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Why does Facebook want my ID to unlock my account?

Why does Facebook want my ID to unlock my account?

Many Facebook users have experienced being locked out of their accounts and prompted to provide a government-issued ID to regain access. This can be frustrating and concerning for users who value their privacy and security. However, Facebook does have legitimate reasons for requesting ID verification in certain situations.

Why Facebook Requests ID Verification

There are a few common scenarios that may trigger Facebook to ask for ID:

Suspicious activity on your account

If Facebook detects suspicious or unusual activity on your account such as an abrupt change in location or language, they may restrict access pending an ID verification. This prevents hackers or other unauthorized users from accessing your account if it has been compromised.

Possible fake name or impersonating an individual

Facebook requires users to provide their real identities. If they suspect you are using a fake name or impersonating someone else, they will ask for ID to confirm your identity. This helps curb abusive behavior and maintain trust across the platform.

Age restriction violations

To sign up for Facebook, you must be at least 13 years old. If Facebook suspects a user is underage or sees activity that indicates age misrepresentation, they will prompt for ID verification. This enforces their age policy.

Court order or legal request

Facebook may restrict account access in response to a valid court order or other legal request. Most commonly, this happens during investigations related to criminal activity or lawsuits. The ID confirmation allows Facebook to verify the account owner’s identity before providing access again.

Acceptable Forms of ID Verification

Facebook provides users several options to confirm their identities:

Government-issued photo ID

A scan or photo of a valid government ID such as a driver’s license or passport. This allows Facebook to match your claimed identity with your legal name and photo.

Video selfie

Facebook may prompt you to take a video selfie, moving your head to prove you’re a real person. Their facial recognition technology matches the video to profile photos.

Confirmation code via text or email

Facebook can send a code to your registered mobile number or email that you must enter to prove access to those accounts.

Account recovery code

If you previously set up an account recovery code, Facebook allows entering that as proof of your identity. This is an optional step when enhancing account security.

Proof of payment

For accounts tied to purchases or ads spending, Facebook may request receipts or other confirmation to cross-reference your financial information.

Why Provide ID to Facebook?

Many users hesitate to provide their personal ID to Facebook or any large technology company. However, there are some compelling reasons why it may be in your interest:

Regain access to your account

Providing your ID through the available options is currently the only way Facebook allows users to restore access after being locked out. If you depend on Facebook to stay in touch with friends and family or manage a business page, this may be critical.

Confirm you haven’t been impersonated

If someone else has created an account pretending to be you, submitting your ID alerts Facebook of the impersonation. They will remove the fraudulent account and restore yours.

Prevent account compromise

If your account shows signs of unauthorized access, ID verification resecures it before damage is done. Things like financial fraud, fake news sharing, and harassment could occur without confirmation of your identity.

Avoid permanent disabling

If you ignore Facebook’s request for ID, they may eventually disable your account permanently for non-compliance. Providing ID can prevent total loss of an account in good standing.

Comply with legal obligations

In cases of legal mandates, ID verification may be required to avoid penalties like contempt of court. This also applies to age limit laws that Facebook must comply with.

Risks of Providing ID to Facebook

While restoring account access is the motivation for most users, providing personal ID does involve some risks:

Exposure of personal information

Allowing more companies to have your personal ID in their systems expands your exposure if data breaches occur. Facebook has suffered breaches in the past, though none exposing IDs so far.

Use for targeted advertising

Facebook may leverage your ID details to refine ad targeting algorithms and infer additional data about you. Some view this as an invasion of privacy.

Potential for identity theft

Any collection of personal data brings added risks of identity theft if accessed by cybercriminals. However, Facebook has strong incentives to keep IDs protected.

No guarantees of data deletion

Once provided, users have no guarantees that Facebook deletes their ID data upon request or even after closing their account. Data retention policies allow keeping it.

Support of controversial facial recognition

ID photos may contribute training data for Facebook’s facial recognition systems, which some criticize as problematic.

How to Reduce Risks When Providing ID

If you decide providing ID is your only viable option for account access, there are some best practices to reduce potential downsides:

Scrutinize the request origin

Make completely sure the request is coming legitimately from Facebook and not a phishing scam. Request confirmation via alternate channels.

Know your rights

Understand your rights under applicable data protection laws regarding consent, use limitations, deletion rights, etc.

Remove metadata from files

Use tools to scrub identifying metadata from any ID file before sending to confine what is shared.

Provide limited alternatives when possible

Where allowed, submit the minimum viable identification like just a photo of your face, not a full ID card.

Turn off facial recognition

Opt out of Facebook’s face recognition features afterwards if you are uncomfortable participating.

Delete exif data from photos

Many digital cameras and smartphones embed GPS coordinates and other details in photo exif data. Manually delete this prior to uploading.

watermark “for facebook verification only”

Overlaying this text or your signature digitally on the ID makes clear your intentions and restrictions on its use.

Pushing Back on ID Requests

In some cases, users may wish to challenge Facebook’s requirement instead of complying. You do have some options to push back:

Request a review

Facebook does allow submitting a review request to have a human moderator manually inspect the situation if you believe their systems made a mistake.

Dispute legal order

If initiated by a legal demand, consult an attorney about filing a dispute or having the order amended to protect your rights.

File complaint with regulators

In some jurisdictions, data protection or consumer protection agencies may pressure Facebook against unnecessary data collection.

Protest publically and in media

Campaigning on social media and engaging press coverage applies public pressure on Facebook to change policies.

Make access issues viral

If many users jointly share stories of being denied access, it highlights the scale of the problem prompting Facebook response.

Delete and switch platforms

While losing access is difficult, deleting your account and shifting activity to alternative platforms is the ultimate protest of Facebook’s practices.

Weighing Risks and Benefits

In the end, deciding whether to provide your ID to Facebook in order to regain account access involves weighing your specific risks and benefits:

Assess necessity of Facebook access

If you rarely use Facebook or could easily migrate contacts elsewhere, deleting the account may be preferable to handing over your ID.

Evaluate potential misuse harms

Consider your vulnerability to different forms of identity theft and balance that against the value you get from the account.

Audit account security settings

Check that you are using all available security features like two-factor authentication to offset risks of giving Facebook your ID.

Review Facebook’s security track record

While no system is 100% secure, Facebook has maintained a relatively strong security posture compared to many providers.

Research Facebook’s ID handling policies

Understand how Facebook claims they handle, protect, and eventually delete copies of users’ identification after verification.

Monitor account activity after reinstatement

Whether you provide ID or regain access another way, be extra vigilant for any suspicious activity immediately afterwards.


Facebook’s ID verification process is understandably frustrating for users who value privacy. However, in many cases, it is necessary to combat impersonation, abuse, and other violations. If you need to regain access to an important account, providing identification may be worthwhile to mitigate the loss. Just be sure to do so safely and make an informed decision weighing the pros and cons for your situation. With proper precautions, it is possible to go through the process while minimizing privacy risks.