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Why does it say unknown error when I try to change my password on Facebook?

Why does it say unknown error when I try to change my password on Facebook?

There are a few common reasons why you may see an “unknown error” message when trying to change your Facebook password:

You Have Hit The Password Reset Limit

Facebook limits how many times you can reset your password within a certain time period as a security measure. If you have tried to reset your password several times in a short span, you may hit this limit and get the unknown error message.

The exact number of resets allowed before getting this error is not publicly known, but seems to be around 5-10 based on user reports. The time period is also unclear, but is likely 24-48 hours.

So if you had tried resetting your password multiple times already that day or the previous day, you may simply need to wait a while before it will allow you to reset it again. After a day or two has passed, you should be able to successfully change your password.


If you encounter the unknown error when trying to reset your Facebook password, wait a day or two before trying again. This allows the reset limit to reset, and you will be able to change your password after some time has passed.

Password Does Not Meet Requirements

Facebook requires passwords to meet certain requirements, such as:

  • Be 8-120 characters in length
  • Contain at least one number and one lowercase letter
  • Not contain your name or email

If the new password you are trying to set does not meet these criteria, you may receive the unknown error message. Double check to make sure your new password is long enough, contains the required character types, and does not contain personal info.


When choosing a new Facebook password, ensure it meets the following criteria:

Requirement Details
Length 8-120 characters
Character types At least one lowercase letter and number
Personal info Cannot contain your name or email

Using a password checker can help identify any issues before you try to set it.

Account Was Compromised

In some cases, the “unknown error” when trying to reset a Facebook password is because the account was compromised by a hacker or someone else gaining access.

They may have changed key account settings, set up extra security measures, or taken other actions to essentially lock you out of the account. This prevents you from being able to reset the password successfully.


If you suspect your Facebook account has been hacked or compromised, you will need to go through the account recovery process to try regaining access. This involves:

  1. Reporting the account as hacked/compromised using this Facebook form.
  2. Submitting valid proof of identity such as a photo ID.
  3. Answering security questions to confirm account ownership.
  4. Going through additional account recovery steps as required.

This process can take some time and effort depending on the extent of the compromise. But following the proof of identity steps should eventually allow you to reset the password and re-secure the account.

Browser or Device Issues

Less commonly, the “unknown error” message when trying to change a Facebook password may be caused by issues with the browser or device you are using.

Some potential browser/device-related causes include:

  • Outdated app or browser version
  • Corrupt browser/app files or data
  • Extensions, addons, or settings interfering with Facebook
  • Expired or changed device login sessions
  • Device software bugs or glitches


If you are encountering the error on just one device or browser, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Update the app or browser to the latest version
  2. Try resetting browser settings/cache
  3. Temporarily disable any extensions or addons
  4. Try a different browser or device

If the issue only occurs in one place, it points to a localized device, browser or software issue. Updating, resetting settings, or trying another browser/device can resolve many password reset problems.

Facebook Site Issues

In rare cases, password reset failures may be caused by temporary technical issues on Facebook’s side. For example:

  • Site maintenance or downtime
  • Buggy code pushing a bad update
  • Server outages
  • Networking issues
  • Database errors
  • Other software glitches

When things like this happen, it can sometimes disrupt services like the password reset function and cause “unknown error” messages.


If Facebook is experiencing site issues, there is unfortunately not much you can do besides wait it out. However, you can check Facebook’s status sites for any reported problems:

This will let you know if they are investigating any known issues. If so, wait until it is resolved before trying to reset your password again.


In summary, the “unknown error” message when trying to change a Facebook password is usually caused by:

  • Hitting the password reset limit
  • Choosing a password that does not meet requirements
  • A compromised account
  • Browser or device issues
  • Temporary site problems on Facebook’s side

The specific solution depends on identifying the underlying cause in your situation. This involves checking the password criteria, using Facebook’s account recovery process if hacked, troubleshooting your device and browser, or waiting out any site issues. With some diligent analysis and patience, you should be able to successfully reset your Facebook password after seeing the unknown error.