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Why does Facebook say my password is invalid?

Why does Facebook say my password is invalid?

There are a few common reasons why Facebook may tell you that your password is invalid when trying to log in:

You’ve forgotten your password

The most likely reason Facebook rejects your password is because you’ve simply forgotten it. We all create passwords for dozens of online accounts these days, so it’s understandable if you can’t remember the exact password you set up for your Facebook account.

If you can’t recall your Facebook password, the easiest solution is to reset it. You can initiate a password reset directly through the Facebook login page. Facebook will then send a password reset link to the email address associated with your account. Once you receive the email, click on the link to create a new password. Make sure to choose a strong password you can remember in the future.

You recently changed your password

Another possibility is that you recently changed your Facebook password, but then attempted to log in using your old password out of habit. This is an easy mistake to make if you changed your password in the last few days or weeks.

To fix this, go through the password reset process again. When you create your new password, double check that it matches the updated password you recently set. Make sure to update any places where the old password may have been saved, like on your phone or computer browser.

You’re using the wrong email/username

Facebook allows you to log in using either your email address or your Facebook username. It’s possible you may be mistakenly trying to enter your password using the wrong login credential.

To rule out this possibility, check to make sure you’re using the correct email address or username associated with your Facebook account when attempting to log in. You may need to reset your password through both login options to determine the right one.

Your account was hacked

In some cases, getting an invalid password error from Facebook may indicate your account has been hacked. A hacker may have changed your password to lock you out of your account.

If you suspect your Facebook account has been compromised, it’s important to try to regain access to it as soon as possible. Go through the password reset process and be sure to change your password to something completely new that only you know. Also turn on two-factor authentication for additional security.

You have caps lock on

One simple explanation for Facebook rejecting your password is that you accidentally have caps lock enabled while typing it. Facebook passwords are case-sensitive, so if you’re entering your password with the caps lock on, it will not recognize it as valid.

Before attempting to log in again, make sure caps lock is not enabled. Type your password carefully using the correct capitalization. This small fix should allow you to access your account.

Your account was disabled

In some cases, Facebook may completely disable accounts for policy violations. If your account has been disabled by Facebook, you will receive an invalid password error when attempting to log in.

You can check if your account has been disabled by trying to reset your password. Facebook will notify you if your account has been disabled and allow you to submit an appeal.

You’re entering your password incorrectly

Sometimes the issue can be as simple as accidentally entering your password wrong each time you try to log in. For example, mixing up the order of digits or letters, substituting similar looking characters, or leaving off a character at the beginning or end.

To avoid any typos, try carefully typing out your password in a text document first. Double check that you’re accurately entering the exact same password to log into Facebook. This will ensure you’re not making a mistake inputting it.

Your browser or Facebook app is not updated

Using an outdated browser or Facebook app version can sometimes lead to login issues that produce an invalid password error. Check that you have installed the latest updates and patches for your browser and the Facebook mobile app.

Updating to the newest software version can resolve bugs that may be preventing Facebook from recognizing your password.

You have an account security key enabled

If you’ve set up physical security keys as an added layer of account protection, Facebook will require you to enter your password and also verify the key to log in successfully.

Make sure you have your account security key handy whenever you need to access Facebook. Your password alone will come back as invalid until you complete the two-step authentication.

Your Facebook password was reset

If your Facebook password was reset without your knowledge, any password you try to use will come back invalid. This could happen if a hacker initiated a password reset for your account via the forgot password option.

Check your email inbox for any unknown password reset emails from Facebook. If you see one, immediately go reset your password again and secure your account.

You’re temporarily locked out

Entering an incorrect Facebook password too many times can temporarily lock you out of your account as a security precaution. You may get an error saying your account is temporarily locked when you try to log in.

In this case, you just need to wait out the short lockout period, which is usually an hour or less. Once it ends you’ll be able to attempt entering your password again or reset it if needed.

Your Facebook password expired

For very sensitive or old accounts, Facebook may expire passwords after a certain time period requiring users to reset them. If your password has expired, you’ll get an invalid password error when logging in.

Go through the reset password flow to create a new password. Facebook will usually notify you ahead of time before your password is set to expire.

You have an invalid character in your password

Facebook does not allow certain special characters to be used in passwords. Trying to log in with a password containing an invalid character like %, &, or ! will result in an error.

When resetting your password, stick to letters, numbers and allowed special characters like periods, dashes, underscores. Avoid any other symbols or emojis which could cause login issues.

You’re not connecting to the official Facebook site

Only entering your Facebook login credentials directly on or the official Facebook app will allow you to access your account. Fake Facebook login pages phishing for user passwords will give an invalid error.

Carefully check the URL and domain you are entering your Facebook username and password on. Make sure you are visiting the legitimate Facebook website and not a lookalike deceiving you.

Cookies/cache need to be cleared

Corrupted cookies or cached Facebook login data on your device could be preventing Facebook from recognizing your password. Try clearing your cookies and cache to remove any bad login data.

After clearing cookies/cache, close down your browser completely and relaunch it. Then navigate back to Facebook to try entering your password again for a fresh login attempt.

You have an incorrect date/time setting

An incorrect system date or time setting on your device can lead to connectivity issues with Facebook and an invalid password error. Make sure your device’s date and time are set correctly.

You may need to manually adjust the date/time or sync it with an online time server to resolve any discrepancy preventing Facebook login.

You’re using a VPN or proxy service

Facebook may block login attempts from certain VPN or proxy server IP addresses it deems suspicious. Using a VPN or proxy can cause your valid password to appear invalid.

Try disconnecting from the VPN or proxy and logging into Facebook directly through your internet provider’s IP address instead. You can reconnect after accessing your account.

There’s a temporary site outage

In rare cases, you may get an invalid password error due to Facebook platform issues like server outages. Your password itself is fine, but an outage prevents login verification.

Check the Facebook Site Status page to see if any known issues are affecting logins. Trying again later once service is restored should allow you to access your account.

You have special characters in your password

While Facebook allows some special characters like periods in passwords, others like angle brackets, curly brackets, backslashes, and inverted commas are restricted.

If your password contains any special characters not allowed by Facebook, you will get an invalid error at login. Stick to standard letters, numbers, and allowed symbols when creating a Facebook password.

Your account was memorialized

Facebook memorializes user accounts in remembrance after receiving proof of death. Memorialized accounts require a special login process for authorized family members.

If your account was memorialized, resetting the password yourself will not work. Contact Facebook to regain access to a memorialized account as an authorized representative.

You have an old third-party app connected

Outdated or compromised Facebook apps that you previously gave account access to can cause login problems leading to an invalid password error.

Check your app settings and remove any unfamiliar or old third-party services connected to your account. Resetting your password afterward can resolve this issue.

Facebook is having a widespread outage

In rare cases, Facebook experiences widespread technical issues across its platform that affects logins globally. This can prevent your perfectly valid password from being accepted.

Check Facebook’s outage status online to confirm if they are experiencing server downtime. Your password will work again once service is fully restored after an outage.

You have an account login approval requirement enabled

If you’ve enabled the Facebook feature requiring approval of new devices attempting to login, you will need to approve each new device before your password works.

Check your email for any pending approvals Facebook has sent regarding device logins. Approve the device and then your valid password will be recognized.


Facebook rejecting your password is usually just a temporary annoyance that can be fixed by resetting it or clearing up what’s causing the issue. In rare cases it may indicate your account is compromised and needs to be secured. By methodically checking all potential reasons, you can quickly get back into your account and resolve any invalid password error.