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Why does Facebook say can’t send requests?

Why does Facebook say can’t send requests?

Facebook showing the “can’t send friend requests” error message can be frustrating. There are a few potential reasons why Facebook may prevent you from sending friend requests.

You’ve sent too many friend requests

Facebook limits the number of friend requests you can send in a certain time period as an anti-spam measure. If you send too many requests too quickly, Facebook will temporarily block your ability to send more requests.

The exact request limit isn’t publicly known, but seems to be around 100 requests per day. If you hit this limit, you’ll see the “can’t send requests” error for 24 hours before being able to send more.

Your account is new

Facebook also limits new accounts from sending too many requests right away. This is to prevent spammers and bots from abusing the friend request system.

If your account is less than 48 hours old, you may be blocked from sending requests after adding just 10-15 friends. The limit will gradually increase as your account ages.

You aren’t friends with many mutual friends

Facebook wants friend requests to come from people you likely know in real life. One way they determine this is by looking at how many mutual friends you share with the person you want to add.

If you don’t have many (or any) mutual friends with someone, Facebook may block you from sending them a direct request. Instead, you’ll have to send them a message first to establish more of a connection.

Your account or activity looks suspicious

Facebook restricts accounts that show signs of being fake, spammy, or engaged in prohibited activity. Some things that may trigger restrictions include:

  • Using a fake name
  • Sending lots of requests to strangers
  • Getting repeatedly reported for harassment
  • Sending spammy messages
  • Having your account compromised

If your behavior seems suspicious, Facebook may limit your ability to interact with others, including sending friend requests.

Their settings don’t allow requests

Some users configure their privacy settings to not allow friend requests from people they don’t already know. If someone has disabled friend requests in this way, you’ll get the “can’t send request” message when trying to add them.

The only way around this is for them to add you first or adjust their settings to allow requests from everyone or friends of friends.

Their friend list is full

Facebook limits users to 5,000 friends on their main friend list. If someone already has the maximum allowed friends, you won’t be able to send them a request.

They would need to delete existing friends to free up space for new connections. Most active users don’t reach the 5,000 limit.

You’re blocked

If someone has blocked you on Facebook, you won’t be able to send them a friend request. This applies even if they previously deleted you as a friend.

Being blocked means all content from your account will be hidden from that person. The only way to send a request is if they choose to unblock you.

Their account is deactivated

You can’t send friend requests to accounts that have been deactivated or deleted. If someone removed their Facebook account, it no longer exists to receive requests.

The “can’t send request” message may also show for temporarily deactivated accounts. You would need to try again if they reactivate their profile.

It’s a celebrity or organization

Public figure and organization pages have separate confirmation requirements to get added as a “fan.” You can’t simply send them a friend request.

To follow a celebrity or company, you’ll need to click their page’s “Like” or “Follow” button instead.

Their account was hacked

Facebook may restrict compromised accounts from sending friend requests. This helps prevent hackers from using peoples’ accounts to spread spam or malware.

If you get the “can’t send request” message when trying to add a friend whose account was recently hacked, let them know so they can regain full access.

There’s a technical issue

Like any website, Facebook can have technical glitches that affect certain features. Problems sending friend requests could indicate a bug or temporary outage.

Try again later or check Facebook’s Help Center for known issues. If the problem persists, contact Facebook support for troubleshooting.

You violated Facebook’s policies

Serious or repeat violations of Facebook’s Terms of Service can get your account restricted or disabled. This may include bans on liking, posting, sending messages, and adding friends.

Review Facebook’s community standards and make sure your account activity follows their rules. You can appeal policy-related restrictions through the Help Center.


The “can’t send friend requests” message on Facebook typically indicates some type of limitation on your account or activity. It’s usually temporary and resolves on its own over time as you establish yourself as a legitimate user.

Be patient, avoid spammy behavior, and make sure you’re following Facebook’s guidelines. Contact support if the issue persists with no obvious cause. With some time and proper account use, your ability to connect with friends should return.

Reason Details Solution
Sent too many requests Hit Facebook’s daily request limit, usually around 100 Wait 24 hours before sending more requests
New account Accounts under 48 hours old have lower request limits Wait for account to age and limits to increase
No mutual friends Facebook blocks requests to people you have no connections with Try messaging person first to establish connection
Suspicious activity Fake accounts, spamming, harassment, etc. Use account legitimately and avoid violations
Their settings block requests User has disabled incoming requests in settings Wait for them to adjust settings or add you first
Full friend list User already has the 5,000 friend maximum Wait for them to delete existing friends
You’re blocked User manually blocked you from their account Wait for them to unblock you
Deactivated account Can’t request inactive, deleted, or temporary accounts Try again if account becomes active
Celebrity/organization page Need to “like” or “follow” public figure pages instead Click their page’s Follow or Like button
Hacked account Facebook restricts compromised accounts’ activity Let user regain account access
Technical issue Bugs, glitches, or temporary outage Try again later or check for known issues
Policy violation Banned from requesting for Terms of Service violations Appeal restriction and avoid future violations

Facebook places limits on how many friend requests you can send to avoid spam and abuse. Going over these limits triggers the “can’t send request” error. Be patient and use your account legitimately to regain the ability to connect with people.

The specific request limit is not made public, but seems to be around 100 requests per day for established accounts. New accounts have much lower limits at first. Restrictions usually lift after 24 hours.

Other things that can trigger the “can’t send request” error include having no mutual friends, the recipient’s account settings, being blocked, and violations of Facebook’s policies. Review the possible reasons and solutions in this article to troubleshoot your particular case.

With time and proper account use, Facebook should allow you to start sending requests again soon. Contact support if you think the restriction was made in error or continues beyond reasonable timeframes. Being unable to connect with people defeats the purpose of social media, so Facebook aims to restore request abilities as soon as abusive activity is ruled out.

Facebook is designed to connect people, but also has safeguards in place to maintain a positive environment. Finding the right balance between the two is an ongoing process. With over 2 billion users, no solution will work perfectly in all cases. By understanding the motivations behind Facebook’s limits and sticking to community guidelines, you can avoid issues and focus on building relationships.

Stay patient, be thoughtful in your friend requests, and keep your account usage reasonable. If you follow Facebook’s rules and give it time, things should return to normal soon. Facebook’s aim is to maximize authentic connections, so temporary hurdles are meant to identify and stop disruptive behavior as quickly as possible.

Keep providing value through your interactions and presence on Facebook. The ability to send requests will return once you’ve demonstrated you want to use it responsibly. Social media works best when people act in good faith. Follow that spirit, and you’ll avoid future issues sending friend requests.

Facebook’s goal is to enable meaningful connections while limiting spam, abuse, and low-quality interactions. Striking the right balance through platform policies and algorithms is an ongoing process. If you hit the “can’t send request” wall, be patient, use your account legitimately, and things should resolve in reasonable timeframes. Stay engaged, avoid anything spammy or harassing, and you’ll be back to connecting with people soon.

Sending friend requests is a key part of building relationships on Facebook. Running into issues that block requests can be frustrating, but is usually temporary. Facebook aims to resolve problems for legitimate users who follow community guidelines and demonstrate positive behavior. Keep your activity reasonable, give restrictions time to lift, and focus on providing value through your account. With some patience and care, you’ll be reconnecting with people in no time.