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Why does Facebook say I am offline?

Why does Facebook say I am offline?

There are a few potential reasons why Facebook may show that you are offline even when you are actively using the site or app:

Your Privacy Settings

One of the most common reasons is that you have adjusted your privacy settings to appear offline. Facebook gives you the option to control whether your friends can see when you are active or online.

To change this setting on desktop:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right corner and select “Settings & Privacy”
  2. Click on “Settings”
  3. Click on “Privacy”
  4. Under “How people can find and contact you”, click on “See more settings”
  5. Under “Active status”, choose “No one” to appear offline to all friends. You can also customize this by selecting “Friends except…” to hide your active status from specific people.

To change this on mobile:

  1. Tap on the three line menu in the bottom right
  2. Scroll down and tap on “Settings & Privacy”
  3. Tap on “Settings”
  4. Tap on “Privacy”
  5. Tap on “Active Status”
  6. Select “No One” or customize who can see your activity

Turning Off Active Status

If you have turned off your active status completely, Facebook will always show you as offline. Double check that you have not toggled off the “Show when you’re active” option if you want friends to see when you are online.

Connection Issues

Problems with your internet connectivity can also cause Facebook to show you as offline erroneously. Here are some troubleshooting steps:

  • Check that your device is connected to the internet – toggle airplane mode on and off.
  • Restart your device.
  • Update the Facebook app if there are any pending updates available.
  • Delete and reinstall the Facebook app if connectivity issues persist.

Issues on Facebook’s end could also be causing this. Try checking Facebook’s Platform Status page to see if they have reported any known issues.

You’ve Been Blocked or Unfriended

If someone has blocked you or unfriended you on Facebook, it will also show you as offline from their perspective. A few signs that this may have happened:

  • You can no longer view their profile or see any of their posts
  • Chat messages to them will not go through
  • You no longer appear on their friends list

Unfortunately the only way to know for sure is if that person confirms they have blocked or unfriended you. There is no Facebook notification when this happens.

Banned or Disabled Account

If your Facebook account has been banned or temporarily disabled for violating Facebook’s terms, you will also appear offline to all your friends. Some reasons this could happen:

  • Suspicious or compromised account activity
  • Abusive, dangerous or spammy content
  • Fake or inaccurate information on your profile

You will need to contact Facebook support for help regaining access to your disabled account.

Site or App Glitches

In some cases, glitches in the Facebook website or apps can cause it to show you offline erroneously:

  • Try force quitting and reopening the Facebook app on your device
  • Clear the app cache and data before reopening
  • Try accessing Facebook from a different web browser
  • Clear your browser cookies and cache

If the issue persists across devices and web browsers, it’s likely due to another reason on this list.

Facebook is Down

Major outages where Facebook is down for all users will also show everyone as offline. Check Downdetector or Facebook’s Twitter account to see if they are experiencing widespread technical issues.

In this case, all you can do is wait for Facebook’s engineers to get things back up and running. The offline status is an automatic effect of the outage.

How to Troubleshoot Facebook Offline Issues

Here is a summary of steps to troubleshoot appearing offline on Facebook when you should be online:

  1. Check your privacy settings and active status toggle.
  2. Confirm your device has an internet connection.
  3. Restart your device and the Facebook app.
  4. Update the Facebook app.
  5. Consider whether someone may have blocked or unfriended you.
  6. Check if your account has been banned or disabled.
  7. Try alternate web browsers and devices.
  8. Clear app cache/data and browser cookies.
  9. See if Facebook is having widespread technical issues.

If the problem persists across troubleshooting steps, your best bet is to contact Facebook support directly for additional help.

Why Facebook Active Status Matters

Being shown as offline when you are actively using Facebook can be frustrating and confusing. But why does your active status even matter?

Knowing when friends are online helps facilitate real-time connections – you can see who is available for chat or reach out to coordinate plans. It also builds transparency and trust when you can see your real friends consistently active.

However, some users prefer to appear offline for privacy reasons. Facebook’s settings give you full control to limit who can view your activity.

Offline status can also fuel feelings of social exclusion if you think your friends are actively avoiding you. Remember that glitches happen and don’t jump to conclusions if someone seems offline unexpectedly.

With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, uptime and reliability issues are inevitable even for a platform as large as Facebook. Have patience and focus on real world connections if you encounter technical frustrations.

Psychology of Active Status

Social media active status taps into some fundamental psychological needs and behaviors:

  • FOMO – Seeing others active can trigger fear of missing out on connections and experiences.
  • Engagement – Idle presence indicators motivate more persistent usage and attention from users.
  • Inclusion – Being able to share your active status helps satisfy the human need to belong.
  • Control – Toggling your active status empowers you to signal availability on your own terms.

Platforms rely on these factors to increase sticky user behaviors. But smart utilization of active status features can optimize your social media experience.

Appearing Offline on Other Platforms

Facebook is not the only social media platform that shows your active or online status. Here are a few other popular apps and sites that indicate when users are currently active:


Like parent company Facebook, Instagram has online indicators in DM chats and displays “Active x minutes ago” in the app and profiles.


The messaging app shows when contacts are online, typing, or last active. Read receipts also indicate if your messages were seen.


Twitter removed their online presence indicator in 2017. You can no longer see if followers are currently active on the platform.


Your network connections can’t see if you are online. But you can enable notifications to see when your connections are active.


Skype has presence indicators when users are online, busy, away, or offline across mobile, desktop, and web.

Understanding how each platform handles active and online status can help optimize your social experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some commonly asked questions about Facebook’s offline status issues:

Why does Facebook say I’m active when I’m not using it?

This is likely due to Facebook’s background app refresh processes which keep the app updated even when not directly in use. You may see “Active now” even if you aren’t actively scrolling.

Can you tell if someone is lurking on your Facebook?

There is no way to definitively know if someone is lurking or viewing your profile anonymously. Facebook’s active status only shows when a user is online in general.

Why does Messenger say active but not Facebook?

Facebook and Messenger have separate apps which handle active status differently. You can be shown active on one but not the other depending on privacy settings and background activity.

Can you see who views your Facebook 2022?

Facebook does not have a public view of who has visited your profile. Third party apps claiming to show profile views are not legitimate.

Does deleting Facebook delete Messenger?

No, deleting your Facebook account does not automatically delete your Messenger account or data. You’ll need to separately delete your Messenger account.


Facebook showing you offline when you’re actively using it can certainly be an annoyance. But in most cases it is caused by privacy settings, technical glitches, or connection issues that can be resolved with a little troubleshooting.

Understanding the psychology around active status and online presence indicators can help put these frustrations in perspective. Social media creates pressure around being perpetually present and connected. But real world connections are what matters most.

Try not to read into offline status too deeply, and focus instead on the conversations and relationships you cultivate on and off social platforms. With some technical savvy and proper privacy controls, you can optimize your Facebook experience.