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Why does Facebook say you can’t message this account?

Why does Facebook say you can’t message this account?

There are a few different reasons why you may see the message “You can’t message this account” when trying to send a message to someone on Facebook. This usually indicates that the recipient’s account settings are restricting who can send them messages. Here are some of the most common causes and solutions for this error message.

The recipient’s message settings are restricted

One of the most likely reasons you can’t message someone is that they have set their messaging settings to only accept messages from friends. On Facebook, you can control who is able to send you messages under the “Message Settings” section in your account settings. Options include:

  • Friends – You can only receive messages from people on your friends list.
  • Friends of Friends – Friends as well as their friends can message you.
  • Public – Anyone on Facebook can send you messages.

If the person you are trying to reach has their settings set to “Friends” and you are not already connected as friends on Facebook, you will encounter the “can’t message this account” error.

To fix this, you need to send them a friend request and have them confirm it before messaging them. If your friend request is ignored or declined, you will not be able to message them unless they adjust their settings.

The account you are trying to reach is fake or inactive

Another possibility is that the Facebook account you are trying to message no longer exists or is fake. Facebook regularly disables accounts that exhibit suspicious behavior to cut down on spam and fake profiles.

If you try to interact with one of these disabled accounts, you’ll get the standard “can’t message this account” notice. There is unfortunately no way around this, as you cannot message accounts that Facebook has deactivated.

Some signs that an account may be fake or inactive include:

  • Very few posts and friends
  • Generic or copied profile information
  • Account was created very recently

If you suspect the account you’re trying to reach is not real, it’s best to just move on and avoid interacting with it altogether.

You have been blocked by the recipient

The recipient may have specifically blocked you from messaging them. On Facebook, you can block other users to prevent them from viewing your profile, posting on your timeline, or sending you messages.

If someone has blocked you, you will get the “can’t message this account” notice if you try to send them a message. Unlike restricting messages to friends only, blocking is specific to individual users.

Reasons the recipient may have blocked you include:

  • You have harassed or spammed them in the past
  • They do not know you and want to prevent unwanted messages
  • You had a disagreement or fight with them
  • They no longer wish to be in contact with you

If you believe you have been blocked, you will need to either resolve the issue outside of Facebook that led to you being blocked, or try to get in touch with the person through another channel or mutual connection.

Your account has messaging restrictions

In some cases, the messaging error may be caused by restrictions placed on your own Facebook account. Facebook may limit your messaging abilities if you have violated their terms of service in the past.

Some reasons your account may have messaging limits include:

  • Sending spam or abusive messages
  • Harassing other users
  • Violating Facebook’s community standards
  • Creating multiple fake accounts

If Facebook has deemed your account untrustworthy, you may be temporarily unable to initiate new message threads with people who are not already your friends. You’ll need to use Facebook without issue for a period of time before your full messaging abilities are restored.

How to troubleshoot the “can’t message” error

If you’re running into the “can’t message this account” error, here are some troubleshooting steps to take:

  • Check if you are already friends with the recipient – if not, send them a friend request.
  • Make sure the recipient’s account appears legitimate and active.
  • Review your past interactions to see if you may have been blocked.
  • Check your own account’s messaging settings and restrictions.
  • Try reaching out on another social platform or channel.
  • Wait a few hours or days in case the issues are temporary.

Getting the error when trying to message someone new is normal, as you won’t share any connections on Facebook. But if you’re seeing it with people you know well, following the steps above should help identify what’s causing the problem.

Ways to message someone you can’t directly message

If troubleshooting does not resolve the “can’t message” error, here are some alternative ways to make contact:

  • Comment publicly on one of their posts – They will be notified and can choose to respond.
  • Send a message request – This goes to their message request folder for them to accept or decline.
  • Use Messenger instead of Facebook messaging if available.
  • Ask a mutual friend to facilitate communication.
  • Connect on another social platform where you can message them.
  • Find and use their publicly available business email or contact form.

While you may not be able to directly message someone, getting creative can help you make contact anyway. Just make sure to remain polite in your outreach.

Why Facebook limits messaging

Facebook puts various messaging limits in place both at the user and platform level for good reasons:

  • Reduce harassment – Messaging limits make it harder for abusive users to bombard unwilling recipients.
  • Limit spam – Requiring connections to message helps cut down on unwanted solicitations.
  • Encourage meaningful connections – Requiring Friend connections promotes using Facebook to interact with existing real-life connections.
  • Improve security – Restricting fake and suspicious accounts protects users.

While messaging limits can be frustrating, they aim to keep all Facebook users safe and limit shady activities like phishing scams. Used responsibly, messaging on Facebook can be a great way to stay in touch.


Being unable to message someone on Facebook due to restrictions is a common annoyance on the platform. However, there are typically clear reasons behind it, whether it’s the recipient’s own settings, an inactive account, or limitations placed on your own account. Following the troubleshooting tips above should help identify the cause so you can find a solution or alternative messaging option. With billions of active users, Facebook has to be careful in limiting how accounts can interact, or else misuse could run rampant.