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Why does Facebook say access denied?

Why does Facebook say access denied?

If you try to access your Facebook account and get a message saying “access denied,” there are a few potential reasons why this is happening.

You’re Temporarily Locked Out

One of the most common reasons for the “access denied” message is that you’ve been temporarily locked out of your account. This can happen for a few different reasons:

  • You entered your password incorrectly too many times. Facebook will lock your account temporarily after a certain number of failed login attempts as a security precaution.
  • Someone tried to log into your account from an unknown device or location. Facebook may temporarily restrict access when there is suspicious login activity to protect your account.
  • Your account was flagged for suspicious activity. If Facebook detects strange behavior that might indicate your account has been compromised, they may lock it down temporarily.

If you’re temporarily locked out, you just need to wait a while before trying to log in again. The amount of time varies, but it’s usually between a few hours and a few days. If you can still access your email account associated with Facebook, you may also find an email from Facebook explaining why your account was locked.

You Violated Facebook’s Policies

Facebook will restrict access to accounts that violate their terms of service or community standards. Some examples of policy violations that could get you banned include:

  • Sharing hate speech, bullying, or violent threats
  • Posting spam or fake accounts
  • Infringing on copyrights or trademarks
  • Spreading misinformation or hoaxes

If your account was disabled because it went against Facebook’s policies, you would have received an email notification explaining the reason for the ban. Depending on the severity of the violation, bans can last anywhere from 24 hours to indefinitely.

Your Account Was Hacked

If someone was able to access your Facebook account without your knowledge, they may have changed the password and locked you out. Account hacks usually happen in a few ways:

  • You reused the same password on multiple accounts, and one of those accounts was compromised in a data breach. Hackers will take leaked account info and try it on other popular sites like Facebook.
  • You fell for a phishing scam asking you to enter your Facebook login credentials on a fake page.
  • Malware or spyware was installed on your device to steal passwords and account access.

If you suspect your Facebook account has been hacked, try resetting your password through the password recovery options. You’ll need access to the email or phone number associated with the Facebook account. If you can’t reset the password because your recovery options have been changed, report the hack to the Facebook security team.

Your Account Was Deactivated

Facebook may deactivate accounts that have been completely inactive for an extended period. If you haven’t logged into your Facebook account for a few years, it’s possible the profile was simply deactivated due to inactivity.

Reactivating a deactivated account is straightforward. Just log back into Facebook with your old credentials. Most account information will still be there, unless it has been so long that the account was deleted from Facebook’s system entirely.

You Have an Outstanding Account Balance

If you owe Facebook money related to advertising fees or other paid services, they can restrict access to your account until the balance is paid off. You would receive billing notices informing you about the past due amount before a limitation is placed on the account.

Your Account is in Facebook Jail

“Facebook jail” refers to when your account is placed in a read-only mode temporarily, but you are not fully banned. This happens when you violate Facebook’s terms of service, but not severely enough for a permanent ban. Some activities that could land you in Facebook jail include:

  • Posting clickbait or sensational content
  • Sending too many friend requests or messages
  • Promoting products in a way that violates Facebook’s rules
  • Creating duplicate accounts

Spending some time in Facebook jail still allows you to view your feed and messages. But you cannot post content, respond to messages, or interact with other users. A stint in Facebook jail may last from a day up to 30 days depending on the severity and number of offenses.

You Have Restricted Account Access

Parents of younger Facebook users often restrict accounts for children under 13. Access to certain features may be denied until the child reaches the minimum age requirement. As the parent or legal guardian, you have the option to remove restrictions once your child turns 13.

Access can also be restricted when someone reports inappropriate behavior from a minor and Facebook agrees to place limitations after a review. Restricting an underage user’s account prevents them from accessing certain features but still allows them to stay connected with parent-approved friends.

Your Account Was Memorialized

Facebook can memorialize accounts of users who have passed away. Memorialized accounts have very limited functionality to prevent inappropriate access while still preserving the memory of the deceased user. The word “Remembering” will appear next to the name of a memorialized account. Only confirmed friends can locate or view memorialized profiles.

You Don’t Meet the Minimum Age Requirement

To sign up for a Facebook account, you need to be at least 13 years old. If Facebook suspects an account belongs to someone under 13, they will restrict access. To regain full account functionality, you will need to provide proof you meet the minimum age such as by confirming your date of birth or providing documentation.

Your Account Was Compromised by a Friend or Relative

If a friend or family member accessed your Facebook account without your consent, they may have changed login credentials or security settings to lock you out. Reach out to the person directly and ask them to undo any changes so you can regain access. As a precaution going forward, do not share your Facebook password with others.

You’re Accessing Facebook from a Restricted Location

Facebook is blocked or banned in some countries and regions. If you travel or move somewhere where Facebook is restricted, you’ll get the access denied message when trying to log in. To restore access, use a VPN to route your traffic through another region or access Facebook when you are in a different location.

Your Network Connection is Unstable

Before assuming your account is restricted, rule out any connectivity issues on your end. Errors like “access denied” can appear if you have an unstable internet connection. Check that your WiFi or mobile data is working properly before trying to log in again. Restarting your modem or device may also resolve temporary network problems.

You’re Logged Into Another Facebook Account

If you use multiple Facebook accounts, make sure you have fully logged out of your other profiles before attempting to log back into the restricted account. Being simultaneously logged into multiple accounts, especially from the same browser or device, can sometimes confuse Facebook’s systems and result in login errors.

Cookies and Cache Need to be Cleared

Over time, cookies, cached data and browsing history can get corrupted and cause issues with accessing Facebook. Try clearing your cache and cookies, closing all browser windows, and logging back into Facebook in a fresh browser session. This eliminates any corrupted browser data that may be hindering your access.

Your Account Was Deleted

In some cases, Facebook may permanently delete accounts from their system if no activity is detected after a prolonged period or if there are major, unresolved policy violations. Once an account is deleted, there is unfortunately no way to get it back. You would have to sign up for a brand new account.

You’re Entering the Wrong Password

It may sound obvious, but double check that you are entering your Facebook password correctly before assuming another issue is preventing access. Something as simple as an incorrect capitalization, missing character, or transposed number could be the reason you can’t log in.

Two-Factor Authentication is Enabled

If you set up two-factor authentication for enhanced account security, you need to enter your password plus the security code generated by your authentication app or sent via text. Not entering the secondary security code will result in denied access even with the proper password.

You Have an Outstanding Account Balance

If you owe Facebook money related to advertising fees or other paid services, they can restrict access to your account until the balance is paid off. You would receive billing notices informing you about the past due amount before a limitation is placed on the account.

There’s a Problem on Facebook’s End

In rare cases, login problems or restricted access may be caused by technical issues on Facebook’s end. Server outages, failed updates, and bugs can sometimes create login glitches. Check Facebook’s technical support pages and social media feeds for any notices about known issues impacting account access.

You’re Using an Unsupported Browser

Facebook periodically ends support for outdated browsers that can’t handle new features. Using an old web browser that Facebook no longer supports could present challenges logging into your account. Ensure you upgrade to the latest version of a supported browser like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge.

Third-Party App Access Was Revoked

If you granted login permission to any third-party Facebook apps or services, Facebook may lock your account from some access if suspicious activity is noticed. Review connected apps in your Facebook settings and remove access for any unfamiliar or unwanted services.

You Have a Facebook “Lite” Account

Facebook Lite and Facebook Zero are trimmed-down versions of Facebook designed for slower connections. These lightweight mobile apps do not include all the same features and functionality as the full Facebook app. Switch over to the standard Facebook mobile app or desktop site.

You’re Using the Wrong URL

One simple mistake that can lead to login problems is entering an incorrect URL for Facebook’s website. Make sure you are accessing Facebook through their actual domain – – and not a lookalike phishing site.

Content Filtering Software is Blocking Access

If you use filtering software that restricts access to certain sites and online content, it may block access to Facebook. Try adding Facebook to your approved sites list or disabling the content filter temporarily to determine if it’s the cause of the login issues.

Your ISP is Having Issues

Problems with your internet service provider’s network infrastructure can sometimes prevent accessing certain sites and services. Determine if the issue is affecting your ability to access other sites besides just Facebook. If so, contact your ISP to report connectivity problems.

You’re Using a School or Work Network

Many schools, colleges, and workplaces block access to Facebook through their networks. Try accessing your account using a personal data connection instead of an institutional network with restrictions.

Your Account Was Flagged by Users

If several people report an issue with your Facebook account, it can trigger automated access restrictions pending a manual review by Facebook’s security team. Avoid posting duplicate or questionable content that could be flagged as abusive or spammy.

You Have an Outstanding Account Issue

If your Facebook account has an unresolved issue like an unpaid balance, reported violation, or disabled feature, you may experience login problems until it gets addressed. Check your email notifications for any required action to regain full account access.

Your Password Needs to be Reset

If none of the previous reasons apply, you may simply need to reset your Facebook password through the password recovery options. Receiving an “access denied” message for no clear reason usually means your existing login credentials are not working properly and need to be reset.


Getting an “access denied” message when trying to log into Facebook can be frustrating. But in most cases, the restriction is temporary and easily resolved. The most common reasons involve incorrect login credentials, suspicious account activity, policy violations resulting in a ban, or temporary lockouts due to too many failed login attempts.

If you cannot resolve the login issues yourself, contact Facebook support through the Facebook Help Center for additional troubleshooting. Make sure to check your email inbox too for any notices from Facebook about a restricted account.