more control over your online status visibility.


Facebook’s online indicators can sometimes be inaccurate, showing users as active when they are not actually using the platform. This is often caused by background app processes, chat features, being logged in on shared devices, or bugs. The issue can be addressed by fully closing Facebook when done, disabling app features that access Facebook in the background, and updating software. Adjusting privacy settings can also limit visibility of your online status. With some minor habit adjustments, you can have more accurate control over when your Facebook profile appears online.