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Why does Facebook say a post has 1 comment but when you click the link nothing shows up?

Why does Facebook say a post has 1 comment but when you click the link nothing shows up?

The Issue

You open up Facebook and scroll through your newsfeed. You see a friend has made a post that already has a comment. Out of curiosity, you click on the post to view the comment, but nothing shows up! What gives?

This confusing situation is something many Facebook users have likely encountered. You see that tantalizing notification that a post has comments, but when you go to look at them, there’s nothing there. It’s quite perplexing.

There are a few possible explanations for this phenomenon:

The Comment was Deleted

The most straightforward reason a comment might not show up is because it was deleted after initially being posted. When someone makes a comment on a Facebook post, they have the option to go back and delete it later if they change their mind.

Facebook’s system tallies the total number of comments when they are first made. Even if a comment is subsequently deleted, that tally does not automatically adjust. So you may see “1 comment” but open the post to find zero comments remaining.

Thisfits with the expectation that the ability to delete comments is useful for removing things you regret or no longer want associated with your name. However, the quirk of the comment count not updating creates the disconnect between comments indicated and comments visible.

The Comment came from a Blocked User

Another plausible reason comments could go missing relates to Facebook’s blocking features. If the user who made the comment is on your blocked list, their comment will be invisible to you, even though Facebook’s system still registers it as existing.

Blocking on Facebook removes someone from interacting with any part of your profile. Any comments or posts they make will not be visible to you when you log in. You will be unaware of their attempt to interact.

Again, the total comment tally does not automatically adjust when comments are blocked. So you may see “1 comment” but the actual comment is hidden from your view. This allows Facebook’s blocking features to work seamlessly in the background without confusing notification numbers dropping or readjusting.

It was marked as Spam

Facebook has filters in place to try to limit spam comments on posts. Their algorithms look for signs of repeated, bot-generated content and automatically mark these comments as spam.

If another user came along and marked a comment as spam or as containing inappropriate/abusive language, that could also cause a single comment to disappear from view.

These spam and abuse filters serve an important purpose in keeping unwanted content off Facebook. But again, the side effect is comment counts briefly showing content that is filtered out and invisible by the time you go to view it.

A Facebook Glitch

It’s also possible there is simply a glitch in Facebook’s system where the comment count gets mistakenly inflated during some kind of update or refresh. With a platform as massive and complex as Facebook, occasional bugs are bound to occur.

Sometimes the comment tally might inaccurately go up, even though no new readable comments were actually added. A refresh or reloading the post/page should resolve this technical hiccup.

You are Temporarily Banned from Commenting

In some cases, the “missing” comment that Facebook claims is there was made by you! If you have recently been banned from commenting or posting on Facebook, your comments will still register in the tally but will not be visible to other users.

Temporary restrictions on posting and interacting are usually the result of violating Facebook’s community standards too many times. This moderation of activity is done to maintain the platform’s rules and integrity.

But as a result, your comments exist in Facebook’s system but are withheld from public view during the duration of the ban. The notification count reflecting your hidden comment can look like a glitch until the restriction lifts.

When the Comment Tally Updates

In most of these scenarios, the mismatch between comments shown and comments seen is temporary. After a certain amount of time passes, Facebook’s system will re-sync things like:

  • Deleted comments being removed from the tally
  • Blocked comments no longer factoring into your view
  • Spam marked comments being subtracted from the count
  • Banned user comments disappearing from public tally after ban lifts

So while it can be puzzling to see the “comment void” where a comment is implied but not displayed, things tend to correct themselves before long.

The most persistent issue is when someone deletes a comment very soon after posting it. Since that leaves a very small window for the comment to be counted, a quick delete can more easily escape Facebook’s synchronization process.

But in most cases, the notification numbers and actual comment visibility reconcile in under 24 hours as caches clear, bans expire, and spam filters reassess.

When to Worry

In very rare cases, a comment count mismatch may point to a larger issue needing investigation:

You are Shadowbanned

Some Facebook users have reported extended issues with their comments not showing to others. In some instances, this can result from being “shadowbanned”.

A shadowban essentially hides all your posts/comments from public view, while still letting you access Facebook normally. You may then see your own non-visible comments register in the tallies.

Shadowbanning is rare and usually results from serious or repeated content policy violations. These bans are applied selectively and generally not publicized or confirmed by Facebook. You may only realize you’ve been shadowbanned from accumulating evidence, like consistent comment vanishing.

If you suspect you have been shadowbanned, it’s wise to lay low and avoid posting for a while to give any restrictions a chance to expire. Abstaining from questionable content and re-reviewing Facebook’s rules is also recommended.

You have been Hacked

A more concerning possibility is that your account may have been hacked. A hacker could be posting comments you cannot see that register under your account.

Some signs of hacking include unfamiliar posts appearing under your name, strange login alerts, emails indicating password changes you didn’t authorize, and other account changes seemingly done without your knowledge.

If you have strong reason to believe your account has been compromised, take urgent steps like changing your password, reviewing login locations, activating two-factor authentication, and alerting Facebook.

You are being Stalked/Harassed

Persistent phantom comments could also be a sign of stalking or harassment from a determined individual. They may rapidly post and delete disturbing comments to avoid moderation while still harassing you.

If you have reason to suspect you are being targeted by someone evading blocks and restrictions, report them to Facebook immediately. Document any evidence you have of their behaviors and escalate your concerns if the standard reporting does not resolve the issue.

Facebook is Glitching Hard

Hopefully none of the above serious situations are at play! But if the comment tally inconsistencies persist for days or seem to affect multiple users, it may just be a platform-wide technical issue.

Widespread glitches with notifications have happened before and eventually get ironed out. Try mentioning the problem directly to Facebook through their Help Community or social media channels. The more cases reported, the faster they may investigate and push a fix.


When Facebook’s comment indicators don’t match reality upon clicking through, don’t panic. In most cases, minor technical hiccups, spam filtering, or user deletions explain the discrepancy.

Allow some time for counts to sync and the actual comment visibility to stabilize based on blocks and bans. But if you have ongoing issues with missing comments, explore other explanations like restrictions on your account or potential harassment.

The “1 comment” that vanishes into thin air is usually a blip rather than a crisis. But persistent notification voids could point to a need to check your account’s standing and security.