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Why does Facebook show Messenger messages?

Why does Facebook show Messenger messages?

Facebook Messenger is a messaging platform that enables Facebook users to communicate with each other. When you send or receive messages on Messenger, you may notice that some of the messages appear as previews or snippets in your main Facebook feed or sidebar. There are a few reasons why Facebook displays parts of your Messenger conversations:

To Encourage Engagement

One of the main goals of social media platforms like Facebook is to keep users engaged and active on their site. By surfacing Messenger snippets in your feed, it encourages you to open the Messenger app and respond to messages. The previews essentially act as reminders to users that they have pending messages waiting for them. This increases the likelihood that users will not just passively scroll but will actively engage with messages and the Messenger platform.

For Context

Showing a snippet of a Messenger conversation also provides some context as to what the message is about. Rather than just seeing a generic “You have a new message” alert, the preview allows you to see a few lines of the actual message content. This helps provide clarity on who the message is from and what it’s regarding before you even open the full conversation thread. The context enables you to prioritize which messages to respond to first.

To Drive Messenger Usage

Displaying snippets of Messenger conversations outside the messaging platform itself essentially drives more usage of Messenger. By tempting users with a preview of messages, it promotes opening the Messenger app to read and respond. So it’s a strategic move by Facebook to direct more user activity into its messaging product, which ultimately enables Facebook to monetize the Messenger platform through ads, business messaging tools, etc.

When Messenger Messages Display in the Facebook Feed

There are couple main places where Messenger message previews appear in the Facebook interface:

News Feed

You may see snippets of recent Messenger messages in your main Facebook news feed. They typically appear above the “Stories” section alongside other notifications and updates from friends, groups, pages etc. The preview usually includes 1-2 lines of a new unread message.


The sidebar on desktop displays a list of your recent Messenger conversations under the “Chats” section. It will show the profile pic of the sender as well as 1-2 lines from the most recent unread message in each chat. On mobile, you can access a similar view from the “Chats” tab.

Messages Tab

The Messages tab on mobile provides a complete overview of your Messenger inbox. Any unread chats will display a preview of the newest message in that thread when you view this tab.

Customizing Messenger Previews

If you want to customize how much or how little of your Messenger conversations are displayed on Facebook, there are options to control previews:

Turn Off Chat Sidebar

On desktop, you can turn off the Chats sidebar completely by clicking on the arrow icon in the top corner and selecting “Turn off chat list”. This will remove the sidebar previews.

Mute Conversations

You can mute specific conversations from showing previews. In Messenger, tap on the name of the conversation thread, click More Options > Mute > Mute Notifications. This prevents preview snippets for that chat.

Turn Off Message Previews

In Facebook app settings, go to the Messenger section and turn off “Show Facebook preview snippets in notifications”. This disables previews site-wide.

Uninstall Messenger App

Deleting just the Messenger app from your phone means you won’t get any message previews at all. You’d have to reinstall Messenger to view full conversations.

Pros of Message Previews

Here are some potential benefits to having Messenger snippets show in your Facebook feed:

Good for Engagement

As mentioned earlier, the previews help keep users engaged. You’re more likely to respond to messages if you see a snippet rather than having to recall a notification.

Provides Quick Context

The 1-2 line preview lets you grasp the gist of a message before opening the thread. This allows you to gauge urgency.

Enables Prioritization

If you have lots of unread chats, the preview helps identify which ones you should respond to first based on the message content.

Builds Habit of Checking Messenger

Seeing snippets in your feed trains you to habitually check Messenger for new conversations. This increases your activity in the app.

Cons of Message Previews

There are also some drawbacks or concerns around Messenger snippets being displayed:

Privacy Issues

You may not want message contents showing up outside of the Messenger app, especially if they are private conversations. The previews expose snippets publicly in your feed.

Can Be Distracting

Some users find message previews distracting if they are trying to focus on reading their main news feed. The snippets could disrupt their Facebook scrolling.

Creates FOMO

The constant snippets fosters a “fear of missing out” in some users who feel obligated to regularly check Messenger for the latest messages. This can feel overwhelming.

Promotes Multitasking

The previews could lead to multitasking between Facebook and Messenger, which reduces user attention and focus.

Who Can See Your Facebook Message Previews?

The visibility of Messenger snippets in your Facebook feed depends on your privacy settings:

Public Profile

If you have a completely public profile, Messenger snippets may be visible to anyone who visits your profile or sees your posts.

Friends-Only Profile

With a friends-only profile, only your added Facebook friends would see message previews in your feed or sidebar.

Private Profile

A fully private profile means no one else besides you can see any part of your Facebook activity, including any Messenger previews.

So the more private your overall privacy settings, the fewer people will ever view any portion of your Messenger conversations on Facebook.

Turning Off Messenger Previews

If you want to prevent Messenger snippets showing up on Facebook at all, you have a few options:

Disable Chat Sidebar

On desktop, click the arrow at the top of the sidebar and select “Turn off chat list” to disable the Messenger chat previews.

Mute Specific Chats

In Messenger, find the conversation you want to mute, click the name, select More Options > Mute > Mute Notifications.

Turn Off Previews

In Facebook Settings > Messenger, turn off “Show Facebook preview snippets in notifications” to disable previews everywhere.

Remove Messenger App

Deleting just the Messenger app from your phone prevents any previews or notifications. Reinstall Messenger when ready to view full conversations again.

Method Platform Effect
Disable Chat Sidebar Desktop Removes sidebar previews
Mute Specific Chats Mobile Disables previews for muted chats
Turn Off Previews All Disables previews site-wide
Remove Messenger App Mobile Disables all previews and notifications


In summary, Facebook shows snippets of Messenger conversations in different parts of the interface, including your news feed, sidebar, and messages tab. The main reasons Facebook does this are to encourage engagement, provide context, and drive Messenger usage. However, some users find the message previews to be distracting or have privacy concerns. If you wish to disable Messenger previews on Facebook, you can do so by turning off the chat sidebar, muting conversations, turning off Facebook’s preview feature, or removing the Messenger app altogether. Ultimately it comes down to your own personal preferences around privacy and productivity.