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Why does Facebook Reel take so long to upload?

Why does Facebook Reel take so long to upload?

Facebook Reels is a new video feature introduced by Facebook in an attempt to compete with other popular short form video apps like TikTok and Instagram Reels. Reels allows users to create and share 15-30 second multi-clip videos on Facebook and Instagram.

However, many users have been complaining that uploading Facebook Reels takes a much longer time than uploading regular videos or photos on Facebook. Some of the major reasons why Facebook Reels uploads can take so long are:

Large File Size of Reels

Facebook Reels are relatively short videos of 15-30 seconds but the file size is much larger than regular videos of similar length. This is because:

  • Reels are high quality videos with resolution of up to 1080p.
  • Reels support a range of creative editing options like audio, effects, transitions etc. which increase file size.
  • Being multi-clip videos, Reels pack more footage per second as compared to regular single clip videos.

Typical file size of a 30 second Reel could be around 30-50 MB whereas a regular 30 second video may just be 5-10 MB. So Reels take longer to process and upload due to the large file size.

Compression Time

After you finish editing a Reel and click on upload, Facebook compresses the Reel video file size on its servers before making it available on the platform. This compression can take a bit of time depending on the original file size.

The compression not only reduces upload time but also saves storage space and bandwidth for Facebook. But it increases the overall time between you clicking upload and the Reel going live.

Processing Time

Once uploaded, Facebook needs to process the Reel before it can be posted. This includes:

  • Encoding the video into different formats and resolutions.
  • Generating thumbnails.
  • Applying filters and effects.
  • Adding metadata like captions and locations.

This processing also takes some time which adds to the overall upload time.

Reasons for Long Processing Time

Let’s take a more detailed look at some of the technical factors that can make processing of Facebook Reels take longer:

Heavy Usage of Facebook’s Servers

Facebook has millions of users uploading content simultaneously at any given point. With Reels being a popular new feature, there is likely heavy usage load on Facebook’s servers which slows down processing. During peak times like evenings, processing can be especially slow.

Video Encoding Time

Encoding Reels into multiple formats suitable for different devices and resolutions requires video processing which takes time. High resolution 1080p Reels in H264 format can take longer to encode than lower resolution or different video codecs.

Audio Encoding

Any audio in the Reel, whether originally recorded or added as background music, also needs to be encoded into suitable audio formats like AAC. More complex audio with multiple tracks takes longer to encode.

Effects and Filters

CPU intensive editing options like filters, AR effects, green screen effects etc. require extensive processing both while editing and after uploading. The more complex effects you use, the longer the processing time.

Number of Clips

Reels made of multiple shorter clips takes longer to stitch together and process compared to simpler single clip Reels. Reels with lots of transitions between clips also take more processing power.

Length of Reel

The maximum length of a Reel is 30 seconds. Longer Reels towards the 30 second limit inherently take more time to process compared to shorter 15-20 second Reels.

Metadata Processing

Metadata like captions, hashtags, locations etc. added to the Reel also requires additional processing which adds to the upload time. Reels with more metadata take longer to process.

Tips to Speed up Reels Upload Time

Here are some tips you can use to try and reduce Facebook Reel upload times:

Use Lower Resolution

Shoot or export Reels at 720p resolution rather than 1080p to significantly cut down file size and upload time. The lower resolution is still high enough quality for the small mobile screens that Reels are made for.

Shorter Length

Stick to 15 or 20 second Reels instead of maximizing the 30 second limit to have faster processing. Shorter Reels normally have smaller file sizes too.

Avoid Heavy Editing

Limit special effects, filters and transitions as much as possible. Use simpler editing options and only essential effects to avoid lengthy processing times.

Fewer Clips

Single clip Reels upload faster than multi-clip Reels. Also limit transitions and avoid jumping between too many clips.

Simple Audio

Use audio sparingly in your Reels, ideally just a simple music track rather than complex layered audio. Recording separate voiceover audio also adds processing time.

Optimize Timing

Avoid uploading Reels during peak evening hours when Facebook’s servers are busy with maximum traffic. Early mornings or late nights have faster processing times.

Use Facebook Creator Studio

Uploading Reels through Facebook’s Creator Studio web interface can be faster than mobile apps. You can also schedule uploads for non-peak times.

Be Patient

Have realistic expectations of processing times, especially for longer or complex Reels. Instead of re-uploading, wait for the Reel to go live – this avoids duplicates.

Expected Reels Upload Times

Here are the average Facebook Reels upload and processing times based on different parameters:

Parameter Upload Time
Resolution 720p: 1-2 mins | 1080p: 2-3 mins
Length 15 secs: 1-2 mins | 30 secs: 2-3 mins
Number of Clips Single clip: 1-2 mins | Multi-clip: 3-4 mins
Effects Used Simple: 1-2 mins | Heavy: 3-4 mins
Audio Tracks None: 1-2 mins | Single: 2 mins | Multiple: 3 mins
Peak Usage Hours Evenings: 3-5 mins | Rest of day: 1-3 mins

These are just rough estimates – actual times can vary based on specific Reel content, device performance, internet speeds and other factors. Very complex Reels with max settings may take over 5 minutes in some cases.

Does Facebook Reel Upload Time Affect Reach?

Longer upload times can be annoying but they don’t directly impact a Reel’s performance or reach after it goes live. Some key points:

  • The Reel upload time does not affect how Facebook’s algorithm detects and promotes engaging Reels.
  • Upload time does not make a difference to metrics like views, likes, shares or comments a Reel gets.
  • Faster uploading Reels don’t get priority over slower uploading ones in News Feed or Reels recommendations.
  • Taking a long time to process does not limit a Reel’s distribution or restrict its audience reach in any way.

The most important factors for a Reel’s performance are its content, quality and engagement. As long as your video uploads successfully, the upload time has no bearing on how much reach it ultimately gets on Facebook.

Alternatives If Facebook Reels Upload Takes Too Long

If you regularly find Facebook Reels taking too long to upload due to large file sizes or slow processing, you can look at these alternatives:

Upload from Desktop

Use the Facebook Creator Studio on desktop browsers for faster Reel uploads compared to mobile. You can also schedule uploads for non-peak times.

Downsize Resolution Before Uploading

Edit Reel resolution and trim file size on your device itself before uploading to Facebook. This avoids long processing times.

Try Different Video Formats

Record or export Reels as MP4 or other efficient video formats instead of MOV files which have much larger file sizes.

Download Processed Reels

You can download already processed Reels from Facebook and re-upload to other apps like Instagram or TikTok. Useful when you need to quickly share on multiple platforms.

Use Shorter Segments

Break up long Reels into multiple 15 second segments and upload individually for quicker processing. You can still share them as a series or collection.

Post at Off-Peak Hours

Schedule Reel uploads for early mornings or late nights to avoid congestion during peak evening times for the fastest processing.

Limit Effects

Minimize editing with too many layered effects or transitions that slow down encoding and processing. Stick to only essential effects.

So in summary – while long Reel upload times can be frustrating, there are ways to optimize the process for faster uploads without impacting your video quality or reach. Being selective with editing, choosing efficient formats and timing your posts well can help shorten the upload and processing time significantly.


Facebook Reels is still a relatively new format but has quickly become very popular given short videos are the future of social media engagement. However, users have complained about Reels taking too long to upload due to the large file sizes and the time Facebook’s servers require to process these before making them available.

The main factors that contribute to longer Reel upload times include higher resolution, longer length, multiple clips, heavy editing with effects and congestion during peak usage hours. While the longer processing can be annoying for users wanting to quickly share Reels, it does not affect the reach or performance of the Reel after uploading.

By optimizing resolution and dimensions, simplifying editing and picking non-peak times, users can try to speed up Facebook Reel uploads. But having some patience is key as allowing time for proper processing ensures the final video output looks great for maximum impact and engagement.